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Everything posted by Tom_48_97

  1. @Cunico: In fact, Poseidon is based on Sublime Text 2, this is the point. You can buy it or just dismiss the popup by pressing escape when it shows up. It doesn't change anything, features are the same regardless you've a registered copy or not. This is not my doing, and since the soft is based on this, I think normal to let it. @super-truite: Will be updated in the 0.56 ;)
  2. Tom_48_97

    Bush's "Strange New Worlds"

    Nice job mate ;)
  3. Tom_48_97

    A3 quits on startup with no warning

    XAudio2 is an API from microsoft and since the last dev patch included an update of the exe, it can be this. It's a system DLL, so, a new install of DirectX can be usefull... except if a reference is broken or changed on last update.
  4. With 24h of late... here the new version of Poseidon, prepared with love and not enough sleep. Download: poseidon.arma3.fr/latest Full changelog: http://poseidon.arma3.fr/CHANGELOG.txt version 0.55 CHNGD: RPT highlight Member already defined CHNGD: Main background color CHNGD: Sidebar background color CHNGD: To display online doc, right click on keyword, then View online Doc CHNDG: Displaying online doc no longer requires to select the all word, just one click on it and push alt+e (alt+f for french doc) ADDED: Support of model.cfg CHNGD: Snippet: Comment for header's file no longer requires additional edit CHNGD: Keywords list and commands list moved for make future updates easier ADDED: Persistent sessions, unsaved files openned while closing Poseidon will loaded on the next launch (2 main scopes (each project gets its session more a default session unlinked with any project (unsaved project in fact ^_^))) CHNGD: Performances improved REMOV: Java support disabled, it's not used ATM ;) ADDED: #debug.bat (in root folder), if poseidon crashes at launch, just run it ADDED: Open file from another. Put the caret on a file name, right click->Misc->Open File name. OR push alt+d ADDED: Clone a file to be able to edit it from multiple views (Main menu->Misc tools->Clone current file, and move it to another group tabs) ADDED: File association with Poseidon (see folder <Poseidon_Dir>\run_once) for SQS, SQF, SQM, EXT
  5. About vehicle type, nothing is missing because it's with checkbox, so none checked, no vehicle.For single player, Dwarden has already answered: First post of this page :) In fact, that's this UI that will be edited ;)
  6. Tom_48_97

    Localized versions

    Hello, a quick message to tell you I saw your message but I'm overbooked until Monday, so a PM will follow on Monday!
  7. From here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Briefing.html Do you have the following code? <h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End1">Title</a></p></h2> <br> <p>Write description of End1 here.</p> And you end your mission with a trigger type End 1 (or any other end your defined in Briefing.html)?
  8. Dependencies (addons) can be triggered automatically with the the sqm file. Each mission has a mission.sqm and this last includes all addons used in an array. For now, let's make the useful tags and then, it'll be time to see what can be done. @Dwarden: Dependencies is missing from the posted list ;)
  9. Tom_48_97

    Dying Light

    Like some at school, look at the pal work, then, copy / paste, that's easier. As much as game studios (for a lot) are missing of inspiration and mainly, originality... I guess (I hope I'm wrong!) After that, I must admit it doesn't look too bad but not exceptional. When I see the gameplay footage, I think at a L4D with less Z, and more interactions... Look at the "boss", don't you think it's similar to a "tank" in L4D?
  10. First thanks to all for feedback and, I urge to take your time to read the entire message About all requests, I'm simply going to apply the MoSCoW method in order to sort, and then, I'll prioritize. This is not really a small project, it must keep going forward. Link to biki has been changed, just one click on it and push alt+e (alt+f for Frogs) or use the context menu. It no longer requires selection, only to place the caret somewhere in the word. I agree on the face that pre-processed files present a real problem when en error occurs. I'll take a look soon. I'll write a script (I don't know under what format yet) to import new commands easily, maybe it'll end w/ an automatic update... Will see. About the private array, it was already in the pipe, but for the moment, I've some issues, so unavailable. Good point here. But, the ability to open file from the string will require a saved project and allow only some extension (it must be that I do my "catch" on something) About the syntax error, I made some tests w/ hpp files (you can try by adding a full class but without the closure semicolon), it's planned, but... will definitely be the longest development step. So, it'll come later. About the doc, I'll do my best. But, the fact is that catching variable is really hard... For example, I can catch all word outside a scope and list them (file etc...), but the problem will come from pre-process like #define myCommandCall MyCommandStatement, and also from new commands. Anyway, I didn't said my last word on this! About the flow, I'm not sure what you meant there... From my side, it most likely I never (or almost never) use myFunc = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers, I prefer cfgFunctions, immediately usable, can be easily recompiled through bis_fnc_mp and so one... If I follow you, want as much references as possible within a same project? A little like BIS generates HTML for debugging. Finally, about the project itself, it'll be fully documented here when a first stable version will be released (and btw, when I have more time on my hands... be an independent developer doesn't let a lot of free time) Le_CuLtO is right. That's normal, this script is not done yet, planned but, not a priority since Poseidon allow drag and drop of text/files/folders What does it miss? To encourage you to switch, this is the question :rolleyes: 3 facts. First is simply that I don't know how it works, I mean, the soft itself (I already used a while but never developed plugin or feature for it). I've nothing against learning, but these past years, I had enough new languages and software. In fine, I also wanted a portable application and mainly, a very light tool. Ok, so, now you've read the all... Here the changelog of the tomorrow update (latest before the GC): CHNGD: RPT highlight CHNGD: Main background color CHNGD: Sidebar background color CHNGD: To display online doc, right click on keyword, then View online Doc CHNDG: Displaying online doc no longer requires to select the all word, just one click on it and push alt+e (alt+f for french doc) ADDED: Support of model.cfg CHNGD: Snippet: Comment for header's file no longer requires additional edit CHNGD: Keywords list and commands list moved for make future updates easier ADDED: Persistent sessions, unsaved files openned while closing Poseidon will loaded on the next launch (2 main scopes (each project gets its session more a default session unlinked with any project (unsaved project in fact ^_^))) CHNGD: Performances improved REMOV: Java support disabled, it isn't used ATM ;) ADDED: #debug.bat (in root folder), if poseidon crashes at launch, just run it Note about performance tests: Tests has been made with some files openned (36MB of RAM allocated). No freeze during loading, the progress bar is updated as it should. During loading, you can open/edit/save/create another file. Now, here the results: 1 cpp for ~11MB (418 362 lines) -> 06.6 secondes to load 2 cpp for ~23MB (830 970 lines) -> 11.8 secondes to load Edition and navigation are perfectly fluid. Please, notice that files are loaded one by one to prevent freeze or lag. No performance issue detected with 14 files (for ~72MB) loaded while displaying for at once in split screen. PREVIOUS Changelog can be found here: http://poseidon.arma3.fr/ Later, I'll write a full list of planned features to keep this topic as clear as possible. Ps: sorry for mistakes and grammar, but my bed is calling me :p LAST EDIT: 21/08 at 1h30 pm @[APS]Gnat: If I'm right, you need to work on huge files, eg some config... So, I think this will interest you. I made some tests with a single file opened 3 or 4 times and displayed in split screen. Let's explain a little what's displayed... (first screen) I opened the file and wait until for the loading. Then, on the top menu, I clicked "Misc tools"-> Open (clone) current file three times to get 4 instance of my file. Then, I knew I wanted to edit the class V3S_TK_GUE_EP1, I made ctrl+f, entered the class name finally find the one I wanted (f3 to switch to the next result) (class V3S_TK_GUE_EP1 at line 123 738). This class inherits from V3S_Base_EP1 and I wished to see what's inside... Again ctrl+f, class name and this once maj+f3 to see the previous occurrence since it's definitely declared before the inherited one. I made a bookmark (ctrl+f2) and now, I can switch between bookmarks with F2 key. Note: Always save an edit made in a view to refresh the others! (obvious requirement but need to be known!) Infos: The red bubble next to the file name means that the file is unsaved Save on instance will refresh the others without going to top or end of the file, just keep you where you are You can run several instances, how many you want. I tried with two instance of Poseidon with 4 views each and it works good. Bookmarks are links to the view You can go a to a specific line by ctrl+p and enter :LINE NUMBER eg, :12359 to go at line 12359 [SCREEN; Go to line number...] You search for a given class with ctrl+p and enter @blabla bla [SCREEN; Search a class with free text] [SCREEN; search a Given class]
  11. Tom_48_97

    When could we expect ArmA 3 Linux server?

    Indeed, it's here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148288-Dedicated-server-status
  12. Like I said, updated comes often, here the newest version, 0.54. Download links unchanged: Poseidon, latest version @ poseidon.arma3.fr Poseidon, latest version @ tom4897.info Changelog: /* This list can be incomplete */ VERSION 0.54 KNONW BUG: It needs a file openned to access to logs KNONW BUG: Poseidon loses the focus when it opens a log KNOWN BUG: bis_fnc_3Dcredits is not colorized CHNGD: Default Theme FIXED: Pre processor snippets ADDED: RPT handling (main menu->Poseidon->Open +GAME+ log) Arma 3: Because A3 generate one log each launch, this action opens the most recent Keep your logs tidy, clean often ADDED: Access to the profile settings (used for snippets) (Menu->Poseidon->Preferences->Profile CHNGD: Some snippets ADDED: Automatically save the file on loss of focus (sqf only) ADDED: Default Format UTF8 w/o BOM for SQS/SQF/EXT/HPP ADDED: trim trailing line's whitespace for script files ADDED: antialias for greys ADDED: Magic variables ADDED: Colorized BIS functions (BIS_FNC_*) CHNGD: RTFM (help) updated CHNGD: font for SQF ADDED: Readme skeleton (make a text file (plain text), type "read" and push ctrl+space. Then push tab to edit sections) ADDED: BIS function support: bis_fnc_3Dcredits, bis_fnc_crows, bis_fnc_taskDefend, bis_fnc_taskPatrol... ADDED: Shortcut (ctrl+/) to comment / uncomment the selection (line, elements, blocks...)
  13. Looks good (from the video). About your note: to process an array in the middle of processing an array. You meant, exec something inside an array without freezing the array processing (asynchronously)? If yes, take a look here: ​https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Function
  14. Tom_48_97

    help with using animations

    If I remember, simply exec this: officer switchMove "" Note, there is no transition. BTW, the animation name is self explained, so soon or later, this could be renamed.
  15. Tom_48_97

    help, can't post image

    Can you be more specific? If you want to post gif, ofc it's possible ;)
  16. @TonyGrunt: I think it's not a bad idea but the right place is: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?56-ARMA-2-amp-OA-SUGGESTIONS Feel free to post ;)
  17. Tom_48_97

    Caribou Frontier

    Congratz for this release ! Mirror done: http://www.arma2.fr/download/file/141
  18. Tom_48_97

    help, can't post image

    You can also go here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159765-Images-upload-amp-short-URL-(services-for-the-community)
  19. About the handling of RPT files, it will be available with the next update (probably tomorrow). The usage is basic, it's on the top menu -> Poseidon -> Open Log... Only A3 was "problematic" because A3 generate one log each launch, so, the action opens the latest. For the rpt highlight, I have 4 levels: 1 - Critical: Must be fixed, it impacts the game (red) 2 - Warning: Can impact the game (orange) 3 - Important: Important or usefull info (purple) 4 - Notice: Can be skipped (grey) I'm also trying to write a "tail" function... but, I can't tell if it'll be done or not because of the other features that must be done. For the integration of depbo.dll, can you be more specific on what's in your mind? Finally, thank you :cool:
  20. Tom_48_97

    Team TKOM at GamesCom

    Hey, it's good to read for the GC and the announced features! So see you on there!
  21. Hello, You posted on the wrong section. For you problem, you can take a look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?135736-Bad-serial-number-given-in-setup-use-this-thread-for-help and there: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138564
  22. Unfortunately, it just includes some "Anglicised" missions. Maybe one of us will have the time to make some missions, but nothing guaranteed.
  23. Mirrors updated, thanks Miller!
  24. Updates of NL and BAF DLCs are available: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152275-Cold-War-Rearmed%C2%B2-Public-Beta&p=2468094&viewfull=1#post2468094 Enjoy!