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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. @genesis92x or anyone else who would know if Vcom AI is compatible with MCC4 and GAIA? GAIA is my go to for my AI random waypoints and zone setup in my missions. I would like to have both in a mission for different zones.
  2. @killick did not work ACP's will still get a transport waypoint generated by GAIA and then lose its original waypoints that had a sentry and guard waypoints next to Bridges they are protecting. Each APC has a full squad in it's cargo space so there is really no room for it to pick additional troops up but it still moves attempts to pick them up then moves with the group is attempting to pick up to its destination point and then just sits there idle until it receives another transport waypoint. Very frustrating.
  3. Hello @Theo Thalwitzer Welcome to the forum a simple Google search will give you a half a dozen scripts that allow you to recruit units. Also this forum armaholic and stream workshop you will find all you need. This is one I use a lot for recruiting units during a mission. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26312 Just beware sometimes you will get conflicts using different scripts and mods together as well as scripts and mods may stop working after game updates it's one of the downfalls of using scripts and mods and Arma.
  4. avibird 1

    Supply drop

    @Larrow thank you sir! I will test play in a game situation to see if any bugs or issues using vanilla units weapons and a few chosen scripts/mod's that I have in the mission. MCC4 and JEBUS are a must for me in any mission I use GAIA for most of the AI logisticsband over site for the AI🥰. Zeus enhanced Eden enhanced Achilles and possibly VCOM AI driving because we all know that the AI pathfinding for driving sucks.
  5. avibird 1

    Supply drop

    Found a possible solution but a pain in the ass. It would be so much easier if @Larrow Solution code above still worked by just adding the items you want in the supply box. My issue is I have a 18 man platoon and each unit uses a different weapon some will use the same caliber magazine but that is a lot editing. Lol. Support Provider: Supply Drop (Virtual) {SupportProvider_Virtual_Drop} Methodology Place Player / Playable Unit(s) that you want to be able to call supports Place Systems > Modules > Supports > Support Requester {SupportRequester} module Set any support limits you require Sync Player / Playable Unit(s) to Support Requester module If you are using physical helicopters: Place Systems > Modules > Supports > Support Provider: Supply Drop module Sync the Support Provider: Supply Drop module to the Support Requester module Place Physical Transport Heilcopter(s) Sync Physical Transport Helicopter(s) to the Support Provider: Supply Drop module If you are using virtual helicopters: Place Systems > Modules > Supports > Support Provider: Supply Drop (Virtual) module Sync the Support Provider: Supply Drop (Virtual) module to the Support Requester module Variables: System Specific - Support Provider: Supply Drop Crate Init: Code executed upon crate spawn (Affected crate: _this) System Specific - Support Provider: Supply Drop (Virtual) System: Transformation > Position sets where virtual aircraft will spawn Vehicle Types: Types of vehicles available (Empty array = defaults loaded) UH-80 Ghost Hawk {B_Heli_Transport_01_F} CH-67 Huron {B_Heli_Transport_03_F} CH-67 Huron (Unarmed) {B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F} UH-80 Ghost Hawk (Sand) {B_Heli_Transport_01_sand_F} UH-80 Ghost Hawk (Tropic) {B_Heli_Transport_01_tropic_F} Vehicle Init: Code executed upon vehicle spawn (Affected vehicle: _this) Crate Init: Code executed upon crate spawn (Affected crate: _this) Flitered By: Default pool of vehicles to use Side Faction Cooldown: Support availability delay in seconds Crate Init Removing existing items from the crate: clearWeaponCargo _this; clearMagazineCargo _this; clearItemCargo _this; clearBackpackCargo _this; Adding Weapons: _this addWeaponCargo [weaponName, count]; _this addMagazineCargo [magazineName, count]; _this addItemCargo [item, count]; _this addBackpackCargo [packClassName, count]; You will need to look up the Class Names for the items you wish to add and use the appropriate addXXXCargo command for each. Links to lists of the most common Class Names you'll need are given below. Add Smoke to Crate _signal = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle (position _this); _signal attachTo [_this, [0,0,0]]; Adding Virtual Arsenal to a crate: 0 = ["AmmoboxInit", [_this, true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; Now let my test to see if it still works.
  6. avibird 1

    Supply drop

    Yes I know but want to keep as vanilla as I can. You know there are things that always go wrong when adding different scripts into a mission. Updates compatibility scripts interfering with other scripts ECT. there must be a simple way just to be able to edit to put the ammunition I need for my specific layouts of units in this mission. I will keep looking. And I'm still need to look at your framework and feedback.
  7. avibird 1

    Supply drop

    @Larrow or anyone how will no how to make this work. Larrow's script above does not work errors massage something about virtual magazine undefined!!!
  8. I am a big fan of Bohemia and OFP/ARMA games. Yes ARMA has some of issues and Bohemia has some shortcomings for sure. One of my biggest pet peeves is their documentation on how to use certain game resources are pitiful lol with that said. I know how to use the support modules for the five supports but On the main support Requester module there are seven options. Custom HQ Artillery Bomb and run Helicopter attack Supply drop Helicopter transport UAV recon How do you setup the custom HQ I get errors if I attempt to put a custom variable name? How do you set up a UAV recon? How would I even attempt to call it there is no support provider module for UAV.
  9. Ok so I guess another function that was never implemented by Bohemia? A simple fix. Place AVA drone down sync it to a multiplayer vehicle spawn module set the number of times you want to have the UAV available for the mission and you are good to go. Why wouldn't they just add the simple code to allow the requester module to have access to the UAV it's already in there. Things that make me gohum about Bohemia and what and how they implement functionality to the game.
  10. Does anyone know how to prevent or stop Gaia from calling in vehicle transportation. I would like to turn this off or prevent it from a a particular vehicles. I have two ACP's that are guarding a bridge with sentry and guard waypoints. The problem is Gaia will call for them at times to pick up and transport other foot units around the zone. That cool but the two ACP will never return to the bridge location and the original waypoints assigned through the editor are deleted and the ACP's will now just sit around the zone waiting for new transport orders!
  11. @wogz187 still doesn't explain how to use or setup the 7th parameter in the Requester module: there are options. 1Custom HQ 2Artillery 3Bomb and run 4Helicopter attack 5Supply drop 6Helicopter transport 7UAV recon If if you open up the module you will see the very last parameter setup UAV recon.
  12. @wogz187 thank you for the link it definitely says how to use the HQ custom name but nothing about the UAV setup.
  13. @anfo the problem is when you use custom mechanized or motorized groups. For example a transport truck with 16 infantry units that you group with the transport truck after a while the script starts to double spawn in the truck and units! The issue may be how the units get into the truck? What I've noticed so far if I place the units into the truck through the editor drag-and-drop the issue occurs at a very high rate but if I use the command moveindriver and movein cargo it occurred very rarely in my testing the mission last night. It also does not appear to be an issue with Jeeps with few units like 3-4 units more testing needed to see if this is 100%. A consideration I have not seen the issue with only infantry units. So the question is does it have something to do with the group leader and the jebus code in it's init and when he spawns into the trunk the double spawn occurs? The "START=" will help with lag but what is considered a lot of groups using JEBUS in a mission?
  14. @dreadpirate Test results. Using your "START=" "90" it definitely happened less Then before but still occurs. If I you Use moveInDriver and moveInCargo commands for each unit it only happened once in like 20 attempts I am going to use both in my next attempt to see if the double spawning is still there.
  15. @dreadpirate I will try to see if the "START=" What do you consider a lot of unit using Jebus? This is a midsize mission with a 150 units using opfor enemy units. Only 64 units are using jebus 14 groups 10 groups of infantry ranging from 2-6 units in a group and 4 groups using vehicles. 2 groups have 3 units each using Jeeps (no issue with them). 2 groups of 15 units use in trucks. This is the group's that I'm having issues with. It never happens on the first few spawns but as the mission proceeds I notice the double respawning of the trucks. I'm using the "exit=" parameter to stop the spawning of the groups once a radio tower and a radio operator are killed. I do notice when I'm watching in Zeus the vehicle spawns first then to 15 man crew spawns outside then they enter the vehicle then the waypoints are generated. In the editor ayhan place the units into the vehicle when setting up jebus. Perhaps I should use the getin driver cargo commands when setting up the units and not just place them by hand in the editor what do you think?
  16. I love this script it really should be a module for the next arma game with that said has anyone experienced multiple when attempting to spawn in motorized with group. It doesn't happen all the time. At times multiple trucks spawn in with few group but only one truck has the way points. After that crew is destroyed multiple trucks respawn in again with only one getting away points.
  17. @Joe98 Hello I have a script that will never let the player never to have less the one magazine for pistols and rifles and always have one round for an AT weapon. The script lets you use up all your ammo and when that is done will add one magazine or round back into your inventory. I've been using this since ARMA 2 because we all know playing with AI units can be very frustrating keeping them with ammo especially if your unit has no AT rounds and an armored vehicle comes running up on you lol you are then actually f*****. Let me know if you'll be interested in this.
  18. avibird 1

    AI surrender script multiplayer

    Have you used MCC4 it has a lot of functions and options. Some people don't like it because they say the the code is outdated ECT but I have never had a problem with it. It adds so much to the game and the editor. It has a surrender module as well. Try it out.
  19. What do you guys think is the most efficient easiest way to setup tasks for a mission. We all know with arma there are many ways to setup things within the game environment especially with all the new Eden editor functions I am definitely a creature of habit when it comes to Arma but I am trying to open knowledge how to accomplish things within the game. I typically setup my mission tasks using triggers before that it was using Description.ext. I have not really experiment using the new test modules it just seems to me there's a lot of things you need to place down and syn just to get a task to work. I only need two triggers for each task using triggers. will using Triggers over the new task modules affect game performance.
  20. @wogz187 why are you confused lol. My missions design is very calculating with everything down to the last AT round needed to complete a mission. Please if you are on Arma and see my host server AvibirdPC please stop by I would love to show you how it all plays out.
  21. I have a waypoints setup for a two man crew to getin a trunk that moves out of a town once an assault starts. The trunk moves to a new location away from the town and the trunk gets deleted with a hint: that the WMD trunk has escaped. All works great if the trunk escapes the town assault. I have a second trigger setup to a task completed if the trunk gets destroyed with the !alive command. The issue I am having is if the trunk get destroyed but the two man crew is still alive and reaches the waypoint with the deleted command the trunk wreck will get deleted and the hint shows up. One test run of the mission I was behind the wreck and the trunk just deleted lol. If the crew gets killed all good. How do I setup a waypoint or a trigger that will only delete the trunk if only the trunk reaches the delete waypoint or a trigger not the crew members.
  22. Lol old habits are hard to break. 😂 I have three wmd trucks attempting to escape in all different directions from the town. That is 6 extra units to kill if all the trunks escape. Now imagine one of the six units are the one that kills your last conscious playable unit and you failed emission just because you couldn't take out the trucks which is the first objective of the mission 😎
  23. @wogz187 Driving home from work I realized why am I using the crew waypoints to delete the vehicle 🤪 This works great now Trigger Type none Activation opfor Activation type present Condition WMDVeh1 in thisList On activation DeleteVehicle WMDVeh1; hint "WMD Truck 1 has ecscaped the assult HQ is not going to be happy about this" I am still going to try you way and a few other ideas that I had. I have the crew moving back into the AO after the truck is deleted. Why waste a few units on the map let them join the battle.
  24. This trigger type works fine with editor placed units however it will not work with units that spawn in. Is this a bug or is this the way it was designed to only be with editor place units. Any suggestions for a workaround. Thanks avibird. It's a really nice way to call in reinforcements using the trigger expression condition !alive
  25. @pierremgi why is it useless it has all the code for it and you don't have to write a line. Just place down and syn with a waypoint and it's done. Join in is a great suggestion but one of the reasons to use Jebus is because the unit/group of units will respawn to a set number of times or if trigger is met the group will stop respawning. I usually have them stop responding if a certain thing is destroyed like a radio tower or a particular area is reached. So the join in will not work because of the leader gets killed and the whole group is killed the new group that gets respawned will have no waypoints to follow and not be assigned to gaia. Gaia is a very good random waypoint generator within a zone for patrols and oversee all units under her control as a overwatch to send reinforcements to an active area with in the mission. I guess I like to see things on the map when designing a mission and I am notb the most knowledgeable when it comes to writing code lines from scratch.