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Everything posted by 3LGStevo

  1. 3LGStevo

    Headless Client help

    For some reason, this issue only seems to be apparent when the "owner" command is used. I'm not sure if my HCs are swapping slots or something during server startup, but the issue doesn't seem to happen when running the remoteExec command against the object instead of ownerID. EDIT: I've seen that "owner" command is actually only a server command, otherwise returns 0 when used on clients (including HCs), which is why everyone was attempting to run the query.
  2. I've recently created a new HUD overlay for my altis life server, on the UI, there is a picture that displays an icon of a mail item and when the user receives a new message, the icon changes to a picture alerting them that they have a new message. When this changeover occurs, my whole UI overlay flickers off and then back on again. This only appears to do it for this icon, and one other icon when they're being changed. The rsc display is not removed at any point while these icons are updated in the code, but for the first swap-over, the flicker occurs. After the first swap-over, the interface seems happy enough to swap them over without flashing/flickering. There's not much point in me posting the code here as A: it's far too long, and B: I've been over it several times. The issue isn't consistent from a repeatable point of view... but is, since it only seems to occur on the first change over of each icon. What I need to know is; 1. Are there any known issues with amending RSC layer pictures that could cause this? 2. Should all files associated with the Rsc Layer be preprocessed? What I've already tried; 1. Loading both images required before the interface is fully utilised - doesn't fix the problem 2. Amended the images manually through debug console - still flashes the UI for the first change over, then continues as expected 3. Removing the UI and re-creating the UI once the images have been swapped over - the next swap-over doesn't flicker. 4. All RscText values on the HUD can be changed / amended with no flickering... the issue solely happens with amending RscPicture's text.
  3. I've tried to use this, and I get an error message on connecting "Resource not found"... in my init.sqf file: _ok = preloadTitleRsc ["playerHUD","PLAIN"]; my ui.hpp file: class playerHUD { idd=23500; movingEnable=0; fadein=0; duration = 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999; fadeout=0; name="playerHUD"; onLoad="uiNamespace setVariable ['playerHUD',_this select 0]"; objects[]={}; class controlsBackground etc... called in description.ext: class RscTitles { #include "dialog\ui.hpp" #include "dialog\progress.hpp" #include "dialog\hud_nameTags.h" #include "dialog\promotion.hpp" #include "dialog\capture.hpp" #include "dialog\timers.hpp" #include "dialog\scoreboard.hpp" #include "dialog\gk_HUD_display.hpp" };
  4. So, I'm having some serious problems with agents. Objectives: 1. Spawn 200 fish near three markers 2. Have the fish roam freely about within around 100m of the marker. 3. Have fish visible on all clients simultaneously. I've tested performance, and there's no impact from the initial 600 fish that get generated... the problem I have is, they all swim north continuously, and no matter what I script in, the fish don't respond in any way. The monitor script then sees that there aren't 200 fish near the markers anymore, so spawns another 200 fish... For reference, these are both executed on the server only. /* filename: fn_generateFish.sqf Author: Stevo Description: Generates additional fish at server startup */ Private ["_fish","_markers","_fishIndex","_markerPos","_fishExist","_fishCount","_index","_type","_posDiff1","_posDiff2","_fishPos","_newFish"]; _fish = ["Salema_F","Ornate_random_F","Mackerel_F","Tuna_F","Mullet_F","CatShark_F","Turtle_F"]; _fishIndex = 6; _markers = ["m_fish_1","m_fish_2","m_fish_3"]; { _marker = _x; _markerPos = getMarkerPos _x; _fishExist = nearestObjects [_markerPos, _fish, 125, false]; _fishCount = count _fishExist; if (_fishCount < 200) then { while {_fishcount < 200} do { _index = round(random(_fishIndex)); _type = _fish select _index; _posDiff1 = round(random(25)); _posDiff2 = round(random(25)); if (round(random(1)) == 0) then { _posDiff1 = (_posDiff1 - _posDiff1) - _posDiff1; }; if (round(random(1)) == 0) then { _posDiff2 = (_posDiff2 - _posDiff2) - _posDiff2; }; _fishPos = [(_markerPos select 0) + _posDiff1, (_markerPos select 1) + _posDiff2, (_markerPos select 2) - 5]; _newfish = createAgent [_type, _fishPos,[],0,"NONE"]; _newFish setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable",true]; _newFish disableAI "FSM"; _newFish setVariable ["home",_marker]; _newFish enableSimulation true; _newFish allowDamage true; _fishCount = _fishCount + 1; }; }; } forEach _markers; [] spawn life_fnc_monitorFish; /* filename: fn_monitorFish.sqf Author: Stevo Description: Recreates fish that have been "caught" in another location. */ Private ["_markers"]; _markers = ["m_fish_1","m_fish_2","m_fish_3"]; { [_x] spawn { Private ["_fish","_marker","_fishIndex","_markerPos","_fishExist","_fishCount","_index","_type","_posDiff1","_posDiff2","_fishPos","_newFish"]; _fish = ["Salema_F","Ornate_random_F","Mackerel_F","Tuna_F","Mullet_F","CatShark_F","Turtle_F"]; _fishIndex = 6; _marker = _this select 0; _markerPos = getMarkerPos _marker; while {true} do { sleep 600; _fishExist = nearestObjects [_markerPos, _fish, 125, false]; _fishCount = count _fishExist; if (_fishCount < 200) then { while {_fishcount < 200} do { _units = []; _index = round(random(_fishIndex)); _type = _fish select _index; _tooNear = true; while {_tooNear} do { _posDiff1 = round(random(100)); _posDiff2 = round(random(100)); if (round(random(1)) == 0) then { _posDiff1 = (_posDiff1 - _posDiff1) - _posDiff1; }; if (round(random(1)) == 0) then { _posDiff2 = (_posDiff2 - _posDiff2) - _posDiff2; }; _fishPos = [(_markerPos select 0) + _posDiff1, (_markerPos select 1) + _posDiff2, (_markerPos select 2) - 5]; { if (_x distance2D _fishPos < 20) then {_units pushBack _x;}; } forEach playableUnits; if (count _units != 0) then {_tooNear = true} else {_tooNear = false}; }; _newfish = createAgent [_type, _fishPos,[],0,"NONE"]; _newFish setVariable ["home",_marker]; _newFish enableSimulation true; _newFish allowDamage true; _fishCount = _fishCount + 1; }; }; }; }; } forEach _markers; while {true} do { { _marker = _x getVariable ["home","m_fish_1"]; _pos = [(getMarkerPos _marker) select 0,(getMarkerPos _marker) select 1,-1]; if (_x distance2D _pos > 100) then { _x MoveTo _pos; }; } forEach entities "Fish_Base_F"; sleep 10; };
  5. Nope, SSD. Already tried that. I'll give this a shot... thanks.
  6. Recently, a lot of my players have been stating they're getting kicked through battleye for timeouts. This is occurring to all players simultaneously. I don't know if this is a cause from the latest update, or whether there's an issue on my server's instance of battleye. Player #7 Dean Martyn () has been kicked by BattlEye: Client not responding Player #14 Alex Jones () has been kicked by BattlEye: Client not responding Player #7 Dean Martyn () connected Player #7 Dean Martyn - GUID: Verified GUID () of player #7 Dean Martyn Verified GUID () of player #10 silvano Player #1 Jim Capone () has been kicked by BattlEye: Client not responding Player #0 George Grimm () has been kicked by BattlEye: Client not responding Player #3 robslaw () has been kicked by BattlEye: Client not responding Player #13 rick () has been kicked by BattlEye: Client not responding Player #0 robslaw () connected Player #0 robslaw - GUID: Verified GUID () of player #0 robslaw Player #7 Dean Martyn () has been kicked by BattlEye: Client not responding ^ this is a copy/paste from the RCON console that I was observing while people were continuously being booted.
  7. The ability to draw on the map is no longer showing across MP clients. My server has custom radio channels, and the players can no longer draw strategic plans on the map for each channel, nor can then use the preset markers by double-clicking. The marker information appears to be sent across MP, as other players can wiggle their cursor around on screen and see other people's names where the marker should be, but the marker itself is not visible.
  8. I thought as much, but the error didn't show prior to the last update and it gives no indication as to which file has the problem executing bis_fnc_param.
  9. Unsure if you're aware Dwarden, but the latest release build has this popping up in the server RPT logs rather often... I have no idea what is triggering it: 20:18:58 Error in expression <\fn_param.sqf" params [["_array", []], ["_index", 0, [0> 20:18:58 Error position: <params [["_array", []], ["_index", 0, [0> 20:18:58 Error Params: Type Number, expected Array 20:18:58 File A3\functions_f\Debug\fn_param.sqf, line 26
  10. For simplicity sake, I'm trying this: _obj = nearestObjects [player,["Wall_F"],10]; hint format ["%1",_obj]; The wall I'm standing next to is "Land_PipeWall_concretel_8m_F"... Yet, the return array in the above is showing []. If I remove "Wall_F", and try "any", [], "Fence", "Land_PipeWall_conretel_8m_F", I also get the same results where the walls should be found, just return "". Is there a way I can identify these items nearby... They are built in Altis objects that I need to manipulate.
  11. I have an Altis Life server... everything has worked fine until recently where the last update now populates the database with "" everywhere where a " used to be. I can't find out why this is now the case. "[""765"",""Stevo"",""0"",""2629"",""3"",""1"", "["765","Stevo","0","2629","3","1", ^ See above Before the entries are populated into the database, as an array may contain "[ ]" tags, the array is converted to string using "ToString" It is also converted using the default Altis Life MresToArray script: private["_array"]; _array = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; if(_array == "") exitWith {[]}; _array = toArray(_array); for "_i" from 0 to (count _array)-1 do { _sel = _array select _i; if(_sel == 96) then { _array set[_i,39]; }; }; _array = toString(_array); _array = call compile format["%1", _array]; _array; and re-compiled back to MRES for writing to the DB using: private["_array"]; _array = [_this,0,[],[[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; diag_log format ["MRESARRAY || Array 1: %1",_array]; _array = str(str(_array)); diag_log format ["MRESARRAY || Array 2: %1",_array]; _array = toArray(_array); diag_log format ["MRESARRAY || Array 3: %1",_array]; for "_i" from 0 to (count _array)-1 do { _sel = _array select _i; if((_i != 0 && _i != ((count _array)-1))) then { if(_sel == 34) then { _array set[_i,96]; }; }; }; diag_log format ["MRESARRAY || Array 4: %1",_array]; toString(_array); diag_log format ["MRESARRAY || Array 5: %1",_array];
  12. 3LGStevo

    Conversion issue " to ""

    I already have that code applied in my server, it still compiles a string containing an array, with double "" which becomes unreadable. How do I fix the "null string" values that are now duplicated everywhere where a " used to be? I also don't understand why you've had them change a base level function that already operates correctly. If you have "...""..." as a string, you're using the double quotation as a single quotation contained inside a string. It should be written as '..."...'. Instead, now every single compile request my server has, has "" contained within them... which is acceptable with integers and strings, but with arrays, the array context believes there's a missing , after each "" and completely breaks all arrays.
  13. 3LGStevo

    Conversion issue " to ""

    I've found the problem to be with the command "Call Compile" When the value is changed from ', the values remain correct, up until the call compile command. 15:38:48 "MREStoARRAY || Array 1: [[`license_cop_air`,0],[`license_cop_tf`,0]]" 15:38:48 "MREStoARRAY || Array 2: [91,91,96,108,105,99,101,110,115,101,95,99,111,112,95,97,105,114,96,44,48,93,44,91,96,108,105,99,101,110,115,101,95,99,111,112,95,116,102,96,44,48,93,93]" 15:38:48 "MREStoARRAY || Array 3: [91,91,39,108,105,99,101,110,115,101,95,99,111,112,95,97,105,114,39,44,48,93,44,91,39,108,105,99,101,110,115,101,95,99,111,112,95,116,102,39,44,48,93,93]" 15:38:48 "MREStoARRAY || Array 4: [['license_cop_air',0],['license_cop_tf',0]]" 15:38:48 "MREStoARRAY || Array 5: [[""license_cop_air"",0],[""license_cop_tf"",0]]" Why has this changed? There's nothing in the update notes regarding this...
  14. Same... was any fix found for this? Rather than there being something wrong with it, I think it's more something I'm doing wrong. But I've set up the options as I'd expect them to be set.
  15. Hi, We've been heavily editing a map in 3DEN for an Altis Life server. There's a lot of objects here, there and everywhere scattered around all of the NPCs to make them less look like they're just guys standing in the middle of nowhere. Since we've imported this map, the server startup time takes literally about 15-20 minutes now with a map that's about 80% complete. The mission.sqm file is binarized to speed up processing (as it indicates in the editor) but this still seems to take forever. While in the editor, going into preview mode has the game input hang for about 1-2 minutes, but on the server (quite a high end one), it hangs for 15-20 minutes. Is there anything we can do to speed this loading up? We didn't seem to have this issue on the 2D editor, but then again, we didn't have anywhere near as many objects placed... The boot time was usually around 20-60 seconds before we converted to the 3DEN editor map. I don't know if this is something to do with the more recent Arma updates, or whether it is because we're now using a 3DEN map. In the RPT logs, the freeze always occurs around this line; Deinitialized shape [Class: "Underwear_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";] Part from first log (Server start 21:46); 21:47:09 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire 21:47:09 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire 21:47:09 "************** Factory demolition initiliased ***********" 21:47:18 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Underwear_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";] 21:47:21 "------ resetLifeVehicles task done ------" 22:02:07 "------ deleteDeadVehicles task done ------" 22:02:07 "------ deleteOldHouses task done ------" 22:02:08 "------ banRemove task done ------" 22:02:08 "------ banHandler task done ------" 22:02:08 "------ armyPointsUpdater task done ------" 22:02:08 "------ rebelPointsUpdater task done ------" 22:02:09 "------ copPointsUpdater task done ------" 22:02:09 "------ medPointsUpdater task done ------" 22:02:09 "------ licenseUpdater task done ------" 22:02:09 "------ inactiveRemove task done ------" 22:02:09 "------ inactiveHandler task done ------" 22:02:09 "------ tableReindex task done ------" Total time: 16 minutes Part from second log (Server start 22:02): 22:04:50 "************** Factory demolition initiliased ***********" 22:04:51 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire 22:04:51 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire 22:05:00 "------ resetLifeVehicles task done ------" 22:05:00 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Underwear_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";] 22:07:34 "------ deleteDeadVehicles task done ------" 22:19:31 "------ deleteOldHouses task done ------" 22:19:32 "------ banRemove task done ------" 22:19:32 "------ banHandler task done ------" 22:19:32 "------ armyPointsUpdater task done ------" 22:19:32 "------ rebelPointsUpdater task done ------" 22:19:32 "------ copPointsUpdater task done ------" 22:19:32 "------ medPointsUpdater task done ------" 22:19:32 "------ licenseUpdater task done ------" 22:19:33 "------ inactiveRemove task done ------" 22:19:33 "------ inactiveHandler task done ------" 22:19:33 "------ tableReindex task done ------" Total time: 19 minutes For arguments sake, I've removed the "deleteDeadVehicles" task as well from the start up processes, and the server init still hangs at the same line: Deinitialized shape [Class: "Underwear_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";] EDIT: After further investigation, I've found that as this line appears in the server RPT logs, the memory consumption spikes from 800MB to 2300+MB, and the CPU spikes from 9%, to upto 30% utilisation.
  16. The issue seems to be tied directly with server performance. I tried to boot a vanilla BIS mission, but it wouldn't get passed the voting stage. I'm assuming the other configuration files, and profile files were obstructing it from launching, so never actually managed to test against Vanilla. I do have two servers though, one being a Intel Xeon E3-1270V2, with 32GB DDR3 memory on an SSD, and the other being an Azure VM with 7GB DDR3 memory, and a 4 core virtualised processor and SSD. Granted, I know that Arma doesn't work well with VMs, but still, the boot time on this was over 50 minutes. I couldn't say what the exact boot time was as I just terminated the start up after the 50 minute mark as it being significantly slower. I have the hosting company looking into the hardware of the server as it seems to have just appeared all of a sudden (at least to the 20 minute mark extent), but we all noticed a rise in server start times as soon as we used the 3DEN map file. I'm also getting an upgraded server to boot to see how that fairs in performance as a comparison. While I still expect there to be some delay on start-up (since the current server doesn't use more than 20% CPU, and 3.3GB memory), I'm hoping the processor speed and memory speed greatly decrease the delay. The new server is to have the Intel Xeon E5-1650V3 processor, with 64GB DDR4 ECC Memory and two SSDs.
  17. Thanks... I'm not actually sure what I need to host a vanilla map. I'd exported one from the addons library, and moved it over to the missions folder, and configured the server_config.cfg file to run from it, but the server just doesn't start. Is there something I'm missing? (also turned the two mods off, and removed any additional files specific to the custom mission).
  18. Hi Dwarden, This time I've double-checked stuff, and I'm getting really slow performance on server startup. Where previously the server used to take 20-60 seconds to startup, it now takes nearly 20 minutes to start up. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191660-arma-3-server-freeze-on-startup/
  19. Hi Dwarden, I've been powering my server up and down all day while working on a new set of scripts - which was working fine all day, however the server no longer boots anymore... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ggxbf7de8bsczy4/crash_logs.7z?dl=0 I've added all four crash logs to the archive, and I'm now using the latest perf on your drop box and still receiving the crash. I removed the script file I added in, and it's still crashing continuously... I'm now attempting a reboot to see if there's anything stuck :( EDIT: I'm just retarded... after removing the script, I hadn't removed it from the functions.h library which was causing the server to spaz out.
  20. 3LGStevo

    AI deal no damage

    Hi, I've written a script that has an execution style firing squad with NPCs. When a player is placed on the marker, the NPCs target the player, and fire their weapons until the player is dead. This all works fine, with one exception, all bullets pass through the player and hit the impact wall behind them causing absolutely no damage. I've implemented a script that does "_x allowDamage true" on the server for all clients because this is apparently a problem on epoch servers that have server-spawned AI dealing no damage due to a script that prevents player damage at first connect. My server doesn't have the player damage prevention, but I tried it anyway to see if it resolved the issue. Unforunately, it does not... and bullets still just bounce of the target player. I can also shoot the target player at the same time as the firing squad, and the player dies as expected. This is using a 3DEN map file. Please can this be looked into.
  21. Aye, I'll get them if it happens again. Trouble is I haven't been online in the last couple of days so the crash logs have been removed. Do you know who's looking into performance differences between 3D maps and 2D maps?
  22. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190391-eden-missionsqm-file-causing-mission-download-to-slow/ I logged this a few days ago but possibly logged it in the wrong forum as I'm not getting any response. Our mission download has slowed. Previously on our test server, mission download for 38,000kb would take around 1-2 minutes depending on internet connection. Now, with the 3D mission included, the mission download for 14,000kb (textures removed) takes between 8-15 minutes. With textures included, it takes roughly the same as well, which seems to suggest the problem here is simply the new 3D map file.
  23. What's the consistency in the FPS drop issue? Our server hasn't encountered any of those issues, but does very occasionally crash out, and the RPT logs are absolutely flooded with random spam of the following; 0:52:35 Server: Object 4:91 not found (message Type_91) 0:52:35 Server: Object info 17:30 not found. 0:52:35 Can't change owner from 0 to 2 0:52:36 Server: Object info 17:30 not found. Are the above errors contributing to degrading performance at all? The can't change owner I think is due to a player disconnecting and reconnecting (potentially getting a new owner ID). On my test server, using the EDEN 3D Mission.sqm file, I get these at startup: 21:01:58 found in (121,435). 21:01:58 found in (121,435). 21:01:58 found in (121,435). 21:01:58 found in (121,435). 21:01:58 found in (121,435). 21:01:58 found in (121,436). 21:01:58 found in (121,436). 21:01:58 found in (121,435). 21:01:58 found in (121,435). 21:01:58 found in (122,437). 21:01:58 found in (122,437). 21:01:58 found in (122,436). 21:01:58 found in (122,437). 21:01:58 found in (122,436). 21:01:58 found in (123,437). 21:01:58 found in (123,437). 21:01:58 found in (121,435). 21:01:58 found in (121,436). Possibly a problem with nicos_aged model too: 21:03:12 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 1c not found 21:03:12 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 2c not found 21:03:12 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 3c not found 21:03:12 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 4c not found 21:03:12 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 5c not found 21:03:12 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 6c not found 21:03:12 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 7c not found 21:03:12 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_nikos_aged.p3d. Selection 8c not found
  24. Not sure what's happened here, but we've been working on a new mission.sqm file for our Life server for a while. We built it from scratch as there were quite a few problems people were posting about importing existing maps. Without wanting to chance it, we decided to create one from scratch so we know everything works. The map itself is fine... there's a few glitches (like when a player disconnects from the server, it seems to destroy random walls/fences in the nearby vicinity), but the biggest issue is the mission download speed. For the first few thousand Kilobytes, it downloads like 60kb, then stops for 10 seconds, then does another... and so forth... Eventually, when it reaches about 8,000, it increase the chunks to about 200kb per interval, then proceeds to speed up much quicker. The same files with the 2D editor map is slow at the beginning too, but it never pauses during downloading, it just continually downloads and increases in speed... why is the EDEN map causing these pauses during the download process? Is there some setting I'm missing that I need to apply to the map to speed it up? For the record, the EDEN map is already binarized.