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Everything posted by Spatsiba

  1. Hey! Is there any way to return the "turret" of a vehicle like "gunner", "commander", or "driver"? IE: driver _vehicle == _player || turret _vehicle == _player Alternatively a way to use "cargo"? IE: cargo _vehicle != _player I'm trying to prevent people from getting into co-pilot or gunner seats of vehicles.
  2. player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Shoot as Rich Texan</t>", "AirShoot.sqf", nil, 1.5, true, true, "", currentWeapon player == handgunWeapon player]; test that?
  3. Hey! I'm trying to make a whitelist that's able to be updated whilst the server's running. So far I have this: It works in single player but on the server it won't define "adminUID" etc etc. Even if I use the debug on the server and do something like: call compile preprocessfileLineNumbers "\whitelist.txt"; hint format ["%1", adminUID]; It won't work on the server. I've got -filePatching on the server too. Any help would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: I know the code isn't the greatest I'll optimise it when I get it working. It just won't work for now and I'm trying to make it as simple as possible. Also worth noting that I'm not a coder lol EDIT2: It seems like the path is wrong. Is there anyway to check the logs for WHERE the game searches for "whitelist.txt"?
  4. Yeah but that's another mod to add and I'm a madman. Going to see what happens if I save a list with all the marker names when they've been cleared lol
  5. Spatsiba

    Servers/ Groups for new player

    Not sure how beginner friendly you're looking for but if mods which makes the game even harder ACE/TFAR etc sounds interesting I know a few ones. I doubt you'd find very good coordination on any public servers not running these mods since a lot of quality within the community has been lost in quantity these days. Good luck with your search! :)
  6. Spatsiba

    Server name robbed

    Start a server with the same name. Problem fixed. I don't think you claim ownership of server names. In your case it's a very generic name as well so I doubt you'd be able to argue they stole your "Trademark" here.
  7. Has anyone made a persistent mission using these? I'd like the grids we clear to remain clear after server restart etc. Allows for a fully dynamic insurgency mission played as a campaign. EDIT: I didn't see that my post was the last post.
  8. Thanks for the reply! I think it was all just me thinking the debug console provided with the game was capable of doing it. I've already came to the same conclusion but haven't tested it yet. I'll look into it and come back to you when done :)
  9. Spatsiba

    Onmapsingleclick problem

    This is most likely not the best solution but you could try just doing pos = _pos I don't see that failing. remoteExec don't work with local variables is what I'm trying to say. Unless they're also local on target PC.
  10. As dedmen said it'll be a mix of RV and Enforce. Some compatibility will exist but a lot will most likely have to be made from scratch. Anything else would pretty much be speculation at this point. All you can do is pray that they go back to OPF-A2 gameplay wise and don't create CS: Enfusion.
  11. Spatsiba

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks but no. I mean a high quality one with matching UCP tape and correct franklin gothic text, preferably editable in .psd (tga etc. or similar) file. When I make it the colour is always a bit off and the text could look slightly better. It's nothing big but noticable to some so I thought I'd ask. Shadows don't function with it for me so that could be why though.
  12. Spatsiba

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Does anyone have a template for the ACU rank, name and patch? Maybe someone has already been through the pain of creating this?
  13. My server's working fine. However there seems to have been major AI improvements which I personally love! I can still set skill properly but my version of EOS is from ~2014 sometime.
  14. Does anyone have the ArmA 2: OA colour corrections? I want to have the same lighting in CUP terrains as you did in Operation Arrowhead with the module. Someone saw the post and sent me a substitue: "colorCorrections"ppEffectEnable true; "colorCorrections"ppEffectAdjust[0.9,1,0,[0.1,0.1,0.1,-0.1],[1,1,0.85,0.4],[1,0.1,0,0]]; "colorCorrections"ppEffectCommit 0;
  15. Spatsiba

    A large scale milsim scenario

    Though I haven't read your book. Using TFAR or ACRE with radio jamming scripts could work. As for your sleeping problem it's quite evident, ngl.
  16. Hey! If I want to add eventHandlers to: EDIT: class CfgVehicles { class Man; class CAManBase: Man { class EventHandlers { addEventHandler ["GetInMan", {[player] call Salmon_fnc_function}]; addEventHandler ["GetOutMan", {[player] call Salmon_fnc_function}] }; }; }; How would I go about doing that? I want to call a function every time a player with the mod loaded gets in or out of a vehicle.
  17. Spatsiba

    Adding EH in Config

    Thanks for the help! I got it working! :)
  18. The special bags tend to hide in arsenal. Like a MG assistants bag or explosive specialists bag. Kind of sucks because certain medic bags have (Medic) suffix on them which would help in certain scenarios.
  19. Wrong subForum. Try mission editing and scripting. Assuming you know what to do with the script and it being for multiplayer you could use this: //Change object to whatever you want to have the action on [object,["Start Alarm","alarm.sqf"]] remoteExec ["addAction",0]; //Make a file called "Alarm.sqf" and put in your mission playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\alarm_independent.wss", object]; Good luck!
  20. waituntil {!(isnull (finddisplay 602))}; { ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl _x) ctrlSetEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "if (""<ITEM>"" == lbText [ctrlIDC (_this select 0), _this select 1]) then {execVM ""script.sqf""};"]; } count [633, 638, 619]; I think that should work. Found it on some skethcy forum and slightly modified it.
  21. Hey! I've been trying to modify the civilian presence module by BIS to be used on community ported maps like Chernarus. I've got this code working so far (Put in "Code On Unit Created"): // Set clothes _civs = [ // Factory "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_02", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_06", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_05", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Worker_07", // Forest "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_06", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_05", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_02", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Woodlander_04", // Town "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_06", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_05", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_07", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_02", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Citizen_01", // City "LOP_CHR_Civ_Profiteer_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Profiteer_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Profiteer_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Profiteer_02", // Gay "LOP_CHR_Civ_Rocker_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Rocker_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Rocker_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Rocker_02", // Village "LOP_CHR_Civ_Villager_01", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Villager_04", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Villager_03", "LOP_CHR_Civ_Villager_02" ]; _loadOut = getUnitLoadOut (selectRandom _civs); _this setUnitLoadout _loadOut; // SetFace _num = round Random 23; _face = ["whiteHead_", _num] joinString ""; if (isServer) then {[_this, _face] remoteExec ["setFace", 0, _this]}; // SetName However their names are still greek. Since Bohemia didn't allow us to select a faction but rather "Auto detects" whether we're on Tanoa or Altis using this module in a community made map is 99% of the time going to be a pain. Is there anyway to use #include "rhsafrf\addons\rhs_c_troops\identities.hpp" and grab names from identities.hpp files like you do in mods? Use use setName to turn Garkos Kortas into Roman Bytchok?
  22. Spatsiba

    Welcome to Glasgow

    I'm pretty sure you might be able to get permission to include poolpunks mod as well if that's soemthing you'd want. I've seen it inside of other map packs before. Not 100% sure if it was with his knowledge though.
  23. Spatsiba

    Welcome to Glasgow

    I'm not sure if I'll get the forum police on me for asking but will there be a "light" version with only (I'm assuming) cup core dependancy or will everyone have to download the brazilian navy mods etc?
  24. Hey! I've been trying to make a mission which requires a certain slot to be selected. I can't figure out a smart way to check if there's a player present in the slot. What I want is for the mission to end if there's no one in the team leader slot. if (isNull EOD_TL) then {endmission "end7"}; _playerList = []; {_playerList pushBack _x;} forEach allPlayers; if !(EOD_TL in _playerList) then {endMission "end7"}; I've tried a few things like that but nothing works. It just says EOD_TL is an undefined object. The fix isn't as easy as to add quotations around it neither.
  25. Yeah thanks! I've got it executing on server and all clients because reasons so I'm good :) I just didn't know the difference betwene isNull and isNil