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Everything posted by ferpo_the_great

  1. Hey can someone walk me through how to export your faction and make a PBO? I've tried and failed repeatedly. I know this has undoubtedly been asked before but I can't find anything. Once you create it in the ORBAT, create the groups and export it then what? Where do I copy it to? What programs do I need? How do I compile it? How do I make it into an addon? What programs do I need etc.? If anyone can point me in the direction of a youtube tutorial or anything that would be great. Because I can't find anything past how to make a faction in the mod. I got that part down. So now what?
  2. ferpo_the_great

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Seriously thanks for the response guys. I wasn't in any way trying to shit on you guys or anything. You have all been outstanding since the beginning. I was just relaying some minor concerns that pop up when Patreon and modding are mixed. I honestly love the mod and how you guys approach working on the mod. And just clarification I meant "blow up" on Patreon in terms of you guys bringing in a lot of money very fast. It's very easy to say that it will only cover costs associated with development but what happens if the money coming in exceeds that several times over?
  3. ferpo_the_great

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So I'm all for you guys going to Patreon. And forgive me if you have addressed this already but here's my unsolicited advice and concerns. You might have to reconsider how you guys update the community regarding planned features and what the roadmap is. People will have more of a right to ask about specific plans when they are actually throwing money. Most games and mods that go to Patreon or early access that keep the good will of the community provide pretty detailed updates and roadmaps on what content is in the works. In the Skyrim modding scene for example there is a ton of drama around the multi-player mod and the team that makes it. They're on Patreon bringing in thousands of dollars a month and still shit on the community. Since the Patreon fundraising model when applied to modding doesn't work too well since it doesn't deincentivize the gaining Patrons without actually having to do anything. Since many of the people that pledge money will never cancel their pledge. No matter the rate of progress or what is done with the money since they will simply forget about it. For example you guys have every right as of now to be as blunt about how annoying the "when is X weapon/vehicle coming" and "are you going to make Y" questions as you want. But there is the potential for that to get old fast if you guys blow up on Patreon as I expect you will. The RHS model of allowing modders to make whatever they want at whatever pace loses its relevance when you're actually making money. Anyway just my two cents. I don't mean this in a negative way and I'm sure you've had these discussions. I just love this mod and want to see it continue to grow.
  4. ferpo_the_great

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Forgive me if this is something the mod cannot control, but is there any way to get the B1 and B2 AI to behave more like strategic bombers rather than CAS? My guess is that its an ARMA thing but it would be nice if the AI would fly bombers at higher altitudes rather than behave like an F-35 or A-10
  5. ferpo_the_great

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    At various times in the army I have dummy corded: MILES gear, CCO to rifle, ACOG to rifle, canteens, map carriers, DAGR, compass, target list work sheet. Basically anything you signed for or anything that is mission critical.
  6. ferpo_the_great

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Congrats on the update! It all looks great. Really excited for all the love that the HIDF is getting. Are we gonna get a Tanoa themed OPFOR faction for them to fight?
  7. ferpo_the_great

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    Lol holy shit. I've been playing Arma since Operation Flashpoint and I never thought of this lol
  8. ferpo_the_great

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    Any chance for a REDFOR version of the Rebels? Not making any chances to the units just a REDFOR version of the same faction. I'd like to do some joint US-Altian counter insurgency operations lol
  9. ferpo_the_great

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    Ok I misunderstood. Disregard.
  10. ferpo_the_great

    Project OPFOR

    @keeway wanted to give you a heads up that RHS announced their next GREF update is going to include the VHS-2 bullpup. It has seen a lot use with Iraqi SOF and it would be awesome if you could equip some of your Iraqi units with it. IS has also used captured models. In my humble opinion I think you should go back to a more extensive use of the M16 by the Iraqi Army since the Regular Army seems to be more widely equipped with it and the PMU has AK variants. But that is ultimately your call.
  11. ferpo_the_great

    [Beta] Altis Armed Forces 2017

    I would cast my vote for the smaller pixel camo pattern. Also when RHS releases its next update its supposed to have an FAL apparently. Have you considered replacing the AK variants used by the reservists with an FAL since its more similar to the G3 used by the Greeks IRL or are you gonna stick with the Russian equipment since the mod seems to be heavily influenced on the Cypriot National Guard? Either way I love the mod and this is the best revamped AAF mod there is. Hands down.
  12. ferpo_the_great

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Awesome! Thanks for the response! I hope the Project OPFOR people take advantage and equip some of their Iraqi Army units with it since some Iraqi IRL units use it. Love the mod and thank you.
  13. ferpo_the_great

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Feel free to remove this if you guys consider this a "will you make X" question. But based off what I've seen on ArtStation, is it fair to expect the VHS bullpup assault rifle posted by the designer here https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JAQaR to make an appearance in RHS? I'm only asking since he states its free for anyone to use and mentions RHS helping him import it to the ARMA engine.
  14. Can anyone link a detailed walk through on how to export a faction from the ORBAT creator? I've created a faction I want but I cannot figure out how to export/make a it into a PBO and all the information online is lacking in this regard.
  15. Has anyone created an all encompassing faction with all or multiple RHS Russian factions? I want to be able to use a faction that makes use of at least all of the MSV and TV units. I would do it myself but I have never used the ORBAT myself and can't find a walk through that will show me how to export a full faction properly. I know how to create/edit groups etc. but can't figure out how to export the faction. I understand it has something to do with creating a PBO file but that's about it.
  16. So is CUP going to be a requirement for the vehicles or not? Sorry if that's been answered but I can't find anything definitive.
  17. ferpo_the_great

    PedagneMOD upgrade pack Arma 3 Released

    Hello. Big fan of the mod. Love the units and they go great with the Mediterranean theme of Arma 3. If I could just make two suggestions. I think the units (especially in he groups) should all be equipped with helmets rather than berets. It breaks immersion a little bit since no one goes into battle wearing a beret. Maybe have some light units that wear berets but the standard units wearing appropriate headgear. Along the same vein is the use of vanilla nvgs on most units. Again it doesn't really make sense and is unrealistic (especially when paired with a beret). Units shouldn't be equipped with nvgs on their heads as a default. The berets and NVGs just look out of place.
  18. ferpo_the_great

    Project OPFOR

    Question about loadouts can we get some ISIS units outfitted with M-16s and M-4s as they are in real life? Also I think the Ukraine/CDF units would also benefit from a realizism standpoint if they were outfitted with the AKS-74 and the AK-74m with the plum features rather than the black AK-74m that is more associated with Russia. Also want to say that I think the plan to make GREF and SAF required is the right move.
  19. ferpo_the_great

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    In regards to GREF. I was just wondering, seeing as the CDF seems to be mostly based on the Ukrainian Military. Is there anyway to either have some units equipped with the AK-74m with olive features as before? Judging from photos and videos I've seen from Ukraine it seems to see just as much, if not more usage as the regular AK-74. Like here http://pp.vk.me/c618426/v618426943/10a72/Eq0TB4s6Y78.jpg and here https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ddR2EFxqz8M/maxresdefault.jpg where you can see soldiers using both. Personally I would have liked to see either the olive ak-74m moved over to the airborne units and remove the m-21 from the CDF loadouts or equip the CDF National Guard troops with the AKS-74 and remove the m-70. Perhaps a better solution would even be to create a CDF Rifleman AK-74m and a CDF Rifleman AKS-74 and set the groups to have number of both. I'm aware this is a nitpick and if I want I can just set the loadouts myself but I thought I'd give some little humble feedback.
  20. ferpo_the_great

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hello Genesis. Thank you for the update. The vanilla support modules still seem to be broken. Have you done any testing with it? Makes me think the issue may not be related to the scheduler. Thanks
  21. ferpo_the_great

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    My cousin is having the same issue. The AI is amazing and we're having a ton of fun playing with it but the supports we always use are now broken. i spent about an hour testing it. I tried with it on multiple maps. Vanilla, Tanoa, CUP maps. It seems directly related to the amount of units on the map. You can use the supports before you make contact with the enemy but once a firefight starts the supports don't work or the prompts slow down so much that you can never actually get to use the supports. I hope to see this resolved. I love the mod.
  22. ferpo_the_great

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Just want to follow up. I found two people many pages ago in this thread talking about the Vanilla support modules being broken and one person on Steam Workshop (none of which were answered) So it's not unique to me. There's pages and pages of people trying to figure how to get it to work with Alive modules but nothing about how to fix it working with Vanilla BIS supports. If I missed something please let me know.
  23. ferpo_the_great

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hey I don't know if anyone has this same issue but I'm having problems with a few things since I installed the mod. Major issue I'm having is the vanilla support modules seem to be broken if there are too many units on the map. I tried this on multiple maps and it happens everytime. It also causes the camera in the mission editor to break sometimes as well. I troubled shooted it and when I uninstall the mod it works fine. The modules do work before the firefight starts but once engaged they fail to work. I can select the type of support but once I get to the unit to fire it stopped working. I can't seem to figure out a resolution. I tested this all in the editor.