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Everything posted by dunedain

  1. I don't think they ever said anything like that. Steamworks games are just as easily pirated as any game... Although to them Steam has numerous advantages. It allows them to unify their releases into a single one, while there were numerous "editions" for past Arma releases depending on countries, time of release and the costly need for different publishers. It's just a whole lot simpler for them to patch with Steam, and they only have to give 1/3 of their sales to Steam and only for the copies sold on the Steam store. It has plenty of advantages for both BiS and their user base. Steam also has very useful community features, a server tracker which conveniently replaced Gamespy, DevBranch, Workshop ect.. ect.. Anyway this isn't a subject. Steam haters are a tiny vocal minority nobody cares too much about.
  2. dunedain

    Happy Birthday Arma 3!

    Happy Abortion!
  3. Yes, obviously. It's not like there is any contender.
  4. They repeated several times that the features will be given to everyone for the helicopter dlc. It's safe to presume it's gonna be the same with the marksman one. Only thing you get by buying the DLCs will be weapons and vehicles.
  5. Well everything in OP's post of course. Also... The way the inventory keeps opening on a single weapon while I'm on top of a dead body gets on my nerves. I think they ought to take the vicinity system from DayZ. Moreover having to equip a weapon to remove its attachments is just lame. 20-30mm HE rounds, and smaller calibers are underpowered. I just want to Alt+f4 when 20mm He rounds are raining and I see Persians sustain direct hits even. The action menu is horrible. They gotta get rid of it eventually. And in no particular order... Working bipods, weapon resting, tactical reload, last bullet in chamber, different looking magazines, authentic and immersive weapon handling animations, switching weapons on the move and better hit feedbacks.
  6. Well switch your status to offline then so your steam friends won't be able to join you. Why would you want to remove such an important feature, that's stupid... +1 to Zigomarvin's suggestion. Like the current fatigue system isn't infuriating enough already you avatar walks like he's taking a stroll.
  7. dunedain


    The ToS also says this specifically regarding the Workshop... Doesn't look nearly as scary when you read the whole thing, does it? I suspect the general provisions are mostly, if not solely, aimed at the user made paid content like the skins and maps on CSGO or hats and weapons on TF2.
  8. dunedain

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Not trying to justify the act of "stealing", which it isn't btw, OpticalSnare's work. However this kind of things is doomed to happen when you decide not to update such a popular mod for months while it's partly broken and won't authorize willing individuals to do it for you despite his/their intention to still give full credit to OpticalSnare. Uploading it on Workshop without authorization is a bit over the top though.
  9. dunedain

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Only person who killed this mod is LordJarhead himself when he decided to move on something else. Can't blame him for that obviously, nor can you blame BiS for making changes the community has been asking for. As long as they keep updating their games, and improving it, it will break things. Not that much of a problem anyway seeing how fast Jarhead fixed it, thanks Jardhead. :)
  10. dunedain

    How to aim GBUs in all CAS aircraft

    You just gotta pratice how the inertia works in the game as the HUD sight for bombs is utterly useless at it is. I also really struggle locking targets airborne or ground although I can see them on the radar they don't show inside the HUD of the aircrafts so I'm forced to beat the TAB key until I lock something which can be pretty frustrating when you know somewhere there is a Tigris ready to fire four AA missiles at you and you only lock friendly vehicles 2 klicks behind the target area. ACE had this fixed in the previous games... I really hope the third DLC is gonna focus on fixed wing aircrafts. I find it particularly satisfying to fly in Arma3, but those issues with aiming of dumb bombs and even missiles has to be fixed. ACE did all this and more, your cannon would adjust itself to the distance your HUD crosshair was aiming at. This stuff should be standard imo...
  11. I kind of figured out from the start you were in charge of that thing since how touchy you obviously appear to be so far over some trivial issue. My point, which you missed, was that since the late DLC ACR uses the proper DLC integration and at least another developer without any dosh adapted their games to the newer system, I didn't see any reason to keep so much unneeded stuff in the library of millions of your customers. Let alone having a specific entry in the library just for a bunch of .mp3, maps and wallpapers... But now I see, you simply don't care. If millions of $$$ thanks to ArmaII "DayZ" won't get a patch released, it certainly won't fix this. Farewell...
  12. I'm very certain the "current" DLC system was in place by the time ArmaII came out. Borderlands used it for instance... I know CoH was there on Steam long before A2 came out. And yet they somehow managed to switch to something less amateurish. But then not all developers are equally talented. I ain't gonna bother you again... :butbut:
  13. I know what ArmaX is. It just shouldn't be there. Like everyone else is doing on Steam with bonus content it belongs either in the folder of the game it's linked to and/or as an optional download among the DLCs of the game. Same story with the DLCs, it just doesn't make any sense... PMC and BAF are DLCs for OA but are listed as any other game, yet ACR which does require both games is listed as a DLC for OA as it should be. It's just very sloppy. Steam being what it is, it just adds to the big clusterfuck the library becomes after a few hundred games. Company of Heroes had the same bs going on with its two expansions listed as full games, they recently merged everything into a single shortcut though. So it's totally possible for BiS to fix this.
  14. When they finally release the final patch for OA, I seriously hope they clean that mess they made on Steam. It's currently five shortcuts for A2 alone, plus ArmaX as a sixth for no good reason...
  15. dunedain

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Dx12 is due for next year, ArmaIV if there is ever one won't be until three or four years. BiS has plenty of time to think about it. A Change of technology for ArmaIII is unlikely though... I plan on replacing my HD7850 for a GTX770 in the coming days. This is pretty good timing! :)
  16. HD7850 via DVI port. The BenQ XL2411T is a mess colorwise though, and way too bright... It took me some time and research to get something remotely decent.
  17. Well that's funny I exactly noticed the same thing as Tonci87 and thought not without disgust that BiS had made nights brighter to shut all the whiners' pie holes. But then I changed monitor for a Benq XL2411T recently. :o
  18. It could just be a lame excuse and the real reason they make their shitty games 50GO is to discourage piracy.
  19. It doesnt' change a thing in my mind... What are they going to do anyway other than porting features from mods of DayZ into the standalone with a bit of polish? Being the public face behind the whole project I can understand people are worried he plans to leave before the game is even through beta phase, but it's not like the project is going to be put on a hold. Someone else is just gonna fill his shoes maybe even do a better job at focusing on the essential which is making the game fun rather than trying so hard to make the ultimate Bear Grylls boredom simulation. Anyway it must be lonely to spend years in a country half a world away from home whose language, customs and laws are foreign to you.
  20. Youtube being very stupid these days... ZenMate as an extension is very useful to get past region lock. It looks gorgeous although my computer ain't gonna like it too much I suspect... Anyway are those buildings from Armed Assault? If yes, they are mostly closed. Any hopes of using the modified buildings from the sahrani port by SMD?
  21. dunedain

    when all 3 episodes are released...then what

    I hope for something else than China, Russia or more Murrica and Britongs for a change... There are other military powers in Eurasia, something more than the usual AAA titles' cliches would be nice. More OA/Resistance like expansions with actual features and less smallish and unfinished DLCs would be nice.
  22. dunedain

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I'ld suggest BIS to remove the cages from safety ladders on cranes and big towers at the photovoltaic power plants. They just glitch through you equipment which looks bad and are a waste of triangles imho.
  23. With Arma3 being Steamworks, I bought the whole collection on Steam as well. However the way BIS released ArmA2 on Valve's platform remains to be desired.:j: They could have just added one shortcut in the Library, "which cannot be edited by users", for Combined Operations. Instead of that you have a non merged installation of Arma2 and Arrowhead on your disk. Two of the three dlcs showing directly in your library, which should only be full games. And the ACR dlc while being a OA DLC in the Library is only sold through ArmA2 store page which makes it confusing for people who don't know too much about ArmA2. The ArmA X bonus contents, is also showed as a full title while it could be an optional DLCs downloadable from ArrowHead's dlc page. I know it isn't a big issue, but the way ArmAII is clustering my library annoys me. "tl&dr" My question is now that BIS is moving to Steam, would it be possible to have ArmaII+OA and its DLCs in a single package like for OFP and Armed Assault?