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Everything posted by onefox

  1. Can it be that this: - doc update: array returned by playableUnits does not return the headless client Is not the case anymore? the count playableUnits includes the HC as far as i can tell.
  2. Would be awesome, also some clients have the signature timeout after a long time.
  3. @omon, @dwarden Check out the ticked, i guess its exactly that problem. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27172 The thing is that you will get just an: "Player headlessclient: Signature check timed out" error in the server rpt log. So no crash.
  4. Is this still somewhere? The repo is dead. Iam searching for a cli rcon-tool.
  5. Hello, i just started reading into the headless client and the concept seems to be quite nice but i have some first problems with it. So i got my self a working local Server. Now when i start the hc with all the needed mods for the mission its running but the logfile is just not complete and the HC is not working as it should. Here is the start param for the the rpt log: start "HC" "arma3server.exe" -client -connect= -port=2302 -mod="@allinarmaterrainpack;@Ryanzombies;@Exile;@zombies_hc;" -nosound -name=HC -profile=HC http://pastebin.com/3fK1mEJX Is there anything that i did't miss and didn't think of? I also tried that the server is named different and in another directory. Interestingly when i remove one mod its loading a bit further like this: http://pastebin.com/WrEAq82A In both cases nothing is crashing, its just not working as expected and its not debugging some test data. I follow this guide over here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/178434-arma3-headless-client-guide/ Thanks for any help.
  6. I was missing a slot for the headless client.... So i added it in the mission and now the hc is working Thanks for your time.
  7. But that error only is in the log if i don't Start the HC with the right mods. There are debug statements before that that should have been executed fine. The rpt log with the right mods doesn't even come that far :( Its the first link (http://pastebin.com/3fK1mEJX)
  8. some fresh crash logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9lmzqi68f5fiabx/crash_6_7.7z?dl=0
  9. Here some more: This time also with the exportJIPQueue log. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mjlxpm3q6dep6a8/arma3chernacrashv7.7z?dl=0
  10. Here is another crash, at least i got some memory leaks away with using pushBack instead of the + operator when adding values to a array. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zmhnuq29ht0v03c/crash_v7.7z?dl=0 Its a Error: can't resize AutoArray to negative size! Error. You guys did something with the array itself right? (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Array) Could that be related? From Arma 3 v1.53.132890 arrays are limited to maximum of 999999 (sometimes 1000000) elements I am now able to fully reproduce it locally. (can take ~20 Minutes but than it crashes every time with only me on the server)
  11. onefox

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    What mods are on your server? Upload your server rpt log and link it in here.
  12. New error with version 7 and i waited for the dump ;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/gdsro8684elgb94/2015-12-22-%200_24-37.7z?dl=0 cheers,
  13. onefox

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    looks awesome, can't wait until the crashes are fixed and we can use it again ;)
  14. The question is why since 1.54. What function do they use that BI changed and where a mem leak is now build in.We could list all the functions of both mods and check the functions that both mods use for leaks.
  15. :D i will do but i cant tell when since its goning in a strange freeze state :/ most of the time the dump file is there.
  16. Got something new with the 788 build: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8y5sis4pdrbn2y7/arma3chernarus_2015-12-19_00-02-21.7z?dl=0 But this time i think i was to fast and stoppt + rebooted the server before he could throw a dump file out there... But the RPT shows some interesting things. Also the mem jumpt from 1gb to 1,3 at 1:03:01. together with the: 1:03:01 Terminator (-1088386898) reached on (258,195) rpt entry. For the hole time with 788 (1 hour) there were 3 people online. Hope this helps.
  17. new crashes. 20 min with 10 players ram went from 500mb up to 1,2 gb and server was gone. logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/80o5pys1tzarz01/2015-12-18-%200_20-14.7z
  18. I don't get the MDMP file :/ since the server is freezing to death... But here is the rest from your 133760 build. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xjnd6ebk5nb2r8/2015-12-16-20_18-38.7z?dl=0 I can generate as much as you like...
  19. I have added all dumps and rtp locks from our crashes to: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26775 We are using your 1.54.133701 build.
  20. onefox

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Any way we could help ?
  21. onefox

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    @mc5000 That second thing a known bug, sadly there is no easy way to reproduce it. Upvote the arma3 bug please ;) http://zombiebugs.site40.net/mantisbt/view.php?id=37 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26775
  22. onefox

    Real time Browser Map

    the links are dead :/ could you reupload the project? Its looking very promising. Cheers,