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About Imperator-TFD

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    Private First Class

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  1. Imperator-TFD


    CSAT isn't just one nation. We could play as CSAT but as the Chinese element. Doubt it though, not unless we want to play most of the campaign speaking Cantonese/Mandarin.
  2. Imperator-TFD

    [MP] Rescue Dawn [CSAR]

    Yo Quik, This mission instantly completes when hosted on a dedicated environment. Any ideas why this is the case?
  3. Imperator-TFD

    Why was ARMA 3 set in the future?

    I love the fact that BI went with a different direction in Arma 3 and introduced weapons/vehicles that aren't typically seen as modern or 'realistic'. Why? Because even if BI went with the apparently sooo modern AK/M4 /Humvees everywhere approach that people seem to have a raging hard on for we all know that mod groups like RHS/ACE whatever would still go and create their own versions probably because the picatinny rail count on the M4A3 is incorrectly depicted or because the flash hider on the AK wasn't the correct type or whatever other rivet counting crap people whine about. My only gripe is that because of various reasons already stated the project had to do a bit of copy/pasta in regards to things like static weapons, uavs and RCWS mounts on early vehicles. I recognise that it would take manpower/manhours to fix these but it's still something I'd love to see. Take the RCW off the Kuma and use it on the Strider for example.
  4. Imperator-TFD

    Good job with 3den!

    Speak for yourself mate. The 3D editor is and has been desperately needed since Arma 2 if not earlier. It has opened up mission making to a whole new generation of content creators and made life far easier for us veteran mission makers too. Still works the same way - right click on a unit/trigger/waypoint and use the Sync function to connect.
  5. Imperator-TFD


    And this is why I strongly hope that we'll see at least some mention of units from Australia in Apex. The Brits, Germans and Czech all had their turn now how about us?
  6. Imperator-TFD

    Facewear Won't Initialize When Using Arsenal

    Can confirm issue.
  7. I'm sure someone with far far more scripting experience will be along soon but to me that is lagging out the server because you're running a loop every 15 seconds that sets players insignia dependent upon the params from squadparams. Surely you can just get away with running this once when initplayerlocal.sqf or onplayerrespawn.sqf runs? This way it only runs once per player and sets their insignia once. There is a downside to this however in that whenever a player removes or replaces their uniform the insignia will disappear until they respawn or re-JIP again.
  8. Oh damn, will love you long time when/if you get that working!
  9. Imperator-TFD


    It was this element "Oh and Holiday/Suitcase DLC confirmed?" that made me assume you were unaware that the suit case and plastic containers in the photo were not already in the game.
  10. Imperator-TFD


    ^ Everything in that above image (bar the jungle) is already in Arma 3 right now.
  11. Imperator-TFD

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Hopefully Mine Tag will still be an option available for Custom server settings. Veteran and above disable it which kind of makes mine detectors useless. Your character declares "I've spotted a mine" about 50 tmes when in or near a mine field but you've got no bearing or sense of where that mine actually is.
  12. Imperator-TFD

    Eden Revive option under MP respawn option?

    Eden's revive option is the same one from End Game. Any one can revive and time is halved for players with a medikit.
  13. Imperator-TFD

    Hit Group limit

    How many AI are you placing in these bases? The group limit from memory is something like 144 groups.
  14. Imperator-TFD

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Agreed. If Eden arsenal could be set to unlock all magazines/items regardless of weapon equipped that would be lovely.