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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    Rifle in launcher slot. Possible?

    AFAIK you can't make new simulations types, they are hardcoded in the game engine. Assigning the 931 idc/idxc for the inventory to another type, would I imagine just change the UI detection of the object. It wont affect how it's simulated as a weapon since use of the launcher proxy (where the item in the secondary slot is displayed on the character model) is tied to numerous hardcoded things like the animation states.
  2. da12thMonkey

    Import Smoothing Group Error

    I triangulate the mesh via modifier in my modelling software (Maya in my case) so that it has explicit triangulation, and then export as .fbx rather than letting the exporter triangulate the mesh. Yields the best results for me. IIRC it's advised not to lock normals on export too.
  3. da12thMonkey

    Selling ingame items for real money?

    Yeah, you're not allowed to do it unless the items are purely cosmetic: https://www.bistudio.com/monetization So no restricting access to particular "tiers" of weapons or vehicles. Or providing currency, perks and other ingame systems that advantage players in exchange for money
  4. da12thMonkey

    F-2 Viper ZERO Standalone

    Nope. Problem is he's running an old version of the game from before Jets DLC. Says 1.68 in the bottom of the editor menu. Current game version is 1.74 (soon 1.76)
  5. da12thMonkey

    Adding flags to vehicles

    I don't think there'd be much point in adding an animation since the flag only appears when a flag owner or forced texture is assigned anyway Potentially an Eden attribute can be used e.g. class Attributes { class tag_someAttributeClassname { control = "CheckboxNumber"; defaultValue = "0"; displayName="fly our flag"; property = "tag_somePropertyName"; expression = "if(_value isEqualTo 1)then{_this forceFlagTexture "path\To\Flag\Texture.paa"}"; }; }; But I haven't tried that, and my scripting knowledge is minimal; so would be wise to check over the expression used. And set defaultValue to 1 if you want the flag to be show by default when the vehicle is placed, without mission makers checking in attributes @wld427
  6. da12thMonkey

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    That's unfortunate. I think I've encountered similar rendering issues with mixtures of headgear and facewear in community modding though, and the hair-pulling of trying to resolve things like alpha rendering in certain problem conditions. So it's entirely understandable to me that it might not have been something you were happy with releasing. I can thank you all for trying at least
  7. da12thMonkey

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    These aren't really the norm for NGO or even military demining however. Tends to be more the realm of military and police specialists tasked with making-safe with large-yield explosive devices in known positions. Sweeping for mines and UXO doesn't usually entail such large, heavy and immobile suits. The new headgear selection in the DLC is missing something ubiquitous with mine and UXO clearance throughout the world though, and that's a visor: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Would fit in very well as an addition to the new kevlar helmets and construction helmets (maybe even as an NVG slot attachment with a secondary "normal" view mode, instead of the current limit of NVG or TI only) or as a standalone item
  8. da12thMonkey

    Laws of War DLC Cluster Munitions

    Writing in the format cfgMagazines→cfgAmmo→Submunitions ammo (inc. probability) CBU-85: PylonMissile_1Rnd_BombCluster_01_F→BombCluster_01_Ammo_F→submunitionAmmo[] = {"Mo_cluster_Bomb_01_F",0.93,"BombCluster_01_UXO_deploy",0.07}; RBK-500: PylonMissile_1Rnd_BombCluster_02_F→BombCluster_02_Ammo_F→submunitionAmmo[] = {"Mo_cluster_Bomb_02_F",0.93,"BombCluster_02_UXO_deploy",0.07}; BL778: PylonMissile_1Rnd_BombCluster_03_F→BombCluster_03_Ammo_F→submunitionAmmo[] = {"BombCluster_03_UXO1_deployMine",0.25,"BombCluster_03_UXO2_deployMine",0.25,"BombCluster_03_UXO3_deployMine",0.25,"BombCluster_03_UXO4_deployMine",0.25}; As shown above from the config viewer snippets, that's how the submunitions seem to be configured, yes
  9. da12thMonkey

    Flags on vehicles?

    So no more OFP-era arse-ache of placing random flag poles around the map with setFlagTexture applied, and then using setFlagOwner on the vehicle driver? O brave new world!
  10. Also there are ground-based equivalents of the Mk.29 Sparrow launchers, like NASAMS There's literally nothing stopping people placing these turrets down on the ground in the editor, instead of on the carrier
  11. Weapon station proxy on the vehicle has to be one that has simulation = "pylonpod"; In cfgNonAIVehicles https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_Loadouts#Configuration BIS models for these proxies are mostly all located in \A3\Weapons_F\DynamicLoadout\ Proxies in \a3\weapons_f\ammo\ are for the ordnance models themselves, and have simulation = "maverickweapon"; These are used inside the pylonpod model instead of directly on the vehicle, if it has dynamic loadouts https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/206064-pylons-weapon-sample/?do=findComment&comment=3204897 So in short, the proxies you have pathed in your plane, have the wrong simulation type for Dynamic Loadouts.
  12. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Unit decals for the tailgate, doors etc. are hiddenSelections indices 9 and 10 on most models, except the unarmed M1025A2s, where they're 8 and 9 Decal locations UV Layouts
  13. BI Arma 3 Tools>Preferences>Options>Path to your P:\ Drive Uncheck "Use Default" Click Register Next time P:\ is mounted it should direct to the new location
  14. da12thMonkey

    Proxy retexturing in config

    @UK_Apollo No hard data, but Pettka stated himself when they first introduced it, that it wasn't optimal for performance and they didn't recommend it for other uses beyond applying textures to wrecks. Since proxies are a separate draw-call to the main model and it probably takes additional computation time in the engine to apply for the process of reloading and rendering external meshes mesh with a different texture to the one loaded at init, it's understandably going to have more overhead. None the less it was used successfully on some RHS stuff, and perhaps still is in places where we haven't found time to merge the proxy objects in to the main model after the vertex limit extension.
  15. da12thMonkey

    Proxy retexturing in config

    This isn't quite true, you can apply hiddenSelectionsTexture to proxies in the same manner it's done for the wreck LOD proxy https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Setting_Textures_for_Wrecks It's not very good for performance though. However, since BIS raised the vertex index limit of 3D models, you may as well delete the proxy triangle and just copy the mesh from the proxy .p3d in to that position on the main vehicle model. btw @kerozen, the animations on the second model probably didn't work because you didn't add a new class for the second model, in the model.cfg
  16. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sure, if one just completely bloody ignores the post I made where I stated categorically, that it's nothing to do with that, and no such project exists. Would it have been a more believable to you people, if I pretended to be an arsehole and said "No, I'm just doing it to troll people"? Since nobody seems to believe me when I post the sincere reason: The same honest response I have the half dozen people who PMed me about it before someone asked in this thread. I guess it's time to delete it, along with the imaginary RHS:BAF project folder on my P:\ drive (god I always hated the "BAF" acronym), if it's over-stimulating for the kids here with ADHD.
  17. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Virtual Arsenal entities don't use the RHS uniforms/character-models (or CSAT uniform/character models, going back to your original example)
  18. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    There is an issue with body armour not being effective on RHS uniform/character-models. Seemed like infantry damage got changed and the armorstructural value applied to RHS units is now considered too low for body armour to have any appreciable scalar effect on the ability to take damage, for the unit wearing it. I removed the offending config parameters several weeks ago at our end though. So a fix of sorts is there in a future patch. We also fixed the fact that wound textures are currently not working on several uniforms in AFRF, GREF and SAF.
  19. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No, just nationalism
  20. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Doesn't make a difference ingame, no. Formula takes in to account various factors applied to the RHS armour/penetration materials used on the vehicle models, so it's there for ease of editing specific characteristics to produce the final result.
  21. da12thMonkey

    Object Builder - No Geometry Yellow Lines

    Yes, File>>>Options>>>View background LOD
  22. Model must be defined in class cfgNonAIVehicles with simulation = "maverickweapon"; e.g. from BIS config: class cfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon; class ProxyMissile_AA_02_F: ProxyWeapon { model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\Missile_AA_02_F"; simulation = "maverickweapon"; }; }; Classname in cfgNonAIVehicles must be named proxy#Name of .p3d file# See above that the class for Missile_AA_02_f.p3d is proxyMissile_AA_02_f
  23. da12thMonkey

    Helo Gun Turret Default Direction

    All turrets must face forward in the model by default. It's not an issue unique to helicopters Presumably simulation is done relative to the vehicle's heading
  24. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Mentioned in the USAF changelog: RHS_ENGINE_STARTUP_OFF = true;
  25. da12thMonkey

    PRACS: SLA Faction 2017

    R-23T or R-24T Ed:- R-23 had different tail fins, so it's R-24