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About Blitzen88

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  1. How would you do it if you were pulling from an array? For instance: _array = [ Vehicle1 Vehicle2 Vehicle3 ]; { _Object addaction ["How do I add the name here", {[_this select 0] execVM "Scripts\Blah.sqf"}]; } foreach _array;
  2. How can I pull and use a unit's classname in the title of an addaction? For instance: { _Object addaction ["How do I add the classname here", {[_this select 0] execVM "Scripts\Blah.sqf"}]; } foreach units group1;
  3. Think I figured it out - nevermind
  4. Greetings, I use Zenophon's Garrison Script to garrison buildings with AI. Its my favorite garrison script for a number of reasons. However, the script runs some sort of check to place an AI solider directly in front of a window - this way the AI unit can have a full field of view. Although this is ideal for most scenarios, sometimes I like to "fortify" a house by blocking all of the windows. This way, a player has to clear the house of AI as opposed to shooting them through the window. However, when I do this, Zenophon's script ignores/fails to place units in the building because their view is blocked. I'm trying to add a parameter to turn the view checking on/off but I cant figure it out. Here is a version of the script: Many years ago I reached out to Zenophon regarding this issue and he tried to help me fix this issue. Here is what he said: However, I cant figure out how to implement his suggestions - when I add a true/false check with the original conditions the script doesnt seem to work. I would reach out to him again but he seems inactive now. Any help would be appreciated
  5. Isnt that the same as re-execing it if you just re-call it?
  6. Got an AI hunt (ie stalk) script that I made and Im having some trouble re-execing it after a While loop has completed. Can anyone tell/show me how to make it loop without re-execing it? I feel like re-execing it is bad practice. Here it is (look at the very bottom):
  7. Probably going to take this route. I found this post which describes how MARTA classifies groups….probably gonna take the same approach.
  8. Greetings, The command addGroupIcon adds an icon to a group’s leader. The type of icon that is used is based off of the input. Is there anyway to automatically select/use the correct icon based off of the type of group? For instance, infantry groups get infantry icons, armored groups get armored icons, etc?
  9. Blitzen88

    Fixing Marta with Knowsabout

    Can anyone tell me why this doesnt work: But yet this works: Im confused.
  10. Blitzen88

    Fixing Marta with Knowsabout

    That has some interesting info but that user wanted to hide all enemy groups. I dont want to hide ALL enemy groups - I want to hide groups which have been previously identified and the player’s side should no longer know about (ie no longer in sight, far away).
  11. I play missions using the Military Symbols module (aka Marta). For those who are unaware, the module creates/places symbols over identified enemy groups. However, the module has a problem : once an enemy group has been identified, its marker will not be removed until that group has been destroyed. Although the module has commands to tweak its settings (ie “duration”), they dont work. However, would it be possibe to add a “Map” mission eventhandler which hides “unknown” groups when the map is opened? For example: However I cant get it to work.
  12. Having some issues with an AI Hunt/Stalk script that I created. The script uses the BIS_fnc_groupvehicles function to determine if the stalking group has a vehicle. However, I’m getting an error related to this function but I don’t know what I am doing wrong. The error I’m getting is: Steam Screenshot of Error (Bottom of Screen) Script:
  13. I wanted the script to work with being called via a SpawnAI module or a unit’s init line; thats the overall goal. The script is being called via a SpawnAI module’s expression line - calling it a sector module is poor and incorrect wording by me. I can’t remember if the issue exists with units spawned via a SpawnAI module but I do know that duplicate backpacks occur when the script is called via a unit’s init. Based off of what you wrote, I am assuming I am calling/execing it wrong..? Whats the correct way to exec it? Edit: After looking it over again, and looking at the params wiki entry, I think I know what the problem is. Edit #2: Changed how the script was called and that fixed the issue