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About Greensnack

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  1. What was updated about the AK/RPK/PKM textures?
  2. Greensnack

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    A few rhs weapons have QR codes on them such as the m16a4 and the M27 IAR, do they lead any where or is it flair? I tried using a qr scanner on the one on the m27, no dice.
  3. Congratulations on your release! The rifle grenades are awesome! I love the thermal optic. However I do think the vests are a bit heavy, unless it's a design decision around weighting plates, gear, etc.
  4. Can't open the full res for some reason. Do you mind mirroring them on imgur please?
  5. Greensnack

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah that tells us a whole lot.
  6. Greensnack

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Gorka 1 in rhs afrf.
  7. Greensnack

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I was going to type that I was aware of the mrud.
  8. Greensnack

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Call me crazy, but I remember the MON-50 being in rhs afrf. I searched the changleogs on the website thinking it was removed at some point for whatever reason and found no results. Was it ever in the mod at all? And no if it wasn't I am not requesting one.
  9. Greensnack

    NIArms Release Thread

    I've encountered a weird bug when niarms is mounted. It seems to break the sand painted 5.56 magazine from the apex dlc. Before it was able to be loaded in 5.56 weapons, but when niarms is mounted it becomes limited to the spar 16 with the short barrel only.
  10. Thanks for explaining it to him, I couldn't have put it better.
  11. Can the QBZ rifles have cba magwell compatibility?
  12. Greensnack

    NIArms Release Thread

    I noticed that the new contact 7,62 ak mags don't work in the 7,62 aks and other weapons that take ak mags. Is this an issue with cba or niarms?
  13. Greensnack

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    In zeus the nationalist militia Motorized Btr 70 groups in indfor spawn as opfor units.
  14. Greensnack

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is the tac reload fixed in the dev branch? Also noticed a bug that when saf is loaded all m70 ak's use a reload sound that doesn't fit the animation. Additionally the screen gets very dark when turning in and out of the M1117 ASV.