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Everything posted by VulturARG

  1. I have made some changes to the original script to adapt it to my clan's use. I also added the installation and management of Reforger. GitHub: https://github.com/Clan-ArgA/arga-server-updater Post:
  2. Arma 3 and Reforger Linux server and mod install and updater A software in Python, which allows you to install and update an Arma 3 server with its mods, and a Reforger server on Linux. Based on Marcel de Vries' script. (Post, GitHub). Download: https://github.com/Clan-ArgA/arga-server-updater Features Arma 3: Install and update Linux server binaries. Download mods from the Steam Workshop. Update mods from the Steam Workshop. Converts all mod files and folders to lowercase. Creates symbolic links with human-readable names. E.g. 620260972 becomes @alive. Manage keys. Features Reforger: Install and update Linux server binaries. Run the server with separate config files. Install or update the Linux server and run it. Requirements: Python 3 python-dotenv==0.21.1 steamcmd Steam account Arma 3 license. Only required for downloading mods from the workshop. Reforger license. License: MIT
  3. Arma 3 and Reforger Linux server and mod install and updater Python software, which allows you to install and update an Arma 3 server with its mods, and a Reforger server on Linux. Based on Marcel de Vries' script. (Post, GitHub). Download: https://github.com/Clan-ArgA/arga-server-updater Features Arma 3: Install and update Linux server binaries. Download mods from the Steam Workshop. Update mods from the Steam Workshop. Converts all mod files and folders to lowercase. Creates symbolic links with human-readable names. E.g. 620260972 becomes @alive. Manage keys. Features Reforger: Install and update Linux server binaries. Run the server with separate config files. Install or update the Linux server and run it. Requirements: Python 3 python-dotenv==0.21.1 steamcmd Steam account Arma 3 license. Only required for downloading mods from the workshop. Reforger license. License: MIT
  4. I use this configuration in the cba_settings_userconfig.pbo of a dedicated server: force acre_sys_signal_signalModel = 1; Looking at the RTP file I read: [ [ACRE] (sys_signal) INFO: Using radio propagation model: LOS Multipath That could be happening?
  5. I found this https://github.com/SteezCram/extDB3
  6. Hi, Using this and this examples from documentation I made two script to manage radio displays and channel setup. I call my script to manage display radio from initServer whith this sentence: [[],"core\scripts\setup_ACRE2_displays.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM", 0, false]; This work ok to all people that are in server when the mission begins. The problems is for the people that go inside later. I'd tried to put this sentence in initPlayerServer whitout success. I coulden't find in documentation from where examples are called. Beacause own conventions in our group we don't use init.sqf Any help will be apreciated
  7. Thanks for answering me. We are going to hire a dedicated server at NFO servers. We have one of 6 cores and 6 gb with windows and we want to go to 10 cores and 10 gb ram with Debian. We plan to use headless clients. Do you have any links to the documentation you mention from dedmen?
  8. We have the possibility to choose one of these two options: Ten virtual CPU cores, 10240 MB of RAM or Eight virtual CPU cores, 8192 MB of RAM. We will do cooperative games with between 40 and 60 players normally. Maximum of up to 100 players per game at times. Without Zeus to put enemies. Could you recommend a hardware configuration? Thanks in advance
  9. Is there any limitation as to how many cores or memory a 64-bit linux dedicated server can run? We plan to use ubuntu 2004 in virtual server
  10. Hi, I tried that an scripts start running 2 hrs after game started. This code is from EOS script if (_pause > 0 and !_initialLaunch) then { for "_counter" from 1 to _pause do { if (_hints) then { hint format ["Attack ETA : %1",(_pause - _counter)]; }; sleep 1; }; }; They code after that never started. Is there any way to wait for long period? Regards
  11. Thanks to all!!! I run some test and I saw that using for with sleep, have delays in busy servers. I'll try this solution:
  12. Yes, I count for a few minutes, to long waits. It's will be used in different situation in parallel
  13. Some people told me that Arma 3 can kill process if it are in a long waiting loop. I don't know is that is true. This was the reason to my question.
  14. I need that a process wait 2 hours for start. Meanwhile the mission is running It's possible? With that code that I wrote before, the code never started to run after those lines.
  15. I don't know about your script. I used to put the damage to 0.9 in an ambush. The vehicles caught fire and exploded in a short time. Try changing the value 0.9 to 0.8 to see if it solves your problem
  16. Is there any way to use this in a windows server with TADST?
  17. I found this code in web a time ago. I made some little changes. // update marker as long as map is open (works for uav stations as well) J_myGPSEH = addMissionEventHandler ["Map", { params ["_mapIsOpened", "_mapIsForced"]; if (_mapIsOpened) then { ((uiNamespace getVariable "BIS_UAV_DISPLAY") displayCtrl 112410) mapCenterOnCamera true; //hint format["%1",mapGridPosition player]; _markerstr = createMarkerLocal ["markername",player]; _markerstr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_start"; //_markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\islandmap\iconplayer_ca.paa"; _markerstr setMarkerDirLocal getDir player; switch (side player) do { case west:{ _markerstr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorWEST";}; case east:{ _markerstr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorEAST";}; case civ:{ _markerstr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorCIV";}; case Independent:{ _markerstr setMarkerColorLocal "colorIndependent";}; }; _markerstr setMarkerTextLocal format["%1",mapGridPosition player]; // no sheduled environment -> create one /* Triggered when map is opened or closed either by user action or script command openMap. */ /* [] spawn { waitUntil{ hint format["%1",mapGridPosition soldado]; }; };// */ } else{ hint ""; deleteMarkerLocal "markername"; } ; }]; This code work fine. They put an icon in map when I open it. The problem is that icon is static. If I moving in a vehicle always is in the my position at map open. Is there any way to actualizate the payer position when map is open? BTW: Where I can find the iconplayer_ca.paa? This line don't work _markerstr setMarkerTypeLocal "a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\islandmap\iconplayer_ca.paa";
  18. Hi guys, I'm interested in any way to hide the GPS screen when the player is aiming, like the compass or watch. Any idea? Regards,
  19. I'm sorry but I can't follow you. I'm just start to learn about scripts
  20. ok, to all. I hope that someone who has knowledge of MP comment about it.
  21. Thanks for everyone's response. I'm going to try this code. Where does this code go? In the initServer?
  22. Thank for your answer. But I'm looking for some solution that not depend of good will of player. Regards
  23. Here is my final code (for now) The logic is: Player is covered (setCaptive true) If player fire inside trigger area go to uncovered (setCaptive false) If not enemy close or player(s) kill enemies near him in a certain time, go to covered status again. (in the future) If player kill someone, is activated a radio check timer trigger, that do something Setup Made a group (or more) of infiltrate players. In the init of the group put this sentence: {_x setCaptive true;} forEach units this; (image) Make a trigger to cover the enemy area. Activate by player and you can use presense or detected by in activation type. In activation put this code nul = [] execVM "scripts\detectado.sqf"; Use your name and path. (image) Add this to initServer.sqf //initServer.sqf stealthStatus = "undetected"; publicVariable "stealthStatus"; Finally put this routine: //scripts\detectado.sqf player addEventHandler ["FiredMan",{ params ["_unit"]; player setCaptive false; //systemChat "Si escucharon ese disparo perdimos la cobertura"; [] spawn { _radiusPlayerDetected = ["RadiusDetected",100] call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; //Radio de detección _detectedTimeLimit = ["TimeToCallInContact",20] call BIS_fnc_getParamValue;//Tiempo de reacción _run = true; _timePlayerDetected = 0; _tiempo = 0; _playerDetected = false; _playerNotified = false; while {_run && (stealthStatus == "undetected")} do { //systemChat "_run"; if (alive player) then { _playerDetected = false; _listEntitiesNear = (getPos player) nearEntities _radiusPlayerDetected; _listEnemiesNear = _listEntitiesNear select {side _x == east}; { if ((_x knowsAbout player) > 1.4 && !(_playerDetected)) exitWith { _playerDetected = true; //systemChat "Algo sabe el enemigo"; }; } forEach _listEnemiesNear; _tiempo = diag_tickTime; call { if (_playerDetected && !(_playerNotified)) exitWith { _timePlayerDetected = diag_tickTime; //systemChat "Los enemigos sospechan que estamos cerca (>1.4)"; _playerNotified = true; }; if (_playerDetected && _playerNotified && (_tiempo >= _timePlayerDetected + _detectedTimeLimit)) exitWith { _run = false; //systemChat "Hemos sido descubiertos. Ya no estamos encubiertos"; player setCaptive false; stealthStatus = "detected"; publicVariable "stealthStatus"; }; if (!(_playerDetected) && _playerNotified) exitWith { _playerNotified = false; _timePlayerDetected = 0; //systemChat "Estamos seguros. No hay ningun enemigo cerca que sepa de nosotros"; player setCaptive true; }; }; } else { _run = false }; uiSleep 2; }; }; }]; You need to play with RadiusDetected and detectedTimeLimit values to adjust to requirements. Maybe 50 m and 30 sec. will be good for closed spaces. To adjust this parameter in game put this to description.ext //description.ext class Params { class EmtpyLine1 { title = ":: Parametros de Misión ::"; values[]={0,0}; texts[]={ "",""}; default = 0; }; class EmtpyLine2 { title = "..............................."; values[]={0,0}; texts[]={ "",""}; default = 0; }; class RadiusDetected { title = "Radio de detección de los enemigos"; values[] = {3,5,10,15,20,50,100,150,200,500,1000,1500,2000}; texts[] = {"3 metros","5 metros","10 metros","15 metros","20 metros","50 metros","100 metros","150 metros","200 metros","500 metros","1000 metros","1500 metros","2000 metros"}; default = 100; }; class TimeToCallInContact { title = "Tiempo que se tiene para recuperar la cobertura una vez detectados"; values[] = {5,10,15,20,25,30,45,60}; texts[] = {"5 segundos","10 segundos","15 segundos","20 segundos","25 segundos","30 segundos","45 segundos","60 segundos"}; default = 45; }; };
  24. Hi to all. I'm new in scripts programming and I have some doubts. I'm working in a cooperative MP mission. A unit is infiltrated behind enemy lines. They use enemy uniforms and weapons. This unit can't fire in enemy territory because they enemy discovery him, except if they use a suppressed pistol. I used this code: player addEventHandler ["FiredMan",{ params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"]; if (_weapon != "rhsusf_weap_glock17g4") then { hint "setCaptive false"; // Only the player //player setCaptive false; // All unit are undercover {[_x,false] remoteExec ["setCaptive",_x]} forEach units group player; } else { hint "setCaptive true"; }; }]; This code works right, but any player with a suppressed pistol can kill all the enemy without any restriction First question: Is possible restraint the distance to kill the enemy or that the player and the enemy are un the same room or the enemy died in certain time after the player fire or any realistic situation that you can think, to avoid that? second question: I use a trigger with an area to discover my group if the enter in this area. This is not too real. If my group go into the area and kill the enemies one by one, and the enemies that behind the walls don't see or listen that, the group must remain uncovered. They must have a time before a guard can alert to others, and if the guard is killed before this, the unit is safe even though is inside the prohibit zone. Can you imagine some code to do this?