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Everything posted by Drift_91

  1. Just launched my server from TADST with no mods or custom parameters. Only thing that seemed to be forced was "-filePatching". From server .RPT log: "C:\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -port=2302 "-config=C:\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default" -name=default -filePatching Btw using "-noSound" kind of makes sense in my mind. Maybe BI didn't take the sound rendering out of the server. In which case using "-noSound" would save some CPU cycles. Also, not saying that the former is true, but it's more likely than you think seeing as how I had to install DirectX to get the server to launch on my fresh Windows Server 2019 installation. And on the topic of useless startup parameters for servers I've been wondering is there any point in setting "-exThreads="?
  2. @tophe Been using TADST for several years now and it makes swapping out mods in a large modpack a breeze. Love this tool. One thing I'd like to suggest, once you have the time and have updated the difficulty settings, is the addition of a way to set "admins[] = {UUID}" in the server.cfg. Thanks for all the work you've put into this. Edit: Just remembered another suggestion I thought of earlier. Only a small tweak, but it would be nice if the "select all" right click context menu in the "parameters" field accepted the "ctrl+A" shortcut. I know you're pretty busy in life at the moment so if it's more than a handful of lines of code I wouldn't bother with it though. Once again, thanks for this awesome tool.
  3. Drift_91

    3den Enhanced

    To my understanding most of the objects included in a lot of mods are capable of being simple objects, they just haven't been updated since the whitelist was implemented. Most of the objects in CUP Terrains Core for example I've always made simple objects in the past. But even though CUP has been updated since, there's still no whitelist config in it. Also, doesn't the command "BIS_fnc_replaceWithSimpleObject" cause a lot of lag at mission start if used on too many objects? I know a lot of objects don't work as simple objects, but there's a bunch more that do and the checkbox is disabled. I understand you probably want the mod to be usable by novice mission editors, so best bet would probably have it off by default and have a toggle in the 3den preferences to enable the checkbox for all objects. I know there are a lot of mission editors who would be really appreciative of such a function; There was a thread back several months ago where there was a huge argument with the devs over the implementation of the whitelist.
  4. Drift_91

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Mod Request: US Military Police I'm looking to see if anyone already knows of, or is interested in making, a US Military Police pack of some kind. I'm primarily interested in patrol cars, particularly a Chevrolet Malibu in USMC MP livery preferably with authentic lights. Although anything, such as uniforms, other gear, etc would be great. Here's a photo of the Chevy Malibu I believe the USMC MPs use on base.
  5. Drift_91

    3den Enhanced

    Not sure if you've found out yet, but that was a change made by BI a while back. The 'simple object' checkbox now operates on a whitelist system where mods are now required to whitelist each of their assets to be simple objects. As far as I'm concerned they should have gone with a blacklist system so that old mods have the checkbox available by default. Anyway, @R3vo, I was wondering if there's any way that 3den Enhanced could force the checkbox back into existence for all objects. I understand that BI made the change for a reason, but I feel that advanced users should be able to apply the simple object attribute to anything they feel necessary. I'd imagine it'd be simple enough to add the checkbox back; That's assuming that the whitelist doesn't get double checked on mission load as well, though.
  6. So I tried this out just now for the first time. Previously I'd used the other code directly in the object's init. Seems you can't directly use arrays within the params array, as arrays already serve another purpose. Instead of simply removing the brackets around the arrays, which would render the execVM that calls the script hard to read and tedious to modify, I used the following solution which was an example on the wiki page for params: params ["_emitter","_brightness","_color","_ambient","_lightPoint"]; _this select 2 params ["_rC","_gC","_bC"]; _this select 3 params ["_rA","_gA","_bA"]; _this select 4 params ["_lpX","_lpY","_lpZ"]; _lightpoint = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position _emitter; _lightpoint setLightBrightness _brightness; _lightpoint setLightColor [_rC,_gC,_bC]; _lightpoint setLightAmbient [_rA,_gA,_bA]; _lightpoint lightAttachObject [_emitter, [_lpX,_lpY,_lpZ]]; Hopefully this helps anyone who needs this in the future. Also, since my last post I've learned to use the config viewer and I found the correct parameters for the camping lantern: _nul = [this,1,[0.6,0.8,1],[0.006,0.008,0.01],[0,0,0]] execVM "createLightPoint.sqf";
  7. Ah, alright. Hope he's doing well. Last I'd been on the forums he was active and I'm a fan of how clean his code is. Oh wow, I feel silly now. Has this been around since 3DEN first came out? I recall glancing over that module a few times but had no idea what it did and I assumed it was added by some mod I had installed. I'll check it out right now.
  8. @kylania Trying to get this to work with triggers, without having to define an array of trigger names in the script. Trigger's "On activation": this call peeta_fnc_removeMapObjects; InitServer.sqf: peeta_fnc_removeMapObjects = { { _position = position _x; _size = triggerArea _x select 0; {hideObjectGlobal _x} forEach nearestTerrainObjects [_position, [], _size]; } forEach _this; }; The reason I'm using triggers is because I can visually see the area affected in the editor and I don't have to add a marker to an array each time I want to add another area to clear. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  9. Alright, so I run a private server for myself and my friends. One of my friends decided to install a mod that disables weapon sway. I don't want anyone cheating on the server so I immediately enabled a PBO check in ACE3 to deter him. Suspecting he might try to find a way to slip the mod into another PBO that's already part of the modpack or use an injector I turned on BattleEye and enabled signature verification v2. This is where the problem comes into play. No one is able to connect to the server if signature enforcement or BattleEye are enabled. If BattleEye is on you get disconnected without any message before you even get to the roles screen. If only signature verification is on you get "session lost" or something like that and returned to the server list again. I couldn't find anything in my client or server .rpt file about why anyone's being kicked. So today I tried running "-checkSignatures" and found a likely cause. The RPT is full of this for pretty much every .bisign file except vanilla pbo's: 23:07:58 Key not found for signature C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace\addons\ace_magazinerepack.pbo.ace_3.12.1.31-88963cda.bisign Test FAILED! 23:07:58 Warning Message: Key not found for signature C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace\addons\ace_magazinerepack.pbo.ace_3.12.1.31-88963cda.bisign Test FAILED! 23:07:58 Signature tests for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace\addons\ace_magazinerepack.pbo.ace_3.12.1.31-88963cda.bisign PASSED! 23:07:58 Key not found for signature C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace\addons\ace_main.pbo.ace_3.12.1.31-88963cda.bisign Test FAILED! 23:07:58 Warning Message: Key not found for signature C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace\addons\ace_main.pbo.ace_3.12.1.31-88963cda.bisign Test FAILED! 23:07:58 Signature tests for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@ace\addons\ace_main.pbo.ace_3.12.1.31-88963cda.bisign PASSED! Arma3_x64_2018-02-21_23-06-20.rpt arma3server_x64_2018-02-21_23-19-39.rpt Anyone know what's going on? I'm completely stumped as to what could be the cause. Some of the .bisign files are even my own.
  10. Alright, found the problem. Was that sneaky little extra "[". Now for some reason though the vehicle won't keep it's paintjob and it won't respawn at the start location. And a major downside to this over the BIS module is that the BIS one keeps curator editable objects still editable after respawn; Is there any way to fix that? Btw this is what I'm using now: 0 = [[MRZR_1,MRZR_2],["start","start"],3,true,false] spawn MGI_fnc_VehicleRespawn;
  11. Where do I put this? 0 = [[crate2,WEST,karl,CIVILIAN],[["death","start","start","start"],10,true,false] spawn MGI_fnc_VehicleRespawn; // example Does that stay in the initServer.sqf or do I put it in a vehicle's init? When I put everything in initServer.sqf and configure that line I get loads of errors. This is what I had it set to: 0 = [[],[["start"],3,true,false] spawn MGI_fnc_VehicleRespawn; // example
  12. Ah, alright thank you. I guess the source of the issue with the server is somewhere else then. I figured the check was bugged but I didn't realize it was separate from how the server actually checks. Now I need to figure out what exactly the server doesn't like about my signatures when it disconnects me... Edit: Is there somewhere other than the server RPT file where it'll show the reason a client got disconnected?
  13. Drift_91

    Throttle System Option

    I think that was a flaw in the keybindings for the mod that got patched a while back. It was updated again after the Jets DLC so that the afterburner only turns on at a certain throttle setting with the new system. Admittedly, the mod was updated after I went flying off the deck, so it might have been the afterburner and I just wasn't paying attention. I still however don't understand what @oukej is talking about with 18km/h. I set my throttle to 4% in the Caesar BTT and it quickly reaches 22km/h and continues to slowly accelerate until I reach a turn in the taxiway. I really don't understand why the devs are so against it. It's a combat game, not a flight simulator; As has already been discussed the last thing you want in a combat zone is to be finicking with the throttle. There's a reason real life CAS and fighter aircraft have HOTAS and all manner of electronic flight envelope protection. Also it's pretty sad to see some people have had to completely give up flying in Arma 3 just because of this one simple thing that can be fixed in probably less than a days work by one or two junior programmers.
  14. Yes, very true. Odd, I was taught that everything in the U.S. and Canadian Military was metric, including aviation. Now I'm curious what the Canadian Airforce actually uses; Feet and knots would make more sense due to civilian aviation. And here I thought I was just bad at landing... Glad to know floater landings are normal. I just wish the PAPI lights worked during the day so I could get my glideslope right.
  15. I'm trying to use hideObjectGlobal on certain terrain objects, objects being some bushes, trees and a rusty old fuel truck wreck at the Altis International Airport. I know it's possible because I've done it before. I've been pulling my hair out for the past couple of hours trying to find the thread where I found the solution. I remember it being something to do with the objects being "baked" into the terrain for performance reasons. But I can't remember how to disable this or what exactly this mesh baking process is called in Arma. Anyone know anything about this that can help me?
  16. I mistakenly thought that only certain items weren't being removed. The markers aren't removing anything at all actually. "clearArea_1" works fine at removing a knocked over trash bin and some trash piles without touching the 3 barracks buildings in between. I'm trying to remove some bushes, trees, rocks and a rusty fuel truck wreck in the middle of the field at the end of the runways at Altis International Airport. I've got a base set up at the 3 barracks on the North East end of the military base/airport combo. The area I'm trying to clear is the field South East of the road that runs from the 3 barracks South West to the two hangers. Hope that's descriptive enough. Now that I realize it's not just select items not being removed I'm suspecting it's likely that my script isn't correct. Maybe it doesn't like that I'm defining multiple strings or something. Edit: Here's a screenshot of the area: Once I get it working I'm probably going to add more markers North West of the road to remove the trees and make some sort of heliport or maybe a shoothouse. The whole reason I want to clear all the crap out is to make a shooting range down the South East part.
  17. @HazJI'm already doing so. I guess I should have posted the script I'm using. _ClearArea1A = "clearArea_2","clearArea_3","clearArea_4","clearArea_5","clearArea_6"; _ClearArea1B = "clearArea_1"; if (isServer) then { {hideObjectGlobal _x;} forEach nearestTerrainObjects [(getMarkerPos _ClearArea1A),[],(getMarkerSize _ClearArea1A)select 0,false]; {hideObjectGlobal _x;} forEach nearestTerrainObjects [(getMarkerPos _ClearArea1B),["HIDE"],(getMarkerSize _ClearArea1B)select 0,false]; }; _markersToDelete2=["clearArea_1","clearArea_2","clearArea_3","clearArea_4","clearArea_5","clearArea_6"]; {deleteMarker _x;} forEach _markersToDelete2; "clearArea_#" are the names of several markers I've placed down. For some reason certain objects aren't being removed by 2 through 6. I recall there being an issue with certain objects being baked into the terrain's mesh to boost performance and you have to disable that function to remove the objects. I can't for the life of me remember what the command was to turn it off and can't find it in any of my archived missions I remember using it in. Edit: Script is executed via nul = execVM "markerScripts.sqf"; in init.sqf Here's the full markerScripts.sqf just in case.
  18. Drift_91

    Throttle System Option

    That's interesting because that's not what happens for me. I get somewhere between 3% and 9% at random. Then you've got modded gameplay to consider, where a single tap in the F/A-18 sent me right off the deck of the U.S.S. Freedom when the jets DLC first came out. I'd try the mousewheel but I don't think I can work out the keybindings. Maybe if I use something other than alt. Wouldn't the action menu still pop up though? My main gripe with the new throttle though is when it comes to landing. Much more difficult to manage my speed during the approach. I'd imagine dogfighting must be complete hell too if I were to try it. There's a reason real fighter jets have HOTAS. You constantly need to make major adjustments to the throttle in a dogfight. Not everyone can afford a HOTAS system for their game though. And in my case it's not practical when I'm constantly switching between aviation and ground operations. I just don't see why so much friction against having the old system. It's like cruise control in a car, it makes things easier to control. Hell, even real pilots use the auto-throttle in the autopilot to maintain speed. And in those two examples it's more of a luxury than a requirement. The way I see it it's more of an essential for keyboard and mouse. Could you imagine trying to control your car on the highway with two buttons that increase and decrease your throttle instead of an accelerator pedal?
  19. Alright, so the main problem I see here is with modded assets. The config variable pierremgi posted above isn't present in any mod that hasn't been updated in the past year, which is A LOT of mods! Even ones that have been updated still don't have it. And the problem here is that BI decided to make it so it defaults to "0" when not present. As a result I can't make any asset from CUP Terrains a simple object. Now, on the topic of vanilla BI assets, I see the reason to take it away from things like the H-Barrier; It's a static object that likely takes up few CPU cycles either way. However, reading what's been posted since my last post, I have to say it's debatable whether there's a performance impact or not. I'm pretty sure that bar chart that's been posted from the wiki demonstrates the performance impact of a single undisclosed building chosen at random by whoever did the test. It showed there was, perceptibly, no performance difference between disabling simulation and making it a simple object. However has anyone done a proper test of 100+ assets? Because we've got two people in this thread, who've tested it in actual gameplay, claiming it makes a huge difference. @swurvin and @want3d, have either of you two tested out the "[this] call BIS_fnc_replaceWithSimpleObject;" init script yet? I'm curious to see if it's helped or been a detriment like some claim it is. To my understanding it's just a detriment if you use it mid-mission as it supposedly generates a ton of network traffic. No clue if it functions differently when entered in 3den. That said I should probably check it out in the functions viewer and see if I can make sense of any of the scripting.
  20. Don't know why this thread hasn't gotten more attention. With the amount of Arma aviators I see putting in their opinion in other threads I would have thought there'd be more input here. Personally I think the map overlay could be easily done by a mod and there's no need for BI to do that; However I certainly wouldn't mind if they did. I completely agree with you about units of measurement. I know military aviation is done strictly with the metric system, altitude in metres and airspeed in km/h. However I've lost count of the times I've stalled and crashed because I mistook the displayed airspeed for knots and figured "Yeah, that airspeed is fine for this type of aircraft. I don't need to ease off the stick or level out"; I think it should really be up to personal preference what unit of measurement we use for what class of vehicle. I'd also like to see an option to measure altitude above sea level instead of strictly AGL like it is now. And about the VASI/PAPI, they are there currently on the main airport; I haven't checked the others yet. But what frustrates me is that for some silly reason they're not visible in the day, even if you shove the camera right up against the lens. It's like they're completely shut off during the day. I can only assume that BI didn't want to go through the effort of coding a light source that's visible in broad daylight, just like how the nav lights (anti-collision lights) on aircraft aren't visible either.
  21. lexx is right to a degree. Although it's not recommended for some reason, I personally just put the following in all the objects' init and then test to see which objects are broken by it: [this] call BIS_fnc_replaceWithSimpleObject Using "this" makes it so you don't need to name the object and then place the individual name in each init field. As lexx was saying you just select all the items, right click and select "Attributes", then paste the above code. Seems to be working perfectly for me except on a handful of assets. Although the warnings on the function's wiki page worry me a little and I'm hoping a dev can shed a little light on what's so bad about it. I'm hoping it's just some minor inefficiency at mission start or something like that.
  22. Drift_91

    Throttle System Option

    The way I see it the 0-100 throttle should be optional, and then the VTOLs should switch between the user's preferred modes of fixed wing throttle and helicopter flight model when switching between forward and VTOL flight respectively. Although I don't have enough experience with VTOLs to say whether using the helicopter's flight models would work for them.
  23. There's quite a few belonging to mods. But regarding vanilla you're probably right. For me the issue is explosions throwing the lantern around, not just falling through a table. Oddly enough the following doesn't disable the light output. [] spawn {sleep 5; arsenalLantern_1 enableSimulation false}; The "sleep 5" is actually a benefit in my situation because the snap point is too high, and simulation is disabled after it's plopped down onto the top of the NATO Cargo Net I'm using as an arsenal. I have to say though, your #lightpoint actually looks a lot nicer with the colour of the light. I might use your script instead if I'm ever looking for a more aesthetic light.
  24. Yep, you can see an example of this in the benchmark shown here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Simple_Objects#Performance I just tested it and it doesn't seem to be functional. I placed a car battery in mid-air and tried the vanilla simple object, the script in my last post and that mod's simple object. With the mod's simple object it fell to the ground while the other two made it static in mid-air.
  25. The main problem for me is 75% of the decorative objects I've placed in Eden are from mods. Because these mods were made before the whole whitelist concept was devised, they don't include a whitelist. Also, @moricky, they're not using the addCuratorEditableObjects module; As far as I know they're using a mod that, among many other useful things, applies addCuratorEditableObjects globally on everything placed in the Eden editor. Another thing I'd like to point out is that there's no harm in making an object simple that doesn't improve performance when simple as far as I can tell; Yes it may be useless in most situations, except those mentioned by others, but does it do anything harmful? And if you make something like a unit or weapon a simple object pretty much all it does in my experience is bug out the object in a way that's very obvious when testing the mission and can be easily undone. Overall, in my eyes at least, restricting what can be made a simple object is causing more of an inconvenience than what it's solving. In my base that I've built with lots of complex objects laying around, mostly from mods, the FPS is moderately lower compared to untouched areas of the map. Edit: Found a possible solution for now (use with caution): https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_replaceWithSimpleObject Not sure why it's not recommended for multiplayer. Maybe a dev or someone with an understanding of the function could elaborate? Btw credits to the guys in this thread for the solution: https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/18/1319961868335245227/