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Everything posted by snoops_213

  1. What would be good to see is an update to the rah-66 with external wings to load extra weapons. And maybe even some choice in warheads for the rockets ie smoke and sub munitions and illumination. Will the dynamic load out end up being size restricted as well as weight? So we wont end up being able to load up so many ATG weapons?
  2. I was going to say we need a basic ECM. Something that only lasts say 30-60 seconds and puts fake targets on enemy radar screen. It should also be affected by distance to radar source, so the closer you get to the radar the less fake targets appear until your it. This is all well and good and adds some more of the realism factor but unless they add some serious ADA units its more for the because its cool than anything else really.
  3. Yeah same here cant load anything else on the left wing because of this. This is by far one of the most awesome additions to the Arma series. Im surprised that more hasnt been said about it.
  4. I believe receiveRemoteTargets reportRemoteTargets reportOwnPosition might be the mechanic for radar relay to AAA/SAMs. Hopefully this would work to for AI spotters and artillery. Havent looked into this to see if it works or not but there is potential there with theses commands
  5. receiveRemoteTargets reportRemoteTargets reportOwnPosition Are these currently being used by any vehicle(s) and if not do they actually work?
  6. snoops_213

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    yeah i just hit 6.1Gb memory committed and 4.3Gb private in the editor just then. VD was at 10Km and Object Distance was at 7.5Km. Nothing complex a 10x tanks 5x apcs + their squads and a couple of apaches for good measure run really good.
  7. snoops_213

    Arma 3 being upgrade to 64 bit

    Yep see the same. But i have left my settings as is Very High or above and set my VD to 10000m with 7500m DD and no major FPS drops like before. I also watched my ram hit 5.5Gb committed to A3(YAY that 16Gb of memory bought years ago, now justified!). Theres no fanfare because everyone will instantly shit themselves because there was no instant FPS increase just more stable FPS with higher View Distance/Draw Distance. Either way its a step in the right direction. What memory controller is everyone using for the 64bit exe?
  8. snoops_213

    Targeting improvements

    Nothing wrong at all with bvr, but that is more a game for air to air and SAMs. Air to ground with the systems in game need LOS. None of the aircraft seem to have air to ground radar so BVR locking shouldnt happen. The SAM/AAA systems on the other hand should be able to BVR lock and engage. Problem with this would be everyone complaining that they are being shot out of the sky! So a type of ecm that would be needed to make it easier for aircraft to get close enough to engage. I think when turned on it should show multiple contacts on the SAM radar and lessen as it gets closer the the radar simulating the radar burning through the jamming
  9. snoops_213

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    Careless mode makes it useless it totally ignores enemies, besides that still doesn't change the fact that it flies in the wrong attack profile. This aircraft should not drop altitude and swoop at its targets ever. The AI should have a basic understanding on how to bring weapons on target. I can get it working pretty good using all its weapons, just vehicles bug the AI out and it thinks it has forward firing weapons.
  10. snoops_213

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    The X44 armed still needs to learn how to use its weapons properly! i set up a loiter wp and it circles and every so often attacks infantry (Works better when i hop in co pilot seat and spot some targets for it) but as soon as it spots a vehicle of some sort it instantly goes into an aircraft attack profile and swoops its tatgets head on, never getting in a position to fire its weapons. It should automatically gain altitude and bring its weapons into play and not just swoop and get shot out of the sky.
  11. snoops_213

    Targeting improvements

    I like this ability to self lase, its easy to do unopposed, but when you add SAMs/AAA well it becomes a whole lot more interesting and the want for someone on the ground to help increases, any supposed unbalance is counter acted by a simple AA team or 2. A nice little static AAA emplacement wouldn't go astray to help mission makers make air missions a little more rewarding, but i guess thats what mods are for. Will the turret stabilization, target tracking be added to helicopters anytime soon? And with the possible addition of laser designators to aircraft will the AI get some sort of basic understanding of how to use them? Awesome fun so far looking forward to see what else is coming.
  12. yeah i still dont have those WPs either hopefully todays build will. Its still a shame, this would be nice for all vehicles that have animated doors, or at least make an "animate vehicle doors/ramps" that mission makers can use. I think that All the helis overfly the LZ then circle round before landing, i find setting a WP a few hundred meters from LZ with "limited speed" set, and the invisible helipad at LZ helps somewhat but not helpful in hot LZ's. Unfortunately the AI pilots need to learn how to flare the helis properly and not shoot 200m into the air trying to slow and land, i constantly watch AI get shot out of the sky because of this. The blackfish come in way to fast and need to learn to bleed their speed quicker or sooner before they land. They also need to take their altitude from sea level not ground, watching the damn planes wobble around like a drunks flying is making the AI look and act stupider, in some places the planes/vtols bounce so much the AI gunners cant keep track of their targets let alone hit them. I could kind of understand it if you were going for a Nap of the Earth type of thing for the planes/helis but generally i think this hinders the AI flight ability alot.
  13. snoops_213

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    i find the V-44 Gunship constantly approaches the target head on like a forward firing helo/plane would and then bank the opposite direction of their guns out of the target area. Every so often they will fire a few rounds but thats about it. Would like to see them approach with its guns in mind and circle out and around the target.
  14. yeah im having the same problem with the waypoints, cant find them either i thought it was just me. Again any chance of seeing a parachute/ paradrop waypoint?
  15. can this tech be made so that crates/items can be carried in trucks and utilities aswell, or even in helos with no cabin seats? just seen todays update ... please revert the decision about the ramps. whilst not a game breaker definitely an immersion killer. i understand that animations for loading/unloading have influenced this decision but it just feels wrong this way. it would feel a bit more immersive if it was tied to ramps being open/closed. and if the problem of performance arises why not add a module(s)to disable vehicles door anims so mission makes can use this to optimize their missions
  16. awesome fun. but please dont disable the ramps. make them open and close on load unload. if you are "magic" loading them at least let us have this little bit of functionality. i've found that the nato ugv's wheels stick out from the under belly of the v 44. can we get a parachute waypoint? i know i can script it but it would make life just that little easier. looks good so far
  17. snoops_213

    Limping - Feedback

    This is cool feature, now we just need the AI to at least heal themselves and others in their unit. Too bad you cant implement left and right side leg wounds that would be good to see. Just did a quick test and looks a bit funny seeing half a squad all limp in time with each other :P
  18. snoops_213

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    What a great day to be home "sick". Kids are now at school, wife at shops..... I am ready
  19. My 8320 @4.5Ghz goes good with 4 or 8 cores. Gets real hot with all 8 cores unlocked and doesnt offer to much improvement over the 4 cores. Having said that it does "feel" smoother with all 8 going with lots of AI/ scripts running. I think it comes down to personal preference. Try and see what you're happy with. The faster the cores though the better FPS you will see. So try 4 cores @ 4.5Ghz or better if it allows you. Just make sure you have real good cooling on CPU. Have fun!
  20. snoops_213

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Awesome plane to fly. Any chance of seeing an AI friendly version? Looks a bit weird when they fly around with canopy open and those wheel stoppers flying around with the plane
  21. snoops_213

    INKO Disposable

    Hi there, nice addon. One small thing though, NLAW is not a disposable weapon. It is sold as a re-loadable tube, but still fun to watch AI throw it away after use.
  22. snoops_213

    Red Bull Stratos is about to launch!....

    Crap make that 127800ft or 38957m and still slowly rising. Not a time to get vertigo and there he goes from 39kms
  23. lol only just downloaded 93121 about 2 hours ago and haven't even installed it, and 2 more betas have come out since then, unbelievable! will go test now thanks
  24. Does the scripts activate on UAV's or do i need to set manually? Tried briefly last night with no luck but left it at that for now. Again great addon