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Everything posted by Coul

  1. Hello @nkenny! I recently downloaded a copy of the fsm and the scripts through github and noticed an inconsistency, unsure if it was a bug or not so I didn't want to make a github issue incase I was wrong but under the garrison state it doesn't link up to timeout like the rest of them do, is this intended? Image with red line used to display where I thought the arrow would be
  2. Coul

    co10 Escape

    The changelog from 1.9 states that Zargabad & Ruha were added but i can't find the pbos in the mission files?
  3. Coul

    co10 Escape

    Can someone port this to ruha?
  4. I thought that reply was VCOM 3 :(
  5. i use it exclusively for workshop scenarios and they work great with vanilla missions
  6. no it works with all factions
  7. Coul

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Can you buy vehicles at captured towns? It seems kinda unbalanced if you can only purchase vehicles at base especially if you get ambushed like 5 km away from base even forcing players to build structures or a fob style vehicle depot would be better
  8. Coul

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    i was gonna report this a week ago but i got too lazy, it seems like spawning stops after a few hours on takistan and chernarus is where i tested using rhs mods and cup terrains, towns dont get populated when you go near the circles and we end up just sitting there i've also noticed when you're fighting a pmc commander you dont get rewards for killing the opfor militia sent after you
  9. arma updated today did that ruin your plans?
  10. for the next mod version or next version of vcom ai is it possible to change the config to an sqf or something so we don't have to enable filepatching? EDIT: that script version is amazing the optimizations are really noticable can't wait for the mod version :D
  11. august 26th now any updates?
  12. Coul

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    This is probably my new favourite mission, I would like to say though theres a long delay in spawning for towns and many times me and my friends were able to walk in on foot without any resistance and then we would only reach the center of the town before the units would start spawning. Is there any way to influence the commanders decisions? Also for the defuse bomb mission you can try to defuse the bomb as many times as you want and it won't go off even though it says its armed my friend managed to brute force defuse it by cutting wires til it told him he did it right
  13. Coul

    co10 Escape

    Now that 1.68 has released with dynamic simulation you think you guys can make a new version of escape making use of dynamic simulation?
  14. Coul

    ASR AI 3

    For the next update do you think you can make AT units or any unit with a launcher use it in combat situations?
  15. Coul

    ASR AI 3

    Hey robalo think you can make a config for cup?
  16. think you can make a mod version for that the schedule lag is really brutal while playing escape because it breaks the revive script
  17. Coul

    co10 Escape

    I'd also like to add that 1.8 is waaaaaaay laggier then 1.7.5 i noticed a big performance difference between the two versions on both tanoa and altis it would really help if you could add in a view distance parameter it feels like its forced higher then it should be especially on tanoa a high view distance destroys your framerate
  18. Coul

    co10 Escape

    For version 1.8.0 what does the new motor pool parameter do exactly, and why is the weather always foggy when it is set to dynamic?(on RHS-US altis)
  19. Coul

    ASR AI 3

    So Thanks for the reply i figured it out i was using the outdated config for rhs units with the new config i haven't noticed that issue and the ai is now acting even better. at one point i've seen an russian using a balcony and i have to admit its incredible that you've programmed that kind of behavior.
  20. Coul

    co10 Escape

    Any news on updates, code optimizations or anything for this mission? there hasn't been a nightly update in months and i don't know where to go to check-up on this mission
  21. Coul

    ASR AI 3

    So I gotta congratulate you the new update is amazing i love how the new ai keeps moving and acts realisticly and such its really great and all but there's this bug me and my friends encountered when using asr ai 3 and rhs, some units will move a bit stand still go prone look at the sky and repeat this process when the unit they're fighting is inside a building