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Everything posted by gfelton

  1. Hey all, recently finished a Rhodesian R1 variant of the FAL. I made, from the ground up, the HP, LP, and textures. That said, I really want to get this thing into ArmA 3 so I can practice the workflow to hopefully make some mods in the future. I've got all the models but I just don't really know what to do from here. Here are some pics of the gun: I worked in Max, Substance, Photoshop, then renders were done in Marmoset. I really want to go the extra mile and get this thing into Arma and I'd appreciate any help you guys could give me. If there are any videos or articles I could read on the process and workflow, I'd be greatly appreciative. Thanks for reading :) Oh and sorry for the large images, I thought the forum would resize them automatically :/
  2. gfelton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Texture progress on L1A1 (note that the lower receiver and pistol grip are currently untextured)
  3. Great work bro, I can't even imagine making a full pack this big my first year doing modding stuff haha
  4. gfelton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I've been cooking this up for a while in my free time, won't be long now before I'm done :)
  5. good choice on the grey, id definitely add some unique grungy spots to it tho so you can reduce the amount of visible tiling of the concrete pattern as much as possible. great work so far cant wait to see more : )
  6. gfelton

    Global Mobilization

    that vegetation is sooo sexy dude, seriously, amazing work !!!!
  7. These look amazing dude, really great work with the textures. :)
  8. gfelton

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    Missed the initial release due to my vacation, but damn, this drastically exceeded my expectations. Well done to everyone who worked on this terrain, as it is absolutely fantastic!
  9. gfelton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I just listened to your Hammer Time podcast and I actually thought it was pretty enjoyable. I was also kind of disappointed to see that you guys only had one podcast that is now a year old. I would love to see you guys try to pick it back up again, it's honestly pretty entertaining. And I know the 'requests' in this thread are getting pretty cancerous, but I have one pertinent to the podcast: I'd love to hear an interview of Vadim Spiridonov and the process he goes to when he makes guns and I'd love to hear the team's process for finding/collecting research material. Hope you guys might take this into consideration, and thanks for all your content! :)
  10. gfelton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You guys should post more to the blog on your website. The few posts you have are fascinating to read!
  11. gfelton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Just glancing at LAV and Stryker models on TurboSquid, a decent HP model is somewhere between $150-250.
  12. That project they're working on looks pretty neat, I'd love to help them out if they need it. Edit: Found their WIP thread and PM'd the man in charge. Thanks for mentioning them to me! :)
  13. Yeah, gave that some definite consideration this time around. Though the original reason I kept it as a rubber piece was to give some contrast between the polymer and rubber.
  14. Doing my best to keep up with research into how the logistics of the ArmA toolkit actually works (something I normally do when learning a new software package) while also finishing some UV'ing on another project. I'm aiming to complete texturing of that other project so this coming week I can bang out some work on this guy. Have also considered going back into substance to re-work some textures as I recently came across some good color photos of some Bush War equipment. Anyways, expect cogs to start moving soon!
  15. Awesome, thank you so so much! This is really useful. I'm kind of busy atm but I will look into the process and set up everything I need, then update this thread with some progress. Again, thank you! :)
  16. Read through all the wiki pages concerning what you put there and all I have to say is damn. I just hope it's not as complicated as it looks. Some questions I had though regarding things I didn't have to read about to understand: - Does a gloss map simply define the intensity of the visibility of the cubemap/HDR or does it do something differently? - Would a modified Metalness or a modified Roughness map make for a better or worse specular and why is that? Thanks for all this info though, it's been really useful. I'm honestly excited to dive into modding, there's so much stuff I've never considered in this process and I'm honestly fascinated by the entire thing.
  17. I've got ~17k tris at the moment which feels like a good middle ground. I use Max because I feel like the software is a really good blend between almost a CAD approach to modelling and an artistic one. This, I feel, gives me the most control of what's in my viewport. Also when I was a wee lad I used model in Cinema 4D which had some of the shittiest modelling tools I've ever used and I think I might just be super appreciative to have some real tools to work with lol. Even though it has gotten quite bloated over the years, it is really powerful if you take the time to learn it. I've only been using it for around 4 months but even those few hundred hours have allowed me to become pretty proficient with my workflow. It's definitely got a high learning curve due to the UI and the logic behind how the software works but once you get over that initial hump you'll be able to get started on whatever you want with little hindrance. You'd love substance if you've been using PS for that long. The logic is the same, the layer system is the same, the masking system is exactly the same. Honestly it's so much fun to just jump into substance and work, I've caught myself just spacing out playing in substance for hours on end when I really need to get some work done, haha. Though when it comes down to software, they're really all just tools to get a certain result. Just make sure you can export your final product in the right final format lol. I've never tried getting into blender though, doesn't catch my eye as much as say MODO does.
  18. Thanks! Sorry about that I really appreciate this feedback because I didn't get this on some of the other forums I was using. I had actually originally intended to use the Type 1.5 upper but the part where the upper meets the gas piston/barrel housing gave me a lot of trouble when it came to topology. As for the rear sights, I will look into possibly re-UV'ing them with a subdivision or two so the hole isn't octagonal. Is there a good number of cylindrical segments to keep in mind when working on iron sights?
  19. gfelton

    Baking Picatinny Rails

    Have you tried making the teeth separate in the high poly as well?
  20. gfelton

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That rotor assembly is insane, what do you guys do for reference photos on something like that? I recently made an FN FAL and had to take something like ~6 hours just gather reference material before I felt comfortable blocking it out. Your guys' art team is absurdly talented!
  21. What's everyone using these days if these tools are now obsolete? I've seen mention of the blender toolkit but I've also seen people bashing it for not being up to par with other stuff.
  22. I'm just going to go ahead and apologize beforehand if this is being posted in the wrong place, but I figured I'd ask here since most of the videos I've been watching in regards to the toolkit for Max are dealing with O2 as well. Anyways, I use Max 2016 and was just curious If the toolkit would have any compatibility issues with this version. I know the more recent Max versions have been kinda shitty in comparison to the older ones, so I was kind of concerned whether or not the toolkit would function properly. Even then if everything works out perfect, is the Max toolkit even relevant anymore or has everyone moved onto something else I should know of? I've checked the wiki and it would seem that this is not the case at a glance but I figured I'd just double check with anyone here who knows more than I do. That's all, and thanks for having such a great resource to learn from, you guys have some great content on here :)
  23. I'd be willing to help out where ever you need it, I'm pretty proficient at modelling. Though for full vehicle models, the process can be pretty long just because there so much ground to cover but I'm sure I could help you guys out somehow. PM me sometime if you're interested! :)
  24. gfelton

    Looking for modeller

    I'm pretty proficient at a High poly to Low poly and texturing workflow, I'd be willing to help out. PM me if you want! :)