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About jasonsnickers@gmail.com

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  1. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    BorderGuard - Advanced Border Protection

    I know this is old, but PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!!! Host someplace other than AH. I can't download your work, and neither can a vast majority of people.
  2. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    Tophe's Arma Dedicated Server Tool (TADST)

    If they update TADST before then, it would be a miracle.
  3. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    Difficulties in setting difficulties post 1.58

    Yeah I can confirm NONE of the above works, I even set up the entir cfg and profile manually, and still defualts to recruit for EVERY mission, no matter what.
  4. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    Difficulties in setting difficulties post 1.58

    Any ground on this yet?
  5. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    Tophe's Arma Dedicated Server Tool (TADST)

    Yeah, I can now confirm that TADST difficulty stuff is 100% broken.
  6. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    My unit is using this in multiplayer with no real issues aside missing cfg stuff.
  7. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    Tophe's Arma Dedicated Server Tool (TADST)

    So we will get an update for this tool right?
  8. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/BloodLust.units'. This error comes up during the following... Loading into ANY missions, single player / mp. Whenever the editor autosaves, or is made to save. Tried without mods, same issue.
  9. jasonsnickers@gmail.com

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Still having the config issues...... Really wanting to use this for my units dedicated server, but seeing to many issues pop up in the forum post right now. Any news / testing being done to fix these things?