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Everything posted by Pagoda.br

  1. It's a amaing beret even with the wrong RVMAT 😂
  2. Pagoda.br

    Weird Crash issue

    You can use WhoCrashed to detect the reason of the crash: https://www.resplendence.com/whocrashed
  3. I will try with the zodiac, thanks for your ideas. Can be any animation but the player need to have free look and turn his body when i move the mouse right or left. I make the player fly with setVelocity, this makes fly 100% smooth for all players. The setVelocity direction is get by the function getCameraViewDirection player.
  4. I tried now. Player can't look around when is attached to a Pallet or a logic.
  5. This solution still works? There is a contact memory point where i can attach the pallet? I tried that: _flyPallet = createVehicle ["Land_Pallet_F",[0,0,0],[],100,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _flyPallet attachTo [player,player worldToModel ASLToAGL getPosASL player]; But the player still goes into "para fall" animation when he flyes above 100 meters.
  6. Pagoda.br

    Arma not loading past logo

    Have you set parameters on your Arma 3 Launcher following video tutorials to increase performance or things like that?
  7. epointec i saw that MANY time in my server and we don't use mods, it's a mission. But... This was some time ago. Recentlly i can't remenber to see that situation. May be they fixed? When this happened?
  8. phronk, take care. Life is full of priorities. And sorry, the question about the start code make no sense, my fault.
  9. Tremendous work, and no mod dependency! I'm downloading it right now. Can i just make a question? Do you create the Super Simple Objects localy to each machine? createSimpleObject have a parameter to make objects local. I ask that because, for example, i don't need to have in my machine the furniture spawned by other players far away from me. Also, about the start code and listen servers: if(isServer)then{PFrun=false;[]spawn compileFinal(preprocessFile"PF\init.sqf")}; The script will not run on a client-host machine since isServer is true on it? I will put your logo in the start of the mission i'm working on. Thanks for your amazing work!
  10. Sorry to ask again, i hope this topic is not dead. Can i put the tbbmaloc dlls in another place other than the Arma 3 folder? For example, in @extDB3 folder?
  11. I'm getting this with v1033: 2021/10/12, 0:57:39 "---------------------------------------------------------------------" 2021/10/12, 0:57:39 "---------------------------------------------------------------------" 2021/10/12, 0:57:41 CallExtension loaded: extDB3 (C:\BRPVP_server_2\@extDB3\extDB3_x64.dll) [extDB3 v1033 Windows] 2021/10/12, 0:57:41 Warning: 2001 ms spent in callExtension calling name: "extDB3", function: "9:VERSION" 2021/10/12, 0:57:41 "extDB3 Loaded" 2021/10/12, 0:57:41 "---------------------------------------------------------------------" 2021/10/12, 0:57:41 "---------------------------------------------------------------------" This warning can cause any problem?
  12. Pagoda.br

    Drawing on GPS panel

    I also tested and it's not working. There is a solution? 😯 Edit: Thanks to sharp. from Arma 3 Discord! This works! private _displays = uiNameSpace getVariable "igui_displays"; private _ctrlGPS = _displays select (_displays findIf {!isNull (_x displayCtrl 101)}) displayCtrl 101;
  13. Pagoda.br

    Game crashes ... again

    I believe your system can go unstable if you turn off Virtual Memory, even if you have, for example, 128 Gb of ran.
  14. I work on a big mission, and some players game crash on map, sometimes. We are trying to fix that and created functions to check the parameters of everything put on map with: drawIcon drawRectangle drawLine createMarkerLocal (and other markerLocal function) For example: BRPVP_drawIconCheckCode = [ {_this isEqualType "" && {fileExists _this}}, {_this isEqualType [] && {count _this isEqualTo 4 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= 0 && _x <= 1}} count _this isEqualTo 4}}}, {_this isEqualType objNull || (_this isEqualType [] && ((count _this isEqualTo 3 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= -50000 && _x <= 50000}} count _this isEqualTo 3}) || {count _this isEqualTo 2 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= -50000 && _x <= 50000}} count _this isEqualTo 2}}))}, {_this isEqualType 0 && {_this > 0 && _this <= 100}}, {_this isEqualType 0 && {_this > 0 && _this <= 100}}, {_this isEqualType 0 && {_this >= -3600 && _this <= 3600}}, {_this isEqualType "" && count _this <= 100}, {_this in [false,true,0,1,2]}, {_this isEqualType 0 && {_this > 0 && _this <= 2}}, {_this in ["puristaMedium"]}, {_this in ["left","right","center"]} ]; BRPVP_drawRectangleCheckCode = [ {_this isEqualType objNull || (_this isEqualType [] && ((count _this isEqualTo 3 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= -50000 && _x <= 50000}} count _this isEqualTo 3}) || {count _this isEqualTo 2 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= -50000 && _x <= 50000}} count _this isEqualTo 2}}))}, {_this isEqualType 0 && {_this >= -500 && _this <= 500}}, {_this isEqualType 0 && {_this >= -500 && _this <= 500}}, {_this isEqualType 0 && {_this >= -3600 && _this <= 3600}}, {_this isEqualType [] && {count _this isEqualTo 4 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= 0 && _x <= 1}} count _this isEqualTo 4}}}, {_this isEqualType "" && _this in ["#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0.7,0.4,0.5)",""]} ]; BRPVP_drawLineCheckCode = [ {_this isEqualType objNull || (_this isEqualType [] && ((count _this isEqualTo 3 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= -50000 && _x <= 50000}} count _this isEqualTo 3}) || {count _this isEqualTo 2 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= -50000 && _x <= 50000}} count _this isEqualTo 2}}))}, {_this isEqualType objNull || (_this isEqualType [] && ((count _this isEqualTo 3 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= -50000 && _x <= 50000}} count _this isEqualTo 3}) || {count _this isEqualTo 2 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= -50000 && _x <= 50000}} count _this isEqualTo 2}}))}, {_this isEqualType [] && {count _this isEqualTo 4 && {{_x isEqualType 0 && {_x >= 0 && _x <= 1}} count _this isEqualTo 4}}} ]; Those functions check all parameter passed to drawIcon, drawRectangle and drawLine function. We run the checks for many days in all players, if a wrong parameter is found it's loged on server and client. We had zero error log generated messages after those days. And map continue to crash sometimes, most of the time it dont generate the error windows and players need to restart their machines, but last day it crashed for me and i was able to save the crash zip file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bGosVBdZFGhTHziWkVTJ6JOnQcAbu_LJ/view?usp=sharing What else can i do to try to find what is causing the crash? Edit: Another crash zip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b0l2FPnp7BFypbcqyqMjxO-yN-tH-fmT/view?usp=sharing
  15. Pagoda.br

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    AI vehicles get stuck in players bases, specialy if players make their base in streets. Most of the buildings are simple objects. May be AI don't see simple objects? With better computers we have today, AI driving have more room to be improved?
  16. The CBA option "Use picture-in-picture optics" is working?
  17. Pagoda.br

    ARMA still alive?

    You want it to be dead?
  18. He will work in Arma 3? I hope so.
  19. Pagoda.br

    Game crashes ... again

    There is any good reason for you to have turned Virtual Memory off?
  20. Pagoda.br

    APU AMD VRAM problem

    I believe in the first post he says to be assinging 8 GB to the video card. So he is having the problem with 8 GB video memory: "500 Mb VRAM standart + 8Gb VRAM take on RAM" Something is strange, 8 GB is enough for video RAM to run Arma 3. He also says Arma 3 is only using the "standart" dedicated 500 Mb video memory, and ignoring the 8 GB assigned.
  21. Pagoda.br

    General CDLC compatibility

    Ah, players will need to use CDLC mod? The official ones at Steam Workshop?
  22. Pagoda.br

    Crackling/ Popping Audio

    Hi, i have a topic about sound noise here, this happens to me just when i spawn too much sounds at the same time: Sadly the audio of your video is too low, at least for me, but i can hear some of the cracking. I use onboard sound card, stereo, simple headphones.
  23. If you remove them it can take some time but i believe grass will come back.
  24. I made this geometry and for some reason Structure/Topology/Find non-closed find all vertices. Structure/Convexity/Find non-Convecxities also find all the vertices. I have no clue why. I checked all the faces and it's closed. Here the p3d model (6 kb): https://drive.google.com/file/d/11zWBqmkGxuG3Kp_hP0oY2RYtaKJMdxHp/view?usp=sharing