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Everything posted by Blackheart_Six

  1. Hi MrMacTaco, Have you read this wiki? Server Hosting - Bohemia Interactive Community (bistudio.com) Check this video out, if you haven't already. How to setup a Dedicated Server | Arma Reforger Tutorial [Windows] - YouTube
  2. Blackheart_Six

    Compilation of External Resources

    Very good video on scripting AI. Arma Reforger | Spawning AI via Script - Tutorial and Overview by Rabid Squirrel
  3. I don't think we are seeing the complete picture with Reforger. There are a lot of things missing at this point. Give it time. This is a test bed.
  4. Blackheart_Six

    Command list

    Hopefully they will add "#ban" next round of updates.
  5. Blackheart_Six

    Long-range reconnaissance patrol 1.0

    FOUO/TS Copy No. 1 of 2 1st Asymmetric Warfare Group Fort A.P. Hill, VA 06JUN2022 FRAGO 060800BJUN22 DEVILS DEN References: TBD Time zone used throughout the order: BRAVO 1. Situation: NC 2. Mission: Operational Name has been determined: OPERATION DEVILS DEN 3. Execution: Operation infiltration point has been determined. SR-71 over flights and USGS topographical surveys have been completed. Landing Zone MGRS: 33T VK 0824 0537 CODE NAME: VIRGINIA Location: Adriatic Sea Coordinates: 45°4′N 14°36′E Area: 405.80 km2 (156.68 sq mi) Highest elevation: 568 m (1864 ft) 4. Sustainment: Logistics and pre-position supplies are being prepared for insertion at VIRGINIA. 5. Command and Signal: NC ANNEX Alpha: USGS Topographical Map Survey: VIRGINIA SR71 TOP-DOWN VIEW: VIRGINIA
  6. Blackheart_Six

    Blackheart_Six Mission Making Notes

    Problem: When I use "FactionManager_Editor" to get all 3 factions available, it always spawns me in the water. I renamed the spawn point as recommended in one video. No help. Fix: 1. Place "FactionManager_Editor", "LoadoutManager_Editor", "GameMode_Plain", and "SpawnPoint_US" in the world. 2. In Hierarchy, rename "SpawnPoint_US" (right click entity) to what you like. I tried this fix first but did not work with FactionManager_Editor. 3. Select "GameMode_Plain in the hierarchy pane. 4. In the Object Properties pane, select "SCR_BaseGameMode > SCR_AutomaticRespawnHandlerComponent". 5. Select "Respawn > Force Faction" and set to US. 6. Select "Unsorted > Enabled" check the box. Press Play to test. Spawn now at the US Spawn point.
  7. Blackheart_Six

    Enfusion Workbench Technical Discussion

    This post has moved to Compilation of External Resources - Arma Reforger - General - Bohemia Interactive Forums, and will no longer be maintained.
  8. Blackheart_Six

    Arma Reforger - Videos

    Brought a tear to my eye.
  9. Blackheart_Six

    Compilation of External Resources

    DasCapshen's video on Task System (Playlist Item) 1 of 2. 2 is not posted yet.
  10. Blackheart_Six

    Reforger Task System

    Great, I've been watching the conversations on discord. You guys are blazing a trail with this stuff!
  11. Blackheart_Six

    Will the beloved 3d editor (EDEN) ever return?

    Didn't someone already try a "Mission Editor" on a console for some other game. IDK. IMHO... Leave the content creation on the PC and make it portable to the game consoles.
  12. Blackheart_Six

    Will the beloved 3d editor (EDEN) ever return?

    Change is hard. I get that. I had just started publishing sqf content after all this time. I have >8500 hours invested in Arma III. But the potential of the Enfusion Workbench is going to be awesome. When I first opened it, I said "F this", and closed it. But I've researched, watched videos and now am creating content. Not published yet but getting there. It will be a very long row to hoe, but in the end, I think we are better off with this system. Maybe one the great community folks will make their own "3DEN" mission editor. There are some very talented folks here.
  13. Blackheart_Six

    Reforger Task System

    Awesome! Great information. I'll check it out.
  14. Blackheart_Six

    Enfusion Workbench Technical Discussion

    Consolidated Playlist of Videos DasCapschen Playlist GavinM Playlist SneakyAzWhat Playlist UselessFodder Playlist Useful Links Herbiie Arma Reforger Mission Making Guide
  15. Blackheart_Six

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    How to add custom workshop scenarios
  16. Blackheart_Six

    Enfusion Workbench Technical Discussion

    COOP Mission Guide
  17. Blackheart_Six

    [Poll] ArmA Reforger / Arm4

    1. I support BI. 2. I need to learn how to create in the new environment. 3. I hope that what small contribution I make now, will make Arma 4 better when released.
  18. Blackheart_Six

    Enfusion Workbench Technical Discussion

    Good Video for getting started. Rambles a little bit.
  19. Blackheart_Six

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    1. Agreed 2. All the discord servers are under Arma 3. I know Roy86 is already reworking Patrol Ops 4, and pushed out a place holder to the workshop. I started a topic here on Enfusion Technical Discussion
  20. Blackheart_Six

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    ^^^^THIS ^^^^ Great info. I asked yesterday on discord and one of the mods said today the forums would be up. But no joy. We need to have a forum if the community is going to learn. Discord is not the tool to work out problems, and post code, scripts, etc. Until then create topics here. Maybe they will get the idea. There is some good wikis coming out. I thought I heard that with workbench, you can create all your own stuff, end to end. For example, place a custom vehicle in a mission, create the mission or scenario, and those assets would be available to everyone. No more needing players to have all the mods, they would be part of the mission, pushed out to them. Can anyone comment on this? There are some great things to come I am sure.
  21. Yea without a doubt. I am VERY lost right now. I just figured out how to create a script file. Now what goes in it, is a completely different story. Oh boy... fun times. I think this will be amazing once it gets going. If you can create an object, and it's local to the mission, and everyone that plays doesn't need to install a mod to use it, thats huge. That is my understanding of it right now. Maybe wrong.
  22. Never mind Answered... Dev Patrol Ops Reforged already up on the workshop...Nice. It is NON-FUNCTIONING.
  23. Wonder how today's news and release of Arma Reforger/4 affects this project? Starting over? or Stick a fork in it?
  24. Blackheart_Six

    New informations or announcement soon?

    Keep checking, not working yet. Forums https://forums.reforger.armaplatform.com/ Wiki https://wiki.reforger.armaplatform.com/ Dev Hub https://reforger.armaplatform.com/dev-hub
  25. Not up yet.... https://forums.reforger.armaplatform.com/