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About Flynn375

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    Lance Corporal

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Looks insane, appreciate the amount of detail you're putting into the environment 👍
  2. Flynn375

    42 Commando Mods WIP

    DHFS Airbus H135 Juno
  3. Flynn375

    RKSL Attachments Pack

    Just some food for thought on the latest update to the LDS PIP View. Would it be possible to add in an external blur to the scopes PIP view so only the reticle is focused? Here's a quick example: Blurred: Not Blurred:
  4. Few shots from last nights training with 42 Commando Milsim Unit https://www.42commando.co.uk/ I post screenshots and videos regularly on the units twitter account: https://twitter.com/42_unit Mods used: @3CB_EQUIPMENT @3CB_WEAPONS @MPX_VIRTUS @MPX_ATMP @ACRE @ACE @Prei Khmaoch Luong @42CommandoGriffinHAR2
  5. Think we wanted to keep it singular, we thought it was odd being able to instantly drag out a formation of panels. If it's something people really want then I suppose we could consider doing it in the future however for now we intend to keep it realistic by limiting it to one per deployment.
  6. Release v1.1.2 - Textures all reworked slightly - Added Griffin HAR2 Rescue - Now Requires 42 Commando Common https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1765316352 Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1763424519
  7. 42 COMMANDO MILSIM UNIT GRIFFIN HAR2 RHS RETEXTURE -------- About: Two distinct Griffin variants are in RAF service, the HAR.Mk 2, operated by 84 Squadron as a multi-role helicopter from its RAF Akrotiri base, and the HT.Mk 1, flown by 60(R) and 202(R) Sqns as part of the Defence Helicopter Flying School (DHFS). In the support helicopter role, the Griffin HAR2 carries six fully-equipped troops, or up to eight if operationally essential. It also employs underslung Bambi Buckets for fire fighting and has a vital search and rescue (SAR) mission, as well as taking force protection, military aid to civilian authorities and ISTAR roles. The Griffin HAR2 is equipped with night-vision goggles and a FLIR/ TV turret, which affords its crews a relevant night capability. Owing to the hot, arid climate of its Cyprus base, the HAR2 regularly employs its crucial fire fighting capability across the region. Other capabilities include search and rescue. The HT1 lacks the weather radar and one or two other of the HAR2’s operational features, but is equipped to deliver comprehensive multi-engine helicopter training to future frontline pilots and rear crew. It also equips 202(R) Sqn, formerly the SAR Training Unit, providing UK military helicopter pilots with SAR and mountain flying training. RHS UH1Y Retexture of the Griffin HR2 Helicopter. Contents: - Griffin HAR2 - Griffin HAR2 Armed - Griffin HAR2 (Jungle) - Griffin HAR2 (Jungle) Armed - Griffin HT1 / Bell 212 - Griffin HAR2 (Rescue) Plans: - N/A Mod Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1763424519 Images: Known Bugs: N/A Changelog: V1.0 - Griffin HAR2 - Griffin HAR2 (Jungle) - Griffin HT1 V1.1 - Fixed Static fire animation on Armed versions - Fixed Passenger loading for Armed versions V1.1.1 - Fixed inheritance issue with unarmed version V1.1.2 - Textures all reworked slightly - Added Griffin HAR2 Rescue - Now Requires 42 Commando Common Dependencies: RHSUSAF - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=843577117 42COMMON - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1765316352 Credits: - RHS (Model) - TomTuckar (Config) - Flynn (Textures) - RabidusUK (Morale) Social Media: https://www.42commando.co.uk/ https://twitter.com/42_unit
  8. Squad name: 42 Commando Timezone/location: UK Local Time Gamemode preference: COOP, Serious Milsim Contact email: media@42commando.co.uk Website address: https://www.42commando.co.uk/ Teamspeak iP: ts.42cdo.co.uk Short description: 42 Commando is an Arma 3 unit that aims to create enjoyable yet realistic wargames in Arma 3, adapting real life doctrine to tackle the challenges presented to us in game. We model ourselves of off the real 42 Commando at approximately platoon strength. We also include a number of technical roles as ‘attachments and detachments’, such as signals, engineers or aviation. The unit was previously known as 51st Infantry Brigade however the group chose to change role over the 2019 new year holiday to 42 Commando. We will only allow applicants over the age of 16 as we consider this to be the level of maturity required in our missions. We understand that real life comes first and therefore run a flexible attendance policy. Wargames and training nights are currently held every Saturday at 19:30 Local (UK) and do not exceed 3 hours in length. Language: English
  9. Another reason why I love Arma... Mods used: @3CB_EQUIPMENT @3CB_WEAPONS @CUP_TERRAINS @MPX_VIRTUS @ACRE @ACE