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Everything posted by stanhope

  1. Could you share an RPT from when you crashed? Use pastebin.com or something similar or put it in a spoiler.
  2. stanhope

    Loading bug

    https://www.google.com/search?q=arma+rpt First result
  3. stanhope

    Loading bug

    Could you share an RPT from when this happens?
  4. No, a headless client is launched by passing certain parameters to the dedicated server executable. Which anyone can get for free on steam. Have a look at: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client (well, you can also launch a HC by passing some arguments to a normal client but most use the dedicated server exe)
  5. What I can think of is that you keep a variable on server with all the players in the trigger which you update every time in onactivation. Then in ondeactivation you compare thisList to that variable and see who's missing. remoteExec your code on him or add some other kind of check.
  6. Have you ran through this?
  7. From your RPT: 3:12:15 "ExileServer - Please have a look at @ExileServer/extDB/logs/ to find out what went wrong."
  8. Depends on the the renting service. Well, headless clients offer some benefits but also have downsides. You don't have to run a headless client. Unless you're running a mission that has to have one. It's possible, don't know whether it'll be easier, that depends on the mission you're running, the renting service, ...
  9. stanhope

    Loading bug

    Do you run any mods? Which startup parameters are you launching arma with?
  10. stanhope

    Arma 3 crashes.

    First things first, remove this parameter: -noLogs otherwhise you're not gonna get any actual logs. Next, remove all of those mods and see if your arma still crashes.
  11. stanhope

    Can you repair Boats/Ships in Arma 3?

    Yea, you should be able to repair the boat the same way you repair anything else.
  12. stanhope

    Can you repair Boats/Ships in Arma 3?

    Which mods are you running?
  13. stanhope

    Can you repair Boats/Ships in Arma 3?

    The mission maker has to provide the ability to do this.
  14. Are you running all vanilla? If so, switch to the GBU, open the pilot's camera, line up the indecator of where the bomb is going to land roughly with where the laser is, drop the bomb.
  15. stanhope


    Hi, welcome to this forum. Which server are you banned from? Because most servers aren't owned nor managed by Bohemia.
  16. stanhope

    Artillery Scripts

    This script takes 2 parameters, _arty, the actual artillery vehicle and _pos, the position it's meant to fire at. private _shotsFired = floor (random _amount); if (_shotsFired < 3) then { _shotsFired = 3; }; This part determines how many shots will be fired. It's going to be a random number between the maximum amount of shells the arty has and 3. The if statement is this lower limit of 3. These 2 lines create a smoke grenade 10 meters above the position the arty will be firing at (this is done by the first line) and in a radius of 10 meters around this position. Check the syntax out here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle Not a radio call no, a function call. You can either make this a proper function or put this code into a variable and call it that way. In case you don't know how to do that: In initserver.sqf put the following: artyCode = { params ["_arty", "_pos"]; _arty setVehicleAmmo 1; private _amount = _arty ammo (currentWeapon _arty); private _shotsFired = floor (random _amount); if (_shotsFired < 3) then { _shotsFired = 3; }; private _ammo = (getArtilleryAmmo [_arty] select 0); private _smokePos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((_pos select 2) + 10)]; private _redSmoke = createVehicle ["SmokeShellRed", _smokePos, [], 10, "NONE"]; _arty commandArtilleryFire [_pos, _ammo, _shotsFired]; }; And whenever you want to target a given position with a given arty piece use: [_arty, _pos] spawn artyCode Be sure to either replace _arty and _pos with the right variables or to define them wherever you call it from.
  17. stanhope

    Artillery Scripts

    params ["_arty", "_pos"]; _arty setVehicleAmmo 1; private _amount = _arty ammo (currentWeapon _arty); private _shotsFired = floor (random _amount); if (_shotsFired < 3) then { _shotsFired = 3; }; private _ammo = (getArtilleryAmmo [_arty] select 0); private _smokePos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((_pos select 2) + 10)]; private _redSmoke = createVehicle ["SmokeShellRed", _smokePos, [], 10, "NONE"]; _arty commandArtilleryFire [_pos, _ammo, _shotsFired]; This is the code I use to call arty in (it also creates a red smoke grenade on the position it's going to fire), you can probably tweak it a bit.
  18. Released 2 more versions since my last reply here, full changelog and download link in the original post.
  19. Try createVehicle ["FIR_F16D", [8800,10200,300], [], 0, "FLY"] (untested)
  20. I believe that the difficulty of your server will be the difficulty you've got set on your client.
  21. stanhope

    Countermeasures Problem A-164

    Have you redownloaded the mods that are affected?
  22. stanhope

    Script for Grenadier Smoke Shells

    0 = [_this] spawn { params ["_unit"]; private _target = assignedTarget _unit; private _weapon = "rhs_weap_ak74m_gp25"; private _range = 200; while {alive _unit} do { if (!isNull _target && _unit distance _target < _range) then { if (currentWeapon _unit != _weapon) then { _unit selectWeapon "TODO: find the muzzle name of rhs_weap_ak74m_gp25 GL launcher"; sleep 2; }; _unit forceWeaponFire [_weapon,"hlc_GRD_Red"]; }; sleep 15 }; }; Untested, let me know if it works
  23. Added the requested feature and fixed some bugs, full changelog and download link in the original post.
  24. Could you list all the mods you're running?
  25. Have you launched your game fully vanilla and connected to a fully vanilla server?