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About Oldninja

  • Rank
    Master Sergeant

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  • Location
    Cheshire, England
  • Interests
    Good food, New Zealand Sauvignon, watching football on the telly and of course gaming. Beating me grandkids at whatever game they choose! ... Except fortnite, the little blighters build too fast.

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  1. Oldninja

    Map rotation

    Can we get back to the weekly map rotation. I prefer certain maps and the chance to play them for whole week uninterrupted, is very appealing to me. Cheers.
  2. Oldninja

    Lack of activity

    Just looked in to check on the current level of interest in this once great game. Sad to see such little discussion taking place. Used to buzzing with ideas. Shame really.
  3. Oldninja

    Just dropping in...

    Hi all, As a founder I thought I would just drop in on a great concept, ruined by the pursuit of income. Whilst I understand that games now survive by micro transactions, I'm still disappointed that BI didn't stick with the unique concept they developed. I long for a return to the days when you entered an encounter ( a term I inspired through my early feedback) not knowing how many other players were on the map. Not being able to change the drop, not having the ability to see where other outlanders were and having @8 minutes to loot after the radiation cloud appeared. New players may not be aware of this, but it was much more fun. More loot allowed you to build upgrades quicker, and all in all it was an enjoyable and unique concept. Ah well, that ship sailed a long time ago. I hope you all enjoy the current headless chicken concept. I don't and will continue to canvass for a return to the real Vigor.
  4. Oldninja

    Daily Challenges

    Daily challenges are not refreshing. Anyone else witnessing this bug?
  5. Oldninja

    We want map selection back... as soon as possible

    I accept that I made my final address, but I still retain a shred of hope for the game and did say I would monitor things. Therefore I could not let forsythiaas politically correct, and quite simply wrong response go unanswered. 1. Wait times have become worse not better since map selection was removed. 2. There are less complaints about teaming because outlanders are fed up of wasting their time complaining. . Finally. When has BI actually done anything that a paying outlander asked for? Once in my recollection, when I asked for a sound to accompany the use of the comm station. Virtually everyone wants map selection back, but will it happen? No. Just check how many outlanders leave the lobbies when they end up on a map they don't like. 90% of encounters I play lose at least one. So BI, do something your player base actually wants you to do for a refreshing change.
  6. Oldninja

    Valedictory Address

    As the title of this post suggests, this is my farewell post. . As my recent posts are nothing but critisism of the game I once so enjoyed and thought of as truly original. I have decided to end my relationship with its current, and future incarnations, as it no longer meets my requirements. The path from tactical survival game to standard shooter looter has been slow, and for me disappointing. But money talks and that money says that the original concept isn't as profitable as a fortnite/PUBG/CoD clone can be. Seeing the increasing number of bunny hoppers would confirm that theory. I wish BI and the devs all the best, and I really do hope the game succeeds. I do intend to drop in now and then and see how things are going, but my active engagement ends with this post. Have fun out there.
  7. Oldninja

    3.2 Update

    Your right Edmin. I've watched this game degenerate from a grown up's strategy game into something a lot less, and It saddens me as I really enjoyed it. I'm wrong to continually criticise it and fully understand why BI chose this path. In future I'll adopt my long gone mum's invaluable guidance. If I can't say anything nice I won't say anything at all. Thanks for calling me out.
  8. Oldninja

    3.2 Update

    Randomly placed collectibles to find. The children of the fleeing Norwegians must have dropped them.
  9. Oldninja

    3.2 Update

    Judging by the lack of discussion on here it looks like the update has been a roaring success. The trolls must be the reason! Can we have a cute little dog poking his head out my backpack in 3.3 please? Just to increase the enhanced sense of reality.
  10. Oldninja

    Kill challenges

    Hi Matthew, Thanks for the MoM tip. Downloaded and initial opinion - looks very interesting.
  11. Oldninja

    Title Solo Teaming

    Hi Matthew, Thanks for the heads up on MoM. Downloaded earlier and first impressions look good. Will give it a real go tomorrow, wife's job list permitting.
  12. Oldninja

    Take my MONEY & TIME !

    I admire your partial loyalty Edmin. I am also a founder, and have played continuously since 2018. Playing for varying lengths of time as often as possible. Being retired that means most days. I'm happy you have found the game again and have found that it satisfies your specific gaming requirements. I on the other hand have gradually been worn down by the inexorable march towards making the game into a pretty standard looter shooter. Hence my sometimes fierce criticism. This is of course my opinion. An opinion to which I am entitled. Because it differs from yours does not make me sad. Quite the opposite actually. I'm a very happy individual, and currently look forward to my daily chats with my grand children. One in particular, who will be 10 shortly, loves to tell me how many Vigor kills he made during the day. Have fun out there.
  13. Oldninja

    Too hard for a casual player ?

    Hi Edmin, No I didn't say that. I'm sure the vast majority of the cash you spend goes on development and associated costs. I actually said the game may not develop in a way that satisfies you, unless you enjoy running around with your weapon on auto shooting everything that moves. In my opinion the game was great, but becomes less so and less unique with every update. Have fun out there.
  14. Oldninja

    Done with the game till next season

    Hi Iron, We seem to be exchanging friendly comments on a few topics today. I hate repeating myself but I will, so please be patient. The original premise back in 2018 was solo survival leading to development of your shelter through looting for resources. Not much change then I hear you say. But... You dropped onto the map of the week not knowing how many other outlanders were on it, and you decided if you wanted the drop, which was a fixed location, or you avoided it to loot as you took the chance that other players would move towards the drop area. If someone took the drop quickly, the slower radiation gave you a further 8 minutes to move ahead of it looting before leaving at the opposite end to whence it came. You could engage if you wished or focus on looting to upgrade if you wished. Needless to say other games that offered more action were more popular. Hence the transition of Vigor by embracing a similar philosophy as the more popular survival/battle Royale formats. The updates of the last 18 months have consistently eroded an outlanders ability to avoid engagement and lower loot levels have accentuated it. Shorter game time, the signal generator, personal signal generator etc have all been added to encourage more engagement. I know BI need to get a return for what is now a free to play offering (it cost me 16.99), but the older players who wanted to play a little more tactically and have a clearer choice of engage or not feel a little frustrated at the path the game has taken. I really do hope you enjoy it, as many older and certainty newer players do. My eldest grandson certainly enjoys telling me from lockdown how many kills he had today and what weapons he looted. I will still play but maybe not as much or as often as I once did.
  15. Oldninja

    The end is Nigh

    Absolutely agree Iron. But it does mean something to players who enjoyed earlier incarnations of the game. I'm not going to repeat myself about my preferences for the game, as that ship has sailed. Grandsons and granddaughters Iron, 3 of which play Fortnite. Just coughed up for some gold man skin for the eldest granddaughter 7! When I was 8 all we had was a local wood to play in and aim homemade catapults at each other. Fortunately we were crap shots, so no one got scared for life. For reference we won the World cup shortly after that.