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Everything posted by froggyluv

  1. man thats pretty neat -props for the nice explanation and to the Devs for making such a cool function
  2. Maybe im a bit jaded here but if your after properly calibrating shooting skills so it actually feels right when say a Sharpshooter takes on a CSAT Line Crew Chef - he actually wins the battle 9/10 - Ive found (thru much less scientific testing but none the less formidable by sheer volume) that the .2 Minimum the game uses is still an Elite level. Meaning a .2 aimingAccuracy vs a .9 does not provide a clear distinction in shooting badassery. The scripts I use which place a value to Class finds that a Basic Soldier with a 0.03 - 0.08 aimAccuracy will lose to a Spec Op with a .2 aimAccuracy a much more believable percent of the time. Bad units such as Crew/Pilot etc get a paltry 0.008 range and when faced with a Sniper 0.7 - 0.9, the Sniper will light them up like sitting ducks. The game gives no special behaviour, animations, etc to better forces so all you can do to keep it interesting, believable and avoid too much samey-ness is find proper calibration of skill in units. *note* I did add animations to SpecOps /Sniper as well as panic reactions to low level troops getting slaughtered and it does add some much needed spice.
  3. Dev's initially had a stickied thread call'ed something like "AI Configs" which seemed as if by initial intention -to work with community on exactly things like this. Maybe dig it up, cast some stones and pray for a response though death by random crow's beak impaling your eye seems far more likely. Also wishing you luck on this most Holiest of Crusades and should you reach a bridge with a medieval looking wizard with rams horns, the correct answer to his question is....Blue..no wait RED!
  4. Looks nice -all for markers and what not to add to situational awareness in both tactical and strategic ways. Way more immersion.
  5. Nice one, had been looking for these a whiles back but finally realizing BI took them out - switched over to doSuppressiveFire with mixed results. Maybe between the two of these I can get a 23% success rate...In OFP we could just tell a soldier to Fire at something and he would... miss that compliant, slave mind
  6. Nice one mrcurry I actually did radio voices for maybe 1/3d of those a awhile back -its much nice when a squaddie yells out "Enemy Yellow building! Contact Imminent" than "Enemy.Soldier. 100. Back" with no regard that hes in or around an actual building. Your list gives me motivation to continue on that
  7. Dev already stated they are "building AI from the ground up" for the next iteration so unless by "building" they mean "dismantling", im guessing a hybrid engine for Arma 4
  8. Johhny you got couple dem exploding bushes with your adderall chickens or should I say.. ..a shrubbery!!
  9. Id like to create street names and accompanying audio to maps yet have no idea how to angle the text of markers accordingly. As far as i can tell setMarkerDir only angles the marker itself, not the text
  10. Very interesting, never knew this - any links to more information on proper lingo here?
  11. appreciate the effort tho hazJ. yeah trying to give the maps more of a personal feel with street names that Hq actually calls out "We have skinnies on Market street!" kinda deal. Getting the letters to line up with the roads in a legible way like an actual street map is probably more trouble than its worth
  12. Yeah I was just looking for an easy *coughs lazier* way thinking maybe there was a simple command I just didnt know about
  13. froggyluv

    Orientation Callouts Completely Broken

    Its worse than that "Front" means North and "Back" is South - how it ended up that way ive no clue. When facing South, you can literally aim your cursor directly in front of yourself and the AI order delivered will be "Move, Back!"..."Left" and "Right" are borked respectively. I remember they were working on situational awareness type stuff for a while -remember the Squad Radar we had for a bit before they abandoned? Literally feels like this entire aspect of the game has been abandoned as they could clearly at least take out the direction cues that are just outright wrong leading to many "WTF?"-type situations. Was playing a mission the other night which must have included its own verbal directional callouts (the voice was amateurish but good enough) such as "Enemy Northwest!" -and guess what -it works flawlessly. Really just dont get the stubborness to fix this -why would you want a new gamer just coming in to Arma to hear AI callouts that are just flat out wrong.. a few addons also do the squad radar thing which really helps -id love it if the icons would actually blink when talking so you could quickly ascertain their facing direction if nothing else. Maybe if we can convince them this is also a Missile/Plane problem we can get some help *whistlingGif* @GOM: Ive not seen them make mistakes with Cardinal directions -it always seems on point. I also discovered Goko has a custom directional callout addon -basically just a new voice when player hits reveal on enemy AI -but not setup for AI callouts which is what we need for better situational awareness. But again, it never seems to mess up with strictly cardinal directions
  14. froggyluv

    Group icons on map

    Nice one GOM - was looking for something like that
  15. Hehe understood. Ill try and find a way to get my skills script and IF to get along
  16. Would it be possible to have an option somewhere to disable the AI skills modified by IF? I was deleting the ww2_core_c_cfgAISkills PBO but it actually prevents you from loading a saved mission as a missing dependency error shows up.
  17. froggyluv

    Orientation Callouts Completely Broken

    4 months and nothing. Makes me wonder if these sorts of things even bother the Devs or is just acceptable as Arma quirkiness.. Cant imagine starting up a game be it Far Cry/GTA/insertMainstreamGameHere and hearing an AI yell out the exact opposite direction than the enemy actually is. Cost no money to hire additional voice acting -just delete the the false directions and use only cardinal direction ie "Enemy, North" etc.
  18. For some reason getting In and Out of loops sends my brain into a circular maze of logic that i cant get out of. So want to have an eventhandler call only Special Forces Soldiers to play an animation Roll on the ground via a firedNear EH but only want to allow it every 30 seconds or so -as of now they go nuts spam rolling almost every shot {if (_x in Frog_SpecialF) then { \\\\\\\Frog_SpecialF is Array of all Special Force units _x addEventHandler ["Firednear", {[_this select 0] call Frog_Roll}]; };} foreach allunits; Frog_Roll = { _target = _this select 0; _shooter = _this select 1; _hasEvaded =_target getVariable ["hasEvaded", false]; if (side _shooter == side _target) exitWith {}; if (random 100 > 70) exitWith {}; _name = name _target; _rolls = selectRandom ["amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon_amovppnemevaslowwrfldr","amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon_amovppnemevaslowwrfldl"]; _target switchmove "amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon_amovppnemevaslowwrfldr"; if ((!(_target in Frog_Hush) && !(_hasEvaded) && (stance _target == "Prone"))) then {systemchat format [ " %1 Calling Rolling Now!!", _name]; _target setVariable ["hasEvaded",true];_target switchmove _rolls;0 = _target execvm "ego\ego\scripts\freeMe.sqf" } /* else {_target setVariable ["hasEvaded",true];_target setvelocity [2, 0, 0]; _target switchmove "ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara"; systemchat "tumblin down";0 = _target execvm "ego\ego\scripts\freeMe.sqf" } */; frog_Hush pushback _this; }; Pretty sure im not using the setVariable hasEvaded properly. freeMe.sqf \\\\\\ Hoping to use as a 30 second timer to make the hasEvaded False again so they are once again free to Roll sleep 30; _target = _this; _target setVariable ["hasEvaded",false]; systemchat "This one freed";
  19. _lastLockout = _target getVariable ["GOM_fnc_lockout",-_lockoutTime]; Now see im always confused thinking you cant retrieve a Variable ie GOM_fnc_lockout before its been set ie setVariable.. One of these days ill have to pony up and start using params, they seem all the rage nowadays with todays hipsters. Thanks again Old Man -this actually helps me on alot of fronts and excess scripts
  20. No luck so far kju -ill keep messing around with it. Also noted RHS has the same problem but CUP tanks do work with doSuppressiveFire
  21. For some reason Iron Front Tanks alone wont fire main cannon on doSuppressivefire {nb = nearestbuilding player; _x dosuppressivefire player} foreach allunits; Works for all tanks except IF ones -i use this alot to route infantry from buildings Great update -really enjoying
  22. froggyluv

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    They really need to hire one of the AI guys from the community -one that loves the AI, not seeing it as an annoying feature they wish the public would forget. One that could have a genuine, ongoing discussion with the community rather than "We have no plans for that" or worse just utter ignoring silence. Planes/Helos/Audio/Rockets and Sensors all had their specific liaison with the community -where's our guy?
  23. froggyluv

    Red Dead Redemption

    also bought my 1st console XBOX One for RDR last christmas. That and sports game on 50" 4k TV pretty nice but still hate shooting mechanics with controller. Bohemia had considered a Western RPG after OFP but thought it wouldnt sell- lets see RDR sold only a little over 13 million copies *smarmyWhistlingGif*
  24. froggyluv

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    How did you get CTI on Malden? Did you just open up the Altis mission and move around the zillion or so markers? Any chance for an upload?