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  1. I'm making a tank and I have a problem, I have an animation of hiding an armor element when a hitpoint is destroyed (like ERA), it hides and works correctly, but I want to make an unhide animation after the first animation of hiding after receiving damage is triggered, so that the "visually burnt" version of the top is revealed, I made a model of "burnt armor" but I can't get it to reveal after the 1st animation is triggered, how can I do this? My model.cfg part of animation: class BKL1 { type="hide"; hideValue=0.99999; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="BKL1"; sourceAddress=0; selection="BKL1"; }; class BKL1_Broken { type="hide"; hideValue=0; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="BKL1_Broken"; sourceAddress=0; selection="BKL1_Broken"; }; class BKR1 { type="hide"; hideValue=0.99999; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="BKR1"; sourceAddress=0; selection="BKR1"; }; class BKR1_Broken { type="hide"; hideValue=0; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="BKR1_Broken"; sourceAddress=0; selection="BKR1_Broken"; }; My animationsources part in config.cpp: class BKL1 { source = "Hit"; hitpoint = "BKL1"; raw = 1;}; class BKR1 { source = "Hit"; hitpoint = "BKR1"; raw = 1;}; class BKR1_Broken { source = "Hit"; hitpoint = "BKR1"; raw = 1;}; class BKL1_Broken { source = "Hit"; hitpoint = "BKL1"; raw = 1;}; So how i can make "Unhide", animation correcly, to make it work?
  2. I have read some of the materials but have not found the answer before, could you please quote the parts that relate to my problem?
  3. Hello. I am creating tank mod, I want to make it so that when turning on manual fire, I get control not only over the ability to fire from the gun, but also to rotate the gunner turret, since when switching to this mode, I can only shoot and change ammo. Is this solved by scripts or with the help of cfg, and how can I do this?
  4. I have a lattice object that I attached to the technique, but when the technique is defeated, the textures of the lattice object remain the same, I decided to use hiddenSelections[] = {"green", "sand", "broken"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"data\green.paa", "data\sand.paa", "data\broken.paa"}; I decided to connect a script that will execute in a .skf file, but the arma does not react in any way, the object remains the same color. Help! How to make an object change color depending on whether the vehicle is alive or not. .sqf file: is there any other way to implement this idea?