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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Respawn you can use event handler I beleive
  2. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    How can I find which weapon in a RHS vehicle is the cannon? I assume I need to check the simulation attribute of the ammo config for that weapon. If it is set to "shotBullet" then it is cannon right? I am not expert of configs so wanted to ask
  3. Devastator_cm

    broken script

    if (_i isEqualTo 4) then {_wpType = "CYCLE"}; this cannot create un expected case like making cycle between wp 3 and 4 only if 4th one lands very close to wp 3? maybe creating one final wp 5 just where the unit is in cycle is better?
  4. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    :cancan: Thanks for the new version Robalo!!! I will try it asap :)
  5. Devastator_cm

    AI Heli

    Hi Guys, anybody figure out a way to let AI Heli to attack infantry? In forum there was some suggestions with SaD waypoint or reveal but none of them worked by me. I have Mi-24 (RHS) which supposed to attack blufor but it just comes in nearby and starts hovering... It looks like AI air units should not be use against players :( ...
  6. Devastator_cm

    AI Heli

    _laserLock = [(configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo), "laserLock", 0] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry; just found the trick thanks to grezvany13
  7. thanks!! That is exactly what I was looking for. I didn't know there is a BIS function to navigate in config structure :)
  8. Hi Guys, is there a way to figure out a weapong can use laser lock via script? I need to find, i.e. if gbu-12 can use laser lock or not Thanks in advance
  9. Yes it does work. I am creating missions for my team as well and I have a dedicated server. So whatever I develop is based on the ideas for my own missions initally but then they grow with extra functionalities during development cycle :) As this is purely AI related work, it will work in mp at dedi without any issue because AI (also vehicles of AI) will be local to server
  10. I am working on the extension of script for jets at the moment :( Maybe after that I can prepare a sample scenario or a video
  11. Devastator_cm

    AI Heli

    I have a question :) How can I find which weapons (or magazines) uses laser lock on a vehicle? I opend a thread by config section but no solution till now. What I want is to turn on the laser only if vehicle has laser guided missiles or bombs.
  12. Thanks Johny! I really need to make a video to show what kind of possibilities this script will give in mission making but had no time till now :unsure: Still working on my air patrol script at the moment Keep in mind, it is not just convoy script anymore but also provides patrol functionality B)
  13. Hi All, a minor bug fix release related to the following topic https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/199812-bis-fnc-enemytargets-does-not-find-staticweapons/ Thanks to Grumpy Old Man, I applied his workaround until BI fixes their function. Enjoy!
  14. Devastator_cm

    User Friendly Editor

    Nice one Revo :) Thanks for the trick but I would still say current BI menu is not the way how it should be
  15. Devastator_cm

    User Friendly Editor

    Hi Guys, am I blind or is there no option to jump right to edit a custom scenario at the moment? Every time I need to 1- click editor 2- choose a map 3- after map is loaded open my scenario not possible to skip point 2 above and chose the scenario to edit right at the beginning?
  16. Devastator_cm

    Finding "Threat Level" and "Can damage"

    Thanks to you both I will check how can I use those attributes. I have a feeling it will not work if a unit is normal soldier but later on finds a AA weapon. It will probably will still have its class related threat level to the air unit which will be incorrect
  17. Hi Guys, is there a threat level for a unit to another unit? I remember I saw such command or function before but cannot find it again (maybe I was dreaming). I just want to check for example which unit in battlefield is the biggest threat, for instance to the unit in tank or in helicopter. Another question is, if there is a way to find if one unit can hit and damage another one? Thanks in advance
  18. Devastator_cm

    Finding "Threat Level" and "Can damage"

    what about second question related to check if a unit can damage another one? So a tank might have high cost for a solider but if soldier cannot damage it then it should not be attractive target anymore. Any idea how to achieve this?
  19. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    this is what I usw [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[1.00,0.0], "spotting",[1.00,0.0] ], // 0: super-AI (only used for testing) [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.85,0.1], "spotting",[0.80,0.0] ], // 1: sf 1 [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.80,0.2], "spotting",[0.75,0.0] ], // 2: sf 2 (recon units, divers and spotters) [ "general",[1.00,0.0], "aiming",[0.75,0.3], "spotting",[0.70,0.1] ], // 3: regular 1 (regular army leaders, marksmen) [ "general",[0.90,0.1], "aiming",[0.70,0.2], "spotting",[0.65,0.1] ], // 4: regular 2 (regulars) [ "general",[0.80,0.1], "aiming",[0.65,0.1], "spotting",[0.65,0.1] ], // 5: militia or trained insurgents, former regulars (insurgent leaders, marksmen) [ "general",[0.70,0.2], "aiming",[0.60,0.1], "spotting",[0.60,0.1] ], // 6: some military training (insurgents) [ "general",[0.60,0.1], "aiming",[0.50,0.2], "spotting",[0.55,0.2] ], // 7: no military training [ "general",[0.90,0.1], "aiming",[0.95,0.2], "spotting",[0.95,0.1] ], // 8: pilot 1 (regular) [ "general",[0.80,0.1], "aiming",[0.80,0.2], "spotting",[0.80,0.1] ], // 9: pilot 2 (insurgent) [ "general",[0.90,0.1], "aiming",[0.90,0.3], "spotting",[0.90,0.1] ] // 10: sniper
  20. Devastator_cm

    AI Heli

    I released recently a script for air vehicle patrol. I didn't use this trick but looks like I need it :) A10 uses non-guided missiles and rockets but not the jdams without it as far as I see in my experiment. Looks like I will need to release a new version of my script including this approach. Thanks Grumpy!
  21. A medium release which contains a bug fix and new functionality is just released :) Enjoy!
  22. Devastator_cm

    Items on tables

    Hi Guys, EDEN not supposed to bring the possibility to put items easily on top of others, i.e. tables, shelves etc? Each and every time the objects are falling down or getting half sank into the surface.. How do you handle this? I am tired to find the coordinations manually by setpos by try and error...
  23. Devastator_cm

    Items on tables

    I reply a bit late but I mean actually detach for [this, yourTable] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative (this one worked perfectly for my case)
  24. Try my script then https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/198982-devas-helicopter-patrol-release/
  25. Is there a way to slow down canopy opening/closing animations via script or something? I just noticed while I was doing a cutscene that it is a bit fast