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Everything posted by computer

  1. computer

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Didn't realize the vanilla muzzle flashes are this bad until I saw the new RHS ones. Great job! And from a realistic standpoint. They are supposed to be close to identical like in rhs, not rotating like the ones in vanilla. (rotating compensator???)
  2. computer

    3CB BAF Weapons

    JIPing with any of the 3cb mods seems to cause semi-auto firing sounds not to play on remote clients. Anyone else experience this?
  3. computer

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    I can reproduce the bug on x-cam taunus. Do you require this bug to be found without mods ?
  4. Why does it say I can ONLY use CUP Terrains on monetized servers? My server is not monetized, I cannot use this mod on my server? I must monetize my server to use the mod?
  5. I like how the grenades go in through windows now. Great update. Thank you
  6. computer

    Zee Identity Pack

    Release dates make people forgetful. Don't rush it. Take your time! Looking forward to this. The vanilla faces are missing some umpf, these faces are full of umpf!
  7. Is this using playWithSix ? If so then restart / refresh. The update only showed up now for my core, although the maps updated an hour ago.
  8. computer

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    Damage to different parts. Similar to what RHS has done with their reactive armor. Parts of armor that can be destroyed to inflict more damage. Shells bouncing off armor. Better feel of weight for vehicles, with the tracks spinning in dirt. Overpressure, and more tweaks and effects when shooting the main cannon. Things like these, add weight and realism to the battlefield. Not really that interested in the 2035 tanks. Rather the functionality, tiny details and realistic features.
  9. computer

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    I enjoy reading the suggestions everyone is posting here. Can't forget "we're very much interested in exploring an interesting and unique perspective on the battlefield" VR is quite likely, but I think that requires high and stable framerates. So this should be something else. Orange could be so many things and taken in so many ways, so we should remain focused on a unique perspective. Unique implies that it's not explored yet as much as other perspectives, so my "wish" is that it's something as great as door sounds, bipods or fire selector sounds. Small, but awesome!
  10. computer

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    To achive as low as 15 fps. Observing a snail is hard. To achieve 15 FPS there has to be hundreds of ai fighting, therefor 15 fps will most likely never be observing the snail, but rather bloodbaths and crazy situations. It all depends. I can play wasteland at ~60 FPS and drive through an empty map for 30 minutes until I get into a small firefight that lasts about 15 minutes. I can play coop missions at ~30 fps while constantly being shot at, engaging hundreds of enemies in the span of an hour. I prefer the latter. It's just a matter of preference. Anyway, I've experienced a few crashes on the stable (32bit) branch. This is weird because I had no crashes for over 12 hours the day before. I hope 64 bit solves this issue, because the sweet sweet terrain on taunus, the amount of detail in every location is stunning. I also love the enterable buildings used in this map. Very nice indeed!
  11. computer

    CH View Distance Addon

    Cutest view distance script.
  12. computer

    Repetitive Cleanup

    Using typeOf _object in _array is faster than (typeof _object == _x) || {(_object isKindOf _x)}. If you have to use the latter one, atleast use isEqualTo instead of ==. It's faster
  13. computer

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    It's about the fun per second not frames per second! Fun != running fine
  14. Great script. Do you mind if I edit and use it for some missions?
  15. computer

    find enterable buildings

    Great function davidoss. Do you mind if I use and edit it for some missions ?
  16. computer

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    So good. So many nice places. This is the BEST map. Too bad I have yet to convince others to play it with me. It's got obvious performance issues on lower end systems. But I don't care about that! Arma is just as fun running 15 fps as it is running 60. I rather play a mission where I can shoot 100's of enemies with 20 fps, than play a mission with 3 enemies that headshot me instantly while running 60 fps. I'll look into making a few missions for this.
  17. computer

    Zee Identity Pack

    The eyes. Don't forget the eyes. I'm way too excited about this. Take your time. Don't rush things!
  18. computer

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Yes, but people do not have access to the textures used in the mod.
  19. computer

    Dynamic Simulation Feedback

    The great thing about using Dynamic Simulation is that there will be no stuttering when the unit spawns in and gets it's gear. It's great also as units can be damaged and killed while cached. So a pre-emptive artillery strike would actually have an effect. This is my favorite part. There's a lot of ways I've seen this done. My best result was running a single loop that checks all units. As having a loop per unit/per group would cause performance loss at higher numbers. It still only compares distance. It'd be interesting to know how the grid system works in detail. Hope it's documented. I want to know how it's done! For what I've read I take it checks the distance of the player to the cells that are populated and then either activates or deactivates units inside the cell, but how does it know if a unit is in the cell or not? How is the knowledge of a unit inside a certain cell acquired faster than the knowledge of {if (_x distance _object < 600)exitWith{true}}count allUnits > 0 Is it perhaps an eventhandeler that fires once a cell is reached that adds the unit into the array of that cell and removes from the previous one? In general it's a really great feature especially for less advanced mission makers, who have never cached anything before. This feature will definitely improve the average mission quality and performance. As most missions on the workshop just have all the units standing idle or patrolling constantly.
  20. computer

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Isn't the goal of the license to protect the content? Makes more sense now that you've explained it. Not like anything would be lost, as you would still keep the original copy. It's not as if someone downloads the mod and moves it into another folder, that anything is lost in the original file. But what you are after is the protection of assets, so no one else will take the credit for the assets that have been created by you. Which is perfectly normal. I just enjoy opening PBOs and fixing small bugs or finding out how things work. This also restricts from ripping the mods into smaller parts so users can use in their custom mods, without having to have dozens of versions of the same gun/equipment. This just keeps me from using the mod for my missions, as I have to rely on someone else to fix issues, creating a special texture for a vehicle or uniform to be used in the mission is impossible. RHS and other huge mods don't seem to have the same issue. No one really exploits them, or do they? This seems to be only good for the community. But in the end it's up to the modpack distributor, to what they decide to do.
  21. computer

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Using ACE3's hostage system I could not transfer the hostage into the Jackal. Tried also with hostage_1 moveInCargo jackal_01, with no success. Tried to open the PBO to find and fix the issue, but it wouldn't extract. Any help on extracting the PBOs?
  22. computer

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Why the restrictive license? Isn't most of the content this pack not created by 3cb members?
  23. computer

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Great job on the mortars. They are the best mortars in arma 3. Why is 3cb BAF not on the steam workshop? Are mirrors allowed on steam workshop?