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  1. Ethridge

    UIcorrections Suite

    Unfortunately it seems the round counter is back since the last update, I did some testing. Strangely it disappears if you switch to a launcher and back to primary.
  2. IFA3 Lite Preview v23 "Blitzkrieg Update" Released _______________________________________________ The IFA3 Lite Team have released a v23 of the IFA3 Lite Preview, the "Blitzkrieg Update". See the release thread for more details. ___________________________________________________________________ Description: ___________________________________________________________________ Preview v23 "Blitzkrieg Update" Download http/ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Download Changelog http/ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Changelog Release Thread https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/190809-iron-front-in-arm3-lite-preview-versions/?page=56#comment-3235131
  3. IFA3 Lite Preview v22 Hotfix 2 Released _______________________________________________ The IFA3 Lite Team have released a new version of the IFA3 Lite Preview, the second hotfix for v22. See the release thread for more details. ___________________________________________________________________ Description: __________________________________________________________________ Preview v22 hotfix 2 is out Download http/ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Download Changelog http/ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Changelog Changes Added: louder M1 Garand Ping sound variant for optics views and third person view. Improved: increased volumne of M1 Garand Ping sound for optics views and third person view. Fixed: missing variable renaming for static line eject script. Improved: static line coding further to work also with AI. Added: Jeep Scout Squad in Motorised group for US. Added: Created Light tank group with M3A3 Stuart Platoon and M8 Greyhound Patrol. Added: M4A3 76 Tank Platoon in Medium Tanks. Fixed: group setup for US Airborne. Fixed: missing faction tag in group name. Fixed: Missing closing bracket in cfgGroups. Fixed: GAZ M1 engine position in Extended HUD thanks to zhaleks.
  4. IFA3 Lite Preview v22 Hotfix 1 Released _______________________________________________ The IFA3 Lite Team have released a new version of the IFA3 Lite Preview, the first hotfix for v22. See the release thread for more details. ___________________________________________________________________ Description: ___________________________________________________________________ Preview v22 hotfix 1 is out Download http/ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Download Changelog http/ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Changelog Changes Fixed: missing showcase missions. Fixed: missing I44 kostel2 textures. Fixed: removed obsolete cfgPatches classes and move them to backwards compatibility. Changed: unified parameter order in static line functions.
  5. IFA3 Lite Preview v22 Released _______________________________________________ The IFA3 Lite Team have released a new version of the IFA3 Lite Preview. See the release thread for more details. ___________________________________________________________________ Description: ___________________________________________________________________ Preview v22 is out Download http/ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Download Changelog http/ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Changelog This is a big maintenance update along with some new content once again with El Tyranos as backbone of the project! Highlights Weapons New M1 Garand given by MajorBoggie! DeLisle Carbine from I44 reworked by Xeno! M2 Flamethrower from I44! I44 Flamethrower effects by Homer Johnston! Vehicles Winter and Desert GMC353 by GSTAVO! SU-85 gunner's 3D cupola.
  6. MR Steam Workshop Collections Updated _______________________________________________ 10 new missions and 4 new mods have been added to the MR Workshop Collections. ___________________________________________________________________ Singleplayer/CO-OP: [SP/COOP1-7] Sunset [WW2] [Iron Front] [RU/ENG] Saving Private Ryan [SP/COOP1-7] Secret [WW2] [Iron Front] [RU/ENG] German Training Facility [SP/COOP-4] Infiltration Multiplayer: A Mission at Neaville co40 Domination! Blufor [3.74] Zargabad Firefight 1942 ZGM Baranow 90+3 [SP/COOP] Omaha Beach Day 1 | WW2 Mods: IFA3 liberation ACE IFA3 liberation Burd IFA3 Airborne ALIVE Factions 1st Brandenburg Division, 1944 [SFF,IFA3]
  7. Ok, I'd like to apologize for my previous outburst. That was not the best way to go about things and I got way too heated writing those posts. I'd be willing to give joining the team a chance. If you wont allow me to join, thats understandable. Its nothing against BigStone that I assumed he wouldnt take my textures over his, this is just how almost all content creators ive spoken to in the A3 community handle things.
  8. I didnt realise "hell" was a swear word, or that there was any "abuse" in that post. I am a team player, a team player for modding, not just the UNSUNG team. If everyone in the team really is so "without ego", explain your rules. Because your rules certainly dont have anything to do with screening out new team members. I never said Stone was a bad guy, or that I disliked him at all. But its a 99% chance that he wouldnt accept some random person's edited versions of his textures to include in the mod. I would like to know if he would. If you suspect people to react this way when confronted with your narrow-minded rules, then why have the rules in the first place? I can behave reasonably, and work in a team, surely without ego. Depends on rules of the team. I was really considering becoming part of the team but these completely ridiculous restrictions on what the community gets to do with the mod that they downloaded makes zero sense. And until you can give me clear reasons for why you have these restrictions in place, my position will remain the same.
  9. I disagree, I dont see how a separate uniform retexture mod is "confusing" considering theres the UNSUNG uniform pack, which is a separate mod, its just made by the team. And the mod would be completely optional, if you dont want to download it, you dont have to. There would be nothing confusing about it. So what exactly is the reason for this rule in your license? Allowing the community to make things for your mod and edit your mod (with full credit and editing within reason) is what prolongs it past what the team itself can work on, hence providing a much more expansive and open mod community. Now, I have these ideas for textures I think are better than whats currently in the mod. How could I show you an example of my edited textures if I'm "not allowed" to edit them. Lets say I join the team, do you think BigStone will take mine over his? hell no, hes going to use his own. Stomping out some creativity for personal gain, which is usually what these restrictions come down to. It usually has nothing to do with protecting authors content or rights, but to make sure nobody can make something that the community might think is better, because your insecure about it. I used to have real faith in this team, that it wouldnt be as closed down and self-righteous as some other teams. I will be making this retexture mod by the way, despite your ridiculous rules, I just wont be releasing it publicly. Its on my computer, and I can De-pbo it if I want to and theres nothing you can do about it. The A3 modding community has really gotten narcissistic lately. Thanks for your time.
  10. Creating some textures to be applied on Unsung classes, so UNSUNG is a dependency.
  11. Exactly, the mod would only be configs and textures, and would require UNSUNG. If something was to change in UNSUNG that would break with the mod, then its on me to update it. I see no issue with it. Something along the lines of some of the retexture mods for RHS, IFA3 Lite, and Faces Of War.
  12. I highly doubt he will agree to using my textures in the mod over his own. But I don't why it being a separate mod is a problem, its completely optional if people want to download it and it wouldnt include any UNSUNG assets.
  13. We'll see, someone from the team should be here soon.
  14. I'm not sure if the team would like that, hence why I wanted to do a separate mod. If they would allow me to I would be happy to work with them. But as it goes, I would just like to do a retexture mod and the team is welcome to use any of my textures, if they wish to include them in UNSUNG itself. For example, I personally think I have some better "Tiger Stripe" patterns, not saying that the ones in the mod currently are bad, I just have some I personally prefer. Now the person who made said tiger stripe thats included in the mod, may not agree with me and take offense if I covered up their work. If its a separate mod, its completely optional.
  15. Personal preference of colors/camo patterns. Maybe some things that haven't made it into the mod, custom insignias and things. Possibly higher quality textures for certain items. Its not that I "need" to make a retexture mod, its that I would "like" to. For example, I would like to make a U.S. Army version of the USMC short sleeve uniform.