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Everything posted by ANGRY_FARMER

  1. its the same problem i have on PC with LALT key. exactly same issue.
  2. hello, just installed reforger, i set the same keys that i use on arma3 (and every other shooter game). i always use LALT key to aim weapon (ironsights or scope), and in reforger seems to work with ironsights, but when i use a scope, it look throught scope, but never stop doing it! i keep pressing LALT but nothing happens... it keeps looking throught scope! i have to switch weapon to stop looking throught scope! if i use another key (for example i tried a mouse button or spacebar) it works as intended, looking throught scope ON and OFF. i double-checked for key conflicts, removing LALT key from every other action, but still no way. obviously is a trouble for me since changing key is not an option for my poor old brain. i tried but simply can't delete 20 years of pratice so easily. thanks for any help!

    Session Lost - Cannot Connect

    i have same problem of "session lost" . i cant play anyomore, help !

    Session lost disconnect

    you lucky....i got "session lost" after 10 minutes of play. help
  5. heh...i just got a kind of the same bug. i enter as BLU and i got GREEN respawn points! and i'm considered GREEN to capture a sector. nosense at all :(
  6. hello guys, is there any *.sqs to *.sqf converter program ? i tried to do it manually, but its a mess...i'm not used to "goto" command and have lot of troubles re-thinking the logic behind the script ! thanks for any help!

    sqs to sqf converter program ?

    i post the file i have to convert, just in case its useful to understand better my trouble:

    sqs to sqf converter program ?

    yeah Haz, i agreee :) to cut it short i have to resume this piece of old work exactly as it is, so i really have to convert it somehow. what you suggest guys...convert goto with functions seems not covering all the possible situations....in fact goto keeps the potential changes in its code and carry them back to the top of the code, seems quite complex to me to reproduce this logic for a complex script...

    sqs to sqf converter program ?

    exactly as AZcoder say, thanks for understanding it :)

    sqs to sqf converter program ?

    ...so the answer is "no, there' isnt any way to automatically convert it" ?

    new TDM and DOMINATION server opening!

    ahh sorry i imagined some sort of error on my side. thanks for the help and sorry for the mistake !
  12. hi all guys ! i just wish to inform the whole community that after many months of test, i can finally declare the official opening of two servers: a TDM server with a gameplay inspired to insurgency, still way more realistic, but fast paced, round based, with arsenal ecc. a DOMINATION server, with a dynamic domination mission, with AI of 3 factions, civilians and so on. can be played coop or TvT or TvTvT ! you can find the servers filtering the name " DWAR " or at the IP: dolfrang.ddns.net on port 2312 the domination and port 2302 the TDM both run vanilla arma3 for maximum compatibility, plus a set of scripts that add a lot more deep to vanilla gameplay (like drag soldiers and some objects, attach explosives on objects/vehicles, dual primary on back, and much more..) to not bore you all, i place more infos about missions running on server in the following spoiler, anyway for more infos contact is : ddelfino@hotmail.com

    new TDM and DOMINATION server opening!

    ...not a single reply! its the wrong part of the forum, or is noone interested? i accept constructive suggestions eh!
  14. seems it works correctly with orange DLC too.

    Armachinima: your evaluation systems and votes

    well, in arma fashion, i spend way more than 30 seconds before declare something "not very good". (probably its why i still have not seen all videos) anyway in general i like more the plot than the simple "showcases", so for me : - miller the killer (too fun) - si vis pacem para bellum (nice story) the rest seems all a bit "clones"....dunno...maybe its me too bored by stereotypes! :) hope to find a good third to give my vote to !
  16. hi guys! i didnt get a simple thing....we can vote "up to 3" videos we like, or we have to vote 3 videos (not less) ? thanks for the info !

    armachinima: up to 3 votes or not ?

    ah ok thanks man !

    Arma3 Videos

    hi all ! here is a video about a 5000 meters shot to a moving target! using ACE3 mod (for correct ballistic..wind ecc...) ! hope you like it !

    1.64 bugs/issues

    hello. something about overall visibility has changed. i got an editor mission where i placed objects at 2000m, 2500m and 3000m. always used 3200m overall visibility and 3100 object visibility. i was seeing evertything also object at 3000 meters in 1.62. whitout change anything now in 1.64 cannot see objects and land after 2500m despite keeping this settings. its like the fog starts at 2000m to totally shade land and object around 2600m , despite being set to 3200m ! now in 1.64 to see decently clear at 3000m i have to set visibility at 4300m !!! total performance waste !
  20. hi all ! i noticed in the 1.64 patch changelog that some weapons simply cannot be placed in backpack "by BI choice". there are already mass and other values to define what can be placed in a backpack and what cant...so why this "politic" unrealistic limitation ? why for example i can put an MX LSW in a backpack but not an M14 EBR, that is probably smaller? i feel this like an unrealistic limitation, and i dont see the gameplay advantage too. anyone know a fix or a mod for this problem ? thanks guys, bye !
  21. hi all ! for my domination mission i need some vehicles respawn, and i noticed something is very wrong there. i mean...i set up everything "correctly"...i mean..at server start, it works on dedicated server , but after some time, (...hours, sometimes a day) everything about respawns got screwed up ! things like vehicles respawning higher in the air than theyr starting positions (helos with engine on and flying, VTOLS too), some vehicles does not respawn at all, and some dont exec the expression code i gave them (like one that attach a taru pod to a taru). with 20 seconds respawn seems to work (the vehicle respawn, with al lthe other bugs, but at least respawn), with 1200 secs respawn seems to NOT work at all (do not respawn at all). with numbers in between seems to works "sometimes" . sometimes things get "teleported" to extreme SW corner of the map, and never returns. mah! i really cant get whats wrong, considering everything works perfectly fine right after a server start. any help will be appreciated! thanks !

    respawn vehicle bugs

    yeeah i menaged to make it work ! thanks guys! now a new problem appeared...some vehicles have a infantry respawn synced to them (to act as mobile respawn). seems that sometimes after being destroyed, the respawn no longer works !! it happens on some vehicles, and dont happens on others ! maaah ! EDIT: after some tests...i noticed that respawn get disabled on "medium" helicopters and submarine. respawn keep working on heavy helicopters , vtol, speedboat and armored cars i'm really disappointed! EDIT2: lol...i found what was causing the problem.....the vehicles on what was non working were not named! after giving a name to the vehicles, all was working for all! YEAH ! thanks for your help guys !

    respawn vehicle bugs

    yees! thanks schmoking! its probbly exactly what i need! can you please help me explaining what i need to do exactly ? huge thanks ! PS: i just need to respawn arsenal on some of them ! thanks!

    respawn vehicle bugs

    awesome! thanks man ! anyway i was searching for a simpler solution, especially performance-wise, and i menaged to activate the respawn module with a trigger....(by syncing the trigger to the respawn module) , the problem is that even if the trigger is repetable, the module dont get activated again ! (and i need it to be activated multiple times). any idea why / how make it activable multiple times ? thanks !

    respawn vehicle bugs

    another little question...how do the "forced respawn" work ? i need to force respawn under certain conditions...but seems to not work just by syncing the respawn module to a trigger (and activating the trigger). thanks !