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About _.Dardo._

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  1. Hello, i'm currently picking up a language for writing extensions. I would like to know,if someone built succesfully an extension using .net core ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/core/) both on linux and windows. I'd like to have some personal experiences or general overviews. Thank you.
  2. _.Dardo._

    How to delete objects after Apex update?

    You should use a combination of nearestobject and hideobjectglobal,or just use 3den enhanced mod in the workshop
  3. _.Dardo._

    AI : Closed Line Formation

    Thank you, I tried but no luck. It seems that the only way of doing this is attaching the units among them. Unfortunately this makes the whole thing unnatural and mechanic. That's bad.
  4. _.Dardo._

    MP Optimization

    That would be really appreciated.
  5. _.Dardo._

    MP Optimization

    Nothing on mp optimization?
  6. _.Dardo._

    MP Optimization

    Already read it,i would prefer some numbers
  7. Hi guys, I am cleaning up my mission,and I was searching for informations correlated to the bandwith usage of each public variable ,and other things such loops,and how can they interfer with client/server fps. A little overview would be welcomed :)
  8. Hello guys,i am trying to make two or more air vehicles(Airplanes) fly in a close line,right now the two AIs are simply flying in a large line formation with around 20 meters between them,how can i reduce this distance,to get this result? Thank you.
  9. _.Dardo._

    Wrong signature for file

    Try to use addon Builder
  10. Hi all,i wanted to know if it was possible to move a dead body into a vehicle,with related death animation(basing on kind of vehicle) Thank you all.
  11. Sorry for the bump By the way,i discovered a pbo , downloaded from a server as a normal mission,that can not be opened. Pbo manager just crashes when i try to open that mission file. How is this even possibile?
  12. Sorry i was talking (me too) about brackets matching,not highlighting.
  13. You may need a loop for this,could you post the whole code?