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Everything posted by Captinlarry

  1. So I created a mission file for my units new training map. When testing on my own PC I get no errors and see all slots intended. The slot selection screen on my own PC When I upload the mission on server I see no slots to select at all. There are no visible errors. The Slot Selection screen on the server box After doing some testing and removing all objects from the mission file and testing one at a time I discovered my issue is BLUFOR AI that I placed down using animations from 3Den Enhanced. When I remove them from the mission file everything works perfectly. Does anyone know what might be the cause of this ?
  2. Captinlarry

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    Any Help on how to get this to work on a multiplayer server? Works just fine in SP and when I test Mp but nothing shows up when I test on the server Box
  3. Im having issues calling a Sqf through a simple radio trigger using a RemoteExcec call{playsound "JediDown";}; remoteExec ["Scripts\Start.sqf", 2]; The Trigger in Question Bane of my existence Path Scripts\Start List of SQFs Also having some issues with Addactions that activate SQFs. call{this addaction [ "Disable Security Lockdown", { "StarLock.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 2];}];} I was Using this ^^ but my Mod guys tell me that will call on every machine, kill frames and crash the server. Any and all help would be apperciated
  4. It calls a funtion that moves multiple objects away from an opening like a door, fires off 8 UnitPath scripts and has some time delays
  5. [] spawn { 101 cutText ["Image: ", image "image\SWLogo.paa"]; 101 cutFadeOut 7.0; sleep 8; 101 cutText ["<t size='3.0' color='#008AB8' font='EtelkaMonospacePro'>Believe in yourself or no one else will.</t>", "BLACK", 3.0,true,true]; 101 cutFadeOut 7.0; sleep 8; }; trying to add an Image to my cuttext per This Link
  6. Captinlarry

    Adding an Image to a CutText

    This is the error message i'm getting
  7. Having issues posting the PBO and the SQM here.
  8. Yup. Still got the Error
  9. Alright then what am I doing wrong then?
  10. I posted this removeMagazinesTurret ["4Rnd_Titan_long_missiles", {0}]; this addEventHandler ["Fired", {deleteVehicle (_this select 6); _this execVM "scripts\flak.sqf";}]; In the init of the tigris
  11. https://gyazo.com/82d7a887decdf003465925cb98fe6392 Tried using the Flak script and everything above but I keep getting this error with no Flak appearing.
  12. https://gyazo.com/641c0226cab80eac03d04a2c5fed444b Above is an SS of my notepad. Trying to activate a trigger through my SQF with triggerActivated TurboBomb; Below are the settings of that trigger. https://gyazo.com/ce586674451bc34a810bb59350bb9817 I tried triggering the E2 setDamage [1, true]; from the sqf itself but that didnt seem to work.
  13. The code is a UnitCapture log for 15 aircraft. Each aircraft has its own path, Flight one does its flyover first, 2 flight second and so on. I would post it but its 15 different SQFs which read as Path1=(data); [B1,Path1] spawn BIS_fnc_unitPlay; B1 engineOn true; [] spawn MyPath1; [] spawn Mypath2; [] spawn Mypath3; [] spawn Mypath4; [] spawn Mypath5; Better?
  14. You've lost me chief 😅
  15. You mean the Path Names?
  16. Sorry to rehash this but Im having a similar problem again. Current issue is Im trying to call an SQF from a trigger. Trigger is set in the water and when players cross into the area I need it to fire the SQF which has about 15 paths and music in it. I thought about calling directly from the trigger but IIRC "Sleep" does not work on triggers. The SQF call{playsound "Eyes";}; sleep 5; rec = [] spawn MyPath1; rec = [] spawn Mypath2; rec = [] spawn Mypath3; rec = [] spawn Mypath4; rec = [] spawn Mypath5; sleep 5; rec = [] spawn Mypath6; rec = [] spawn Mypath7; rec = [] spawn Mypath8; rec = [] spawn Mypath9; rec = [] spawn Mypath10; sleep 5; rec = [] spawn Mypath11; rec = [] spawn Mypath12; rec = [] spawn Mypath13; rec = [] spawn Mypath14; rec = [] spawn Mypath15;
  17. I had a Function wrote by a friend that I need to call in a MP mission file. The Function is saved in the file already in a sub folder called functions and is called fn_MoveObject.sqf How would I go about calling this function in an SQF? Also is there a better way to call an sqf on a MP mission than "call{Ham addaction [ "Check in with the Sergeant", { "HamTalk.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 2];}];};"
  18. Trying to call a sound file for players near an Object named Clone1 Clone1 say3D ["Incoming", 50, 1, false, 0]; from say3D [sound, maxDistance, pitch, isSpeech, offset] is the syntax used but I still cannot seem to get it to work. I know the pathing to the sound works because I can hear it with a simple trigger command.
  19. E2 and E3 were explosive charges. Solved the issue. Needed to add E2 hideObjectGlobal false; E2 enableSimulation true; \\ This E3 hideObjectGlobal false; E3 enableSimulation true; \\ This Both objects were hidden in the Init. so I forgot that hideObjectGlobal does not reenable simulation.
  20. my onAct code of E2 setDamage [1, true]; E3 setDamage [1, true]; doesnt seem to work
  21. How would you activate a trigger through an SQF? E3 hideObjectGlobal false; Sleep 1; triggerActivated TurboBomb; // Current Line im trying to use G4 hideObjectGlobal true; https://gyazo.com/641c0226cab80eac03d04a2c5fed444b E2 setDamage [1, true]; // On activation E3 setDamage [1, true]; https://gyazo.com/ce586674451bc34a810bb59350bb9817 Sqf fires and completes all other tasks other than activating the trigger
  22. How would this work for an OOG file on a trigger? I have the player base split and only want the players near the guy to hear the OOG "Incoming"
  23. Is there a way to spawn a unit only after two separate triggers have been activated? For example one say you have two possible missions, one to secure a vehicle depo and another to secure a town. Is there a script that would allow me to spawn in armor support for the town mission if the depo had been secured? and for the armor not to be present otherwise?