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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Hi Guys, is it not possible to use titletext after playsound command? playSound "TEST"; systemchat"OFF"; titleText ["Off", "PLAIN", 1]; in above case I see the systemchat but not the titletext. If I remove playsound command then I see both texts
  2. Devastator_cm

    playsound & titletext

    problem was in description file titles[] = {0,""}; I changed it to titles[] = {}; and now all fine :)
  3. Devastator_cm

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    maybe he put in arma.exe the command -mod=@TFAR before and forgot it?
  4. Devastator_cm

    My modded server kicks me.

    when you remove asm, it works? Try to find the problematic mod by adding them one by one. When you find it, you can install it from a different source, i.e. steam to check if the armaholic version had issue or not
  5. looks like wing texture file is missing
  6. Is hud also custom by your airplanes? Maybe you can make it a bit brighter or put an option to do so? I am using your pilot pack with ace3 compatibility to make the visor darker. Sometimes it is hard to see the hud :/ as an idea of code, if (visor is down and it is a dark visor) then hud gets brighter
  7. or based on optimization guide (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Code_Optimisation#Filtering_array_with_select_.7B.7D) {_x removeItem "FirstAidKit"} foreach (allunits select {!(isPlayer _x)}); OP didn't mention side so I adjust the search condition to player. p.s. I didn't test the code in Arma so might have syntax issue
  8. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot Mod

    I am not very sure it will be usefull as with jet dlc came the rpm control which is kind of fixing the speed already.
  9. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot Mod

    Version 1.5 has been just released. Added: CBA Key binding (Default setup is CTRL + SHIFT + A) Tweaked: Helicopter autopilot is adjusted to let pilot more freedom to adjust the speed while autopilot is ON Enjoy!
  10. Like some guys mentioned, I have such mode (also with script version) available. Check my signature
  11. Devastator_cm

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    so that is really what they built? It will happen maybe once in my next 100 hours of play ? :)
  12. Devastator_cm

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Sonic boom without the vapor cone? Hmmm
  13. Hi Firewill, some feedback 1- GBU-12x3 looks fine now (Fixed) 2- In dedicated server I see 2 laser markers loaded by f-16c blk50 3- Sonic boom is happening when my speed is dropping from 1280 to 1200 but not when I increase it from 1000 to 1200 :/ 4- The map screen has a gray area on lower left corner
  14. Firewill that screenshot was without mirror. I set all pylons manually otherwise was getting amraams to right wing instead of the setup which was on left wing.
  15. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot [RELEASE]

    I didn't try it but I guess it can be used to set their max altitude with some code change. To be honest, I didn't face AI flying issue till now. What is the reason why you want to use it with AI? :)
  16. One more thing. I chose gbu-12 x3 in editor with pylon editor but got only 2 gbu-12s
  17. pylon setting by f-16 with mirror didn't give mirror effect in dedicated server by me. Anybody has the same issue ?
  18. Thanks for your precious efforts Firewill!!! I need to run from work to home to see the new version asap!
  19. anybody has key for "Firewill's PilotCrewPack / ACE3 Visor Compatibility" mod somehow? I cannot use it at my server..
  20. Does anybody sets unit insignias via script? BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia is not working globally although funtion description states it so. Each player can only see his own insignia. There was a comment in BI page which states [[ player, "111thID"], "BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia", nil, true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; can be used but even with this one I am getting same result :( Anybody has a solution?
  21. I think BI did it with single model and I believe Nimitz team might also go in that way to make a single object model which was maybe not possible in the past. People were worried that Nimitz would stop as USS Freedom came but I believe it would have opposite effect to this mod. I expect Nimitz will become better than before as BI already made necessary adjustments in engine to have now vanilla aircraft carrier.
  22. Devastator_cm

    Aircraft carrier move

    check above thread. There is already code to move the USS Freedom
  23. I thought nimitz is static object as it is not one piece object but combination of several. So no idea how you can set speed for such multi object stuff
  24. Devastator_cm

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    as far as I understand it will work as before but there will be no specific underwater radio. normal Short range will change its behaviour https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/issues/1127
  25. Ace is effecting the damage values of weapons right? Anybody knows how that functionality works? Our sniper is complaining that he cannot kill anybody with single shot although his bullets are 12.7 :)