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Everything posted by Sentado

  1. Hi, I would like to introduce my problem, a few weeks ago I downloaded the arma3 tools, and installed it on my new pc properly. Every thing was fine except when I try to rotate the camera it was like really slow and laggy. I´ve been working in OB since 1 year on my other pc and I have never experimented something like that. So I just gived up and started working on my old pc again, but today when opened the OB it appeared the issue. It is really anoying, is nothing with my mouse. It feels like if I was rotating the camera but really slow but actually my hand is moving really fast to try focus the object. When texture is activated it is impossible to move, only works going up/down , left ect, but nothing with rotation. It happens even without any object loaded. I have try to uninstall several times and nothing works. Here you have what im talking about, I´ve tried uninstall several times but still remains the problem. https://i.gyazo.com/94d14c10acbac909dc39b09ce5fcb34f.mp4 I actually know this problem is involving lots of users. We need to get it solved as soon as possible, is impossible to work this way. It also has been reported on: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127168
  2. Hi, I would like to know if there is any way to place objects, for example the crashBarrier, aligned. Because the issue I have is that every single crash barrier faces different directions and need all of them facing the same to create a large barrier all the way throught the highway. Im using the Edge tool and tried every parametre so far, Im stuck. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I am stuck with the following issue: https://i.gyazo.com/27e87296990a861fbbfc1a862dec553f.png I have tried to give folder permissions to all users, and also update the library from TerrainBuilder but nothing worked so far. If any one knows how to solve this problem would be perfect, Thanks!
  4. Hi, this issue is really common but i would like to know if there is already any fix. So basically, what you can see (on the photos bellow) if some object clashes with an onther object and it is seen through window with any kind of glass texture it appears as white (without texture) Before answering you should know I have already tried: -Face to top -No rvmat -Face bottom -Just on face, so if you look from inside to outside there is no glass https://gyazo.com/87954d1a11e002677a91fc6436290a97 https://gyazo.com/d02949535763fb09e02fc43c62ab8c3f And nothing worked. So I would be please if someone can help. Thanks!
  5. Hope they solve the issue as soon as possible, because it is really hard to model or use Object builder it self. Thanks anyway ;)
  6. Hi, I would like to introduce my problem, a few weeks ago I downloaded the arma3 tools, and installed it on my new pc properly. Every thing was fine except when I try to rotate the camera it was like really slow and laggy. I´ve been working in OB since 1 year on my other pc and I have never experimented something like that. So I just gived up and started working on my old pc again, but today when opened the OB it appeared the issue. It is really anoying, is nothing with my mouse. It feels like if I was rotating the camera but really slow but actually my hand is moving really fast to try focus the object. When texture is activated it is impossible to move, only works going up/down , left ect, but nothing with rotation. It happens even without any object loaded. I have try to uninstall several times and nothing works. Im lost
  7. Here you have what im talking about, I´ve tried uninstall several times but still remains the problem. https://i.gyazo.com/94d14c10acbac909dc39b09ce5fcb34f.mp4
  8. Leaving apart this annoying problem with the camera. I would like to know where and wich folder does X-cam put my saved xcam missions so I can load in another PC and continue editing. THANKS!
  9. Sentado

    How to create a TARMAC? HELP

    That worked, THANK YOU!
  10. Hi, I would like to know how can I create a tarmac, like the new pedestrian cross or helipad. I´ve created a plane with the texture I want, but I dont know the steps to make it properly. Also how the tarmac interact with the terrain level like helipad or ped cross does. Thanks This is how it looks like (the black plane is what I created) :
  11. Sentado

    How to create a TARMAC? HELP

    Does anyones knows how to make it?
  12. I had the same error several times, to avoid it I decided to import models in 3ds instead of obj, that was my solution. I don´t really know why it happens but if you have the chance by importing it in 3ds It might work.
  13. Hi, how can I work with my partner editing at same time? Or its other way to edit the map both of us, for exmaple giving him the .sqm or something, how can we do it? Thanks
  14. Is this purchasable or public? I mean the model 3d its free of edit , I would like to know it. Thanks!
  15. I solved the problem i have deleted this pbo´s and works very well, Thanks for the support
  16. With the CUP Works as bad as the AiA , we use lots of differents modded vehicles from diferentes creators who have given us permission to use them (As an "altis life" that we are making) So are those one modded who works badly in the 4 isalnd maps. Someone who have had the same problem? Thanks again
  17. If its still doesn´t working with the "CUP" we will be really disapointed :S. I will report it and see if someone have any solution, but first we have to taste it with CUP. Thanks
  18. Not yet , that would be our Plan-B if theres no solution, but i will try it as soons as we can.
  19. Our Team have tasted lots and lots differents vehicles and of course the vanilla ones and they go like if you were driving over ice. But if you remove the All in Arma terrain Pack (AiA) it works like it should be, very well, but the map gets really bad without the (AiA)
  20. PLEASE HELP! Hi, we are using this amazing map to create an "Altis Life" but there is one BIG problem all the islands have a very lower grip that makes impossible to drive correctly (its like driving over ice) and we have spended lots of hours mapping and no one can drive inside the road beacuse of the low grip . Can someone tell us How to improve Grip or fix it making another version of this map ? Thank you