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About waya32

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    Private First Class

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    PC Games :)

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    i love arma, arma loves me.

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  1. I was wondering how difficult it would be to add actions to the hand signals and gestures that ACE3 brings into the game. SHIFT + NUMPAD 5 (how mine is set not sure for everyone else) will provide the fist up "halt" option, "rally point" etc. I've seen conversations regarding the implementation however there is never any action to this and is mainly geared towards milsim. It would be nice to have these tactical hand signals actually work on AI in SP missions. Thanks!
  2. waya32

    US Forces 2000s

    Hey Simcardo i love this MOD. One of the main reasons i enjoy is because i have noticed if you select the uniform option that has a patch that comes with the actual uniform (the 10th mtn div, 101st, etc) and you add a custom insignia it puts the custom insignia patch on the other shoulder. So you end up with a patch on the left and at patch on the right-which is awesome. I only discovered this by accident but love it. However i also really enjoy the variant that has the UCP, IR Flag, Kneepad, gloves added. Is it possible to a. make an ACU/OCP (or multicam) version of the ISAF 101st/10th mtn etc. ? Like literally the same mod (everything) except with on ocp or multicam option. I noticed you do have a woodland option however im creating some missions with afghanistan operations within the last 4 years - present and the US armies standard uniofrom is OCP and accuracy /realism is really important to me. Lastly how difficult would it be to create any/all uniform variants with preplace isaf patches (of all current uni's in your mod) with the kneepads attatched? The reason i ask is because i could create a loadout with all the favs-isaf pre attatched (all variants) on the left arm and my punisher skull patch on the right arm, with kneepads. If it seems it would be really difficult then no worries. nevertheless i appraciate this mod and the quality of it. THank you!
  3. waya32

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Hey adacas I just wanted to tell you how happy and grateful I am to have someone be doing such great work as this. I have been waiting so long for someone to do a decent and expansive version of the airframe helmet and vests. ESPECIALLY with the airframe helmets, you knocked it out of the park. So thank you man for doing this mod I love it and will look forward to more great work!
  4. waya32

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Hey buddy, Just wanted you to know i really love your stuff. I've been waiting for someone to get this intricate and real with vest gear addons. You hit the nail right on the head my friend. Thank you. I have seen an enormous amount of "retexture" and "reskins" of Vanilla vests and equipment. You're and artist. Secondly, i have been looking EVEN longer for someone to make tactical versions of the crye airframe helmets. And you did it. i love it. i always look forward to your updates and i just wanted to let you know that i am a huge fan of your work. Do you think you will make different variations of the airframe helmetsin the future? I'm just curious. the work you have done on them so far is perfect in every way. Thank you again
  5. waya32

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Hey bud I just wanted to say good freaking job. I've been looking for people to step outside the box with different more "realistic" looking vests. And you hit the nail right on the head. Thanks for that. It's much appreciated. I've been wating for this for a long time and again, much appreciated. Happy gaming. keep up the good work
  6. so this WORKED FLAWLESSLY! Thank you so much man. It couldn't have looked more beautiful. Was like magic. And you are right I am completely hooked. I run thousands of scenarios in my head as often as I can. blessing and a curse haha
  7. wow, thanks man, that's some good stuff. ill play around with it :) much appreciated.
  8. So heres my vision. Ive been trying to do it with a list of different commands, "setcombatmode" scripts "setbehaviour." the only thing that has worked to my liking is the position of the guy. So I'm trying to have two guys that are placed on a rooftop (setpos get pos, worked perfect for letting them start in map on top of building I want laying down.) lay down( this setunitpos "down") and stay lay down (this stop true) and then fire on an enemy when the enemy gets to a certain position. and stay there and fire at them and not move. don't break formation. just stay laying down, firing. the second problem is the enemy. I don't want them to notice the guys until they reach a certain position. I have an ied script setup close to that positon to blow there convoys. That's working perfectly. but either the enemy recognizes to quick and don't hit the trigger or they hit the trigger and my ai just sit there, not moving or reacting or firing and getting shot at. Can someone help with this please? blufor strolls down alley with a convoy (preferably in safe mod) while opfor is on roof laying down, holding fire until the convoys hit the ied. ied goes off, convoys go boom, men on roof engage enemies from a stayed prone position.... that's how it needs to work. Any info is great. thanks all. (forget about the details with the ied. Its really not going to have an effect on this. I used it for example and understand purposes.) thx
  9. waya32

    Using scripts

    Hey all, So I have some questions requarding scripts. I will use a fairly simple example. So an old AISS verions (artificial intelligence Support System, AI mod) had some .sqf files which I have come to understand as "scripts" that can be used in a user-made mission. Our own missions we create. I have searched high and low to find an introduction to using scripts and I cannot find anything. So if I wanted to use some of these scripts (listed for example purposes. valid scripts from old AISS mod) from this list, ca_find_support.sqf ca_searchBuilding.sqf ca_supporting.sqf AISS_Dismount.sqf AISS_Garrison_WIP.sqf AISS_Sup_Fire.sqf AISS_Morale.fsm (????) AISS_sup_fire.sqf AISS_supress.sqf AISS_spressed.sqf ca_arty.sqf ca_find_friends.sqf ca_find_enemies.sqf what would I do with them? Now I understand for instance if I wanted to use "AISS_supress.sqf" I would put it into the mission folder of the mission I have created. Then what? How do I find out what this does as there is no description? Is it placed on a "act on" field or "script" field, within a unit, trigger, waypoint? I apologize for the noobness of this question. I'm coming from fairly good original Operation Flashpoint mission editing skills, 14 yrs ago, to novice mission editing skills within Arma 3. I have some knowledge on basic scripts and commands such as you know, setpos getpos to move objects and people, setformation, setvelocity, setdir, attatchto script, and simple IED creation using trigger and objects. I understand these very well, I understand triggers and the basics of arma 3 mission editing. Any and all feedback would be very much appreciated. we all have to learn somewhere.... thanks everyone greenwaya
  10. You rock, thank you for answering the question. I did locate file patching and enabled it. THANKS. However what is the FOA folder? UPDATE: So...I have AISS2. I did not know there was a newer version. I didn't even see or know when they started calling it FOA. Anyway I guess that would explain a lot. Thank you very much for your help. The userconfig makes more sense too. Apparently I was doing that correctly. Thanks for your help man I appreciate it.
  11. Hey so i apologize if i am beating a dead horse here. So I am running AISS latest version. Now i thought i understood this but apparently not. So i have AISS in correct location, as it is enabled and working, however it has recently started doing a couple things while i added the opt content. When it loads and i reach the main startup page for arma 3 it tell me the the scripts/aiss/.hpp file cannot be found. AISS is in directory >>> C: Programs(86x)/steam/steamapps/common/arma3/@AISS the .hpp file aiss.hpp is location in @AISS. I have attempted to put this in the "addon" folder, my userconfig folder ( seperate question, should userconfig be in C:Programs(86x)/steam/steamapps/common/arma3 ? can you put all config files in that same folder) So my main question is where in the heck does the .hpp file go? what folder? where at in that folder? Thanks...sorry for being annoying. Gotta learn somehow, sometime. Thanks all. Any feedback is appreciated. greenwaya
  12. YES!!! Same thing here!!!! Help us out guys
  13. So i really love the idea of commanding my squad via voice comands. I have installed the progrm successfully. Test my mic, it works, the only thing it reaponds to or recognizes is "squad" where it then beeps and all squad is highlighted however i have tried to say things like "squad move up" " 2,3,4 assign team red" . nothing. However "squad" works perfect and it hears me fine. I can even here the different "beep" tone when it sellects all my men after saying squad. Help plz- Any tips? Thank you
  14. waya32

    MGSR Mod

    I was sure when i got done building my pc there would be tons of mgs mods. But there really isnt....
  15. waya32

    MGSR Mod

    So ive been interested in doing a metal gear solid type game campaign, kinda what you did but it is a story that takes place after thr events of mgs 5. I really could use someone with modding skills. Ive wrote the story while i was building my pc for arma 3 and im good with the cinamatics, story line, and campaign creation i just need modded characters. Interested in collaborating with something like this?