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Everything posted by Whitefame

  1. Hi I'm just wondering if it is possible to make a missile lock and seek on to an human target?? While looking at configs I can only see the possibilities to target air or ground units.
  2. Whitefame

    Stabilized component in ship

    Well mayby you could use the horizonBank and horizonDive animation sources to keep it horizontal! https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config
  3. Whitefame

    Missing texture

    To me it looks like your faces have been inverted, flip the normals and use backface culling.
  4. Whitefame

    Some troubles with LODS

    For the geo lod everything most be convex and closed! But you can have more then one mesh: every parts need a named selection thou component01, component02,.... and so on!
  5. try to pack it with pboproject instead! Its way better att telling you when something is wrong!
  6. Whitefame

    New driver/pilot poses

    Does your cargo proxy have a \cargo ending in the model? its the same for driver/gunner proxies, it needs it to know what kind of proxy it should be.
  7. Whitefame

    Model size limits

    Well isn't it ~50m from the center of the model, so the total lenght can be up to ~100m
  8. Whitefame

    New driver/pilot poses

    Use ArmaRig for blender. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24137 Works really well when making static animations and are easy to use. The RTM for vanillia are binirized but you can always use the ones from the arma 2 assets.
  9. Whitefame

    Reskinned Uniforms: Thermals and injuries

    class StageTI and the ti_ca file is what determines thermal texture so its kinda weird that it changes when you replace the normal texture.
  10. Well would try to reinstall everything. Pboproject is well worth the time xD
  11. Question: have you installed rapify also?? https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files
  12. Whitefame

    Floating Vehicle

    What happens if you change to maxCompression = 0.5; mMaxDroop = 0.5; in physX.hpp.
  13. Whitefame

    Floating Vehicle

    Need to see the "physX.hpp" also :P
  14. Whitefame

    Floating Vehicle

    Could you post your config and model.cfg files? Looks like a your suspension and model movement don't line up
  15. Whitefame

    A3 Motorcycle class

    If you are asking if there is a single variable that changes the maxspeed or acceleration of a vehicle then the simple answer is: no there is none. take a look at this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Cars_Config_Guidelines and this: It will give you a basic understanding on how the vehicle engines work in arma.
  16. Whitefame

    Custom Tank PhysX PROBLEM

    Yeah all wheels that uses physX so front/rear sprockets included, the visual model can be bigger/smaller thou.
  17. Whitefame

    Custom Tank PhysX PROBLEM

    The problem with tanks only going max 14km/h is often because the wheels are in different sizes in the memory lod, so try to make sure that the wheel_axis and wheel_bound are the same distance from each other on every wheel.
  18. can you send your config and model.cfg so I can see how you set it up?
  19. both selection="missile_2""" and "selection="missile_1""" are proxies
  20. HorribleGoat, in your youtube video for the lost dragons camouflage test you get a much cleaner look then what I currently get. did you use a different rvmat for that effect?
  21. When reading your first post it seemed like it worked with the VR vehicles atleast. Yeah they may have updated the shaders but still bad that it won't work with the rest of the a3 assets. applying any _ca textures on it makes the texture go black/white
  22. Yupp the _CA texture is in the model originally and it works fine with the rvmat you have in the first post. Thats also why the VR objects works cause they got an _CA texture applied in their p3d.
  23. Its mostly model.cfg you must change: for my IFV with 2 missiles I use Then in your config you must add an animationssource:
  24. Its a really cool effect, put it into an ODST suit today :D https://gyazo.com/69e19eb9a720b3acf19bb1734758d951
  25. Whitefame

    Virtual Arsenal in Prowler

    You could try and use class Useractions in the veh config.....so something like this mayby: class UserActions { class openarsenal { userActionID = 60; displayName = "Open Virtual Arsenal"; displayNameDefault = "Open Virtual Arsena"; textToolTip = "Open Virtual Arsenal"; position = "point"; //some memorypoint on the vehicle radius = 6; priority = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "(alive this)"; statement = "["Open",true ] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;"; }; };