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h -

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Everything posted by h -

  1. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    Had no idea what the key's name was, just that on my kb it has the symbol thingy used in law books or whatever.. No idea what that one's called either :P Now that you mention it it does happen to me sometimes, although in my case the get 'law-book symbol thingy', it only happens when Eden hick-ups, for some reason it sometimes seems to have occasional random brain-farts when key-presses don't register so I may end up having to press for example this particular key up to 3 times before the debug console opens, and of course there's the two of those law-book symbol thingies written in the main edit..
  2. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    ?? For me debug console comes up by pressing the button left of 1 so can't really see it as PITA, although I still press 'esc' first usually :P EDIT: Forgot to add that if/when the keys become 'bindable' in Eden maybe this should be 'bindable' as well..
  3. Yup, gotta agree, using interface size "small" equals massive Eden..
  4. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    Signing this request, but what I meant was being able to have objectMyCustomTypesOrWhatever to be used as conditions, as in something like objectMyCustomTypesOrWhatever[]={"classname1", "classname2", ..."classnameN"} which could then be used as condition like the current objectBrain etc are used, because I'd like to be able to limit things down even to basically just one class of object instead of some too generic 'list'.. Would probably be more doable and useful than just singular classnames Seems so, but the funny thing is that even the conditions that are in the sample class cause those errors..
  5. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    Quite, and on top of that I don't think the conditions work either, no matter what you put in them .rpt says 'undefined variable whateveryouused', and that's with all the objectBrain and whatever conditions that work elsewhere.. Also, it would be really grand if we could build such 'condition object groups' (or whatever they are) ourselves, so that we could have a bit more control over which object(s) would have some custom connection.. But I guess that's too big of an order
  6. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    You don't have to reload the mission for description.ext changes, just save it with ctrl+s.
  7. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Yes they worked, the connection was made, a nice line drawn between the objects and the connections EH returned the custom connection type and stuff just like the vanilla connections. The expression hasn't worked, not sure if it's even supposed to since none of the vanilla connections even have the expression value defined in any way EDIT: Nevermind, was something I screwed up, repacked all my stuff again and now they work.
  8. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Custom connections broken for anyone else? Mine don't seem to be triggering the ConnectionChanged3DEN event anymore :(
  9. Can trigger be lifted off from the ground? Yes, it can. EDIT: Just did a fast mock-up of the OP's scenario and it works nicely with the new trigger functionality.
  10. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Works fine here I guess.. At least a value __EXEC:d in desc..ext apears in parsingNamespace.
  11. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    That is however not a fix for this problem, as jonilahtinen said they don't simulate anymore. Kinda silly as this is basically a main selling point of a 3D editor and it doesn't work properly.... EDIT: Although at first I think the objects had the tendency to float a bit over the surface instead of clipping into it
  12. Didn't find any actual command while skimming through supportInfo so maybe there isn't.. :(
  13. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Since it is possible to kill the player entity while in 3DEN you might wanna consider disabling the 'death screen' there. The 3D world goes all blurry until you delete the dead player entity. Might be a bit confusing to someone who might not know what's going on.. Pretty sure it's not going to happen that often, just thought I mention it.
  14. Seems that the custom (example?) class for the custom connection is half weird, there is no such conditions as objectEmpty or objectAI which will both log errors in the rpt, and the expression doesn't seem to do anything. At least I couldn't get the expression to diag_log anything.. The connection itself seems to work fine though.
  15. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    Sounds probable. It can also get a tad annoying though when something works like arrays do and something doesn't, especially when the behaviour is not documented.. :P
  16. h -

    Eden Feature Requests

    Indeed, we need at least all3DENLayers or something, there already is a array of layer's anyway somewhere in the engine (I assume) so shouldn't be that huge of a task? Handling of layers is a bit odd though: - start up the editor - add a layer with the add layer button - Layer 1 is created - remove the layer with remove3DENLayer 0 - add layer with the add layer button - Layer 2 is created (one would assume it would be 1 again since there were no prior layers anymore?) - Try remove3DENLayer 0 again and the layer does not get deleted (command returns false), one would assume that list element 0 is list element 0 no matter what the layer name is....?
  17. h -

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Sold out, already? Damn it, I bet the ladies would've gone for a man smelling like carnage.. :P
  18. It would probably be way more efficient to have single commands to do that though than having to command stacking (with 'in' it gets way more cumbersome when dealing with an array of strings).. EDIT: ninja'd Why strings are case-sensitive in the first place? I don't recall them being so in OFP, it started to happen in A1 and the most annoying thing is/was that at least back then only some of the strings were case-sensitive and some were not which could cause massive shedding of gray hair after which I have always used toLower/Upper because it seems even the game can't decide when to be sensitive or not.. Oh, and on the topic of new commands, are there any plans to add toolbox (the dialog control type, not object :P ) related commands because currently you can't fiddle with them via sripting, I think only lbCurSel and lbClear work with toolboxes so you can't add stuff or manipulate them in any way.. You guys have added a lot of completely undocumented lb* and lbn* commands used all over 3DEN but none for toolboxes.. Unless I'm missing something very obvious..
  19. (toLower "wHatEVeRstRinG") find "what" is not an option? Edit: Yes, try the above without toLower..
  20. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Ok, so not me wreaking havoc here then :P Really annoying bug though..
  21. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    After today's dev update the following problem has appeared on 3den: - Open editor - insert some entity - open debug window and type some systemChat message -> execute - close debug window - observe your systemchat shown - now save the mission - open debug window and type some systemChat message -> execute close debug window - observe how nothing is shown.. The following is in the rpt: - Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Write 'params' is using type of ',CONTROL' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types - Serialization of Control variables is not implemented Those two lines appear each time you excecute what ever you have written in the debug console. Does this happen to anyone else or have I seriously broken something? :P Game cache validates OK though, running no mods of any kind..
  22. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    AttributesChanged3DEN eventhandler doesn't 'fire' when entity is being moved around using translation widget. It does 'fire' when moving the object by dragging it.. So, bug or intentional? If intentional, pretty weird if it is because isn't it pretty much the same attribute that's being changed despite the method..
  23. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Right, somehow missed that whole object variables part, my bad then (again :P ).. Any reason why it is so though? Or is it just technically not feasible?
  24. Lol, yeah, sorry for hijacking, thought I'd tease a little. It's working quite nice in the editor, I guess it could perhaps be even released as such but because I'm not happy with it yet, it won't :P Anyhoo, enough hijacking. Been liking this mod of yours a lot, I guess you've done like 80% of stuff BIS should have done on day one :P Which reminded me, during my endeavors I may have stumbled on a way to move the ambientanimed entities after the anim has been applied to it so IF it actually works I may do some code donating then. Unless of course you have already 'solved' that yourself, that is. Haven't checked in a while.
  25. h -

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Yes, I'm aware how the editor works, was just hoping the namespaces would be copied over.. Would have made it like that myself :P