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About Keelah

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. Hey y'all Sorry I have never answered I don't use the BI Forums at all and just remembered it was a thing. There is a Discord server though where loads of users share advices and help each other. I advise you look there for help or bug reports Load order is by default managed by Arma but you can force it. In the Profile there is a LOAD column. double click on it and you can set the order. When Importing a modlist from files, the mod order is forced according to the order in the mod file
  2. 'sup lads ! As a reminder I am NOT active on the BI forum and I advise you use the Discord server instead where we are much more active and a lot of people can help if I'm not around (also news stuff is posted there) Yup ! https://github.com/Foxlider/FASTER/wiki And : https://github.com/Foxlider/FASTER/wiki/Setup-Guide-(1.8) Nope because FASTER's code is getting old and is not compatible with scheduling features. KAST on the other end might be able to do that Nope, arma limitations
  3. New MAJOR release today ! Update 1.8b Changelog : Added : UI Fixes - NEW MODS SYSTEM NEW MOD DOWNLOAD SYSTEM (Bye SteamCMD) NEW MOD DEPLOYLENT SYSTEM - NEW SERVER UPDATE Theme Customization (bugged but available) Fixes : HCs have their own profiles Fixed password encryption Fixed local keys copy DLC supports multi-DLC support Mod URI parsing Various Crashes NOTE : If you need a 32 bit version, contact me directly IMPORTANT NOTE : Please read the Wiki GitHub link
  4. Mind you I am not very active in the forums I am on the Discord server tho
  5. Yes It's OK as long as you don't update while playong Different keysets is not supported YET
  6. There is an issue with SteamCMD lately. You should try reinstalling it
  7. I am much more active on Discord than on the forum. I often miss notifications here but I'm always active on FASTER's discord server.
  8. This is due to a steamCMD limitation and there is nothing I can do to fix it. SteamCMD is simply unable to download more than 1Gb at a time. I am working on 1.8 to get rid of SteamCMD and switch to a new solution, fixing all issues, hopefully. No ETA sadly. I am having a lot of work with 1.8 release and still much to do before it's done and stable. But when it's out, all DLCs should be suupported. In the meantime, consider using the extra commandline arguments. Also, join the discord, the commuynity might find a solution to your issue
  9. @B.Miller THis is due to a Steam API limitation. You need to increase the value of the SteamProtocolMaxDataSize
  10. (also I hope the admins will pin this topic with the others like FAST2 and TADST)
  11. Sorry for the late reply @CRCError1970 I am much more active on Discord and rarely check the forums Headless limit should increase for next update (1.8). TBH, users rarely use that many HCs so I never thought I'd have to increase the limit
  12. This is not possible without a bit of tweaking. Depending on how the mission is using its database it might be even trickier. Usually, you'll wan to copy the ArmaProfile.vars file from the old profile to the new and rename it. Might work
  13. To answer that, intel says that the button was rarely used by very few users and was quite a buggy feature. I removed it to clear up the UI a bit. You can easily open your profile folder by right-clicking the profile name on the bottom since 1.7. If enough people require that feature again, I will add it back. I haven't see that feature on the wiki. I'll search that a bit and see about it. Should not be difficult to change tho Thanks for all that feedback !
  14. This is an issue I had a few times and yeah, I genuinely have no idea why. I managed to reproduce this bug but I think it's due to RDP. Maybe it's an error when converting the color of the profile names but IDK
  15. New MAJOR release today ! Update 1.7a Changelog : Added : UI Fixes NEW PROFILE SYSTEM FASTER_Maintenance module (check the wiki : https://github.com/Foxlider/FASTER/wiki) Load mods preset from html file into your profile Support of Arma3 Performance Branch Support of Folders ! Now you can load PBOs and Mission folders Support or OPUS Voice CODEX Modified Mod Keys behavior Network Config Presets Sort mods by ID or Name Fixed : Crash when adding a mod with a big ID (int maxValue overflow) Fixed some config glitches Fixed some network glitches NOTE : If you need a 32 bit version, contact me directly IMPORTANT NOTE : Please read the Wiki VERY IMPORTANT NOTE : You will lose all your profiles with this update if you don't run the FASTER_Maintenance Program. GitHub link