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Everything posted by jaidendude

  1. jaidendude

    ArmedForces:UK Vehicles

    Looking fabulous! Very excited to see it through. The return of the Challenger 2!
  2. jaidendude

    ArmedForces:UK Vehicles

    Super stoked to continue following the development of this mod, challenger 2 makes a return! Will you be including interiors like the now outdated Challenger 2 by Burnes?
  3. Is there a function we can call on the init of a potential CSW static that allows CSW to be turned off for that specific weapon?
  4. jaidendude

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Is the warrior meant to have a 6 round mag on the canon? Seems strange, using ACE, ACRE, CBA etc with 3CB Vehicles.
  5. Hello. I'm running the debug for the script and everything seems to be behaving as normal, I just wanted to know what all the debug text means as I couldn't figure it all out for myself. The top 4 lines are pretty obvious, but I'm not sure about the last two. Thanks.
  6. Yes my MicroDAGR is also broken. https://i.gyazo.com/ed7ffec15b8dc3b3022c0d9c1e7fa760.mp4
  7. jaidendude

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    There's a very good reason the USAF keeps using the F15 and I read they were recently contemplating upgrading some F-15s to F-15X to compliment the F-35 replacements instead of just buying more 35s, saves money etc But yes you can minmax a very good loadout with the Strike Eagle, second only to the A-10 with it's loiter power @firewill I have a question, in your latest F-15E patchnotes, it says that the TGP can change with the dynamic loadout, is there any reason to use different TGPs or are they all purely visual differences?
  8. On Blood Gulch is it possible to pre-load vehicles into the stores?
  9. I need this in my life right now.
  10. Thanks for the reply @Hvymtal Another question (As googling didn't work): What on earth is the SUU-25 Flare Dispenser? I figure it's either a decoy device or illumination flares but I've not been able to effectively test it vs missiles thus far, does anyone know? Also, is there any real difference between the GBU 12, 38, 54 and EGBU-12 other than the fact that some are laser, some are gps and the EGBU is both?
  11. Hey Firewill absolutely loving your progress on these aircraft so far. Question for you: What's the difference between the pods on the F-16? (HTS, LANTIRN, LITENING, Sniper XR) I equipped each one in turn and it didn't appear to change anything in regards to sensor or the scrollwheel options. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hello BI Forums, I've done some experimenting and I've come to the conclusion that BIS has done *something* wrong in terms of identifying the position of the throttle and converting that into the analogue thrust percentage. The reason that this is so baffling is that in single player it works flawlessly, on a local hosted mission it works without issue, however as soon as I join a multiplayer dedicated server the whole system goes kaput. Best case scenario is that it only accepts half of my possible travel potential on my throttle (All the way back would be -1, centered would be 0 and all the way forwards would be 1, ArmA appears to only accept 0-1 or -1 to 0 depending on if you bind the + or - axis.) Worst case scenario is that as soon as I move my throttle it automatically jumps to 100% throttle and only goes back to 0% exactly if I put my throttle in a very specific spot. This is strange behaviour. Was wondering if anyone could help me out and provide a bit of assistance, will post the same thing on the ArmA reddit too. Edit: Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/6br5hm/arma_issues_with_thrustmaster_throttle/
  13. I've been a long term fan of the DCS A-10C module, I even have a thrustmaster warthog HOTAS set which I've put away for now (No good with arma i'm afraid). Though I do understand that DCS is a 100% sim game and tries to be as realistic as possible, the only issue with trying to mix DCS and ArmA is that ArmA can be as little or as realistic as the end user wishes it to be. If we were to be going with 100% realism as in DCS then we would end up with everyone on the forums complaining that aircraft are OP because you got killed by something that was 5000 meters above you, outside of most object view ranges. In ArmA engagement ranges are very very short compared to DCS, and to account for that everything has to be toned down. I do agree that the GAU-8 was a tank buster, it was designed to own the russian tanks of it's time and it does a very good job of chewing up infantry and light vehicles due to it's explosive rounds. Though we can't have an OP gun such as this in ArmA due to the average infantryman not carrying AA. I would suggest simply toning down the damage so that one full burst would knock out a tank, so that if you missed some of those all important AP rounds, the tank would still be live. Or something along those lines instead.
  14. jaidendude

    Voice informer for planes

    Was there a reason for deleting the MDS? That was gonna be the reason I got this mod :/
  15. Loving the carrier, except I'm having issues with the catapult system. I'm using a mix of Firewill's F-14s and JS&S F/A-18Xs, both work perfectly when using the multiplayer editor, and hosting it off of my pc (they can make arrested landing and catapult launches flawlessly) However, when I put it onto a dedi server with the same mods running, the catapult system refuses to work, which then causes us to use the afterburner to launch ourselves manually off the deck, which is dangerous and can easily get newbies killed. I've not found a workaround yet, and no amount of syncing to modules in the editor seems to fix it. However, the arresting system, IFLOLS and plane inspection works flawlessly, just not the cat system. Weird. Any thoughts?
  16. jaidendude

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    Thanks for the quick response, but that doesn't seem to be working at all. Even when it's the only thing in the init box. Edit: scratch that, there was a typo in your response "call FIR_fnc_AWS_AWS_SetRankName2;" I deleted the dupe _AWS and it worked. Much appriciated!
  17. jaidendude

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    Hey Will, great mod and an absolute favourite of mine. However, I wanted to create a mission where players have assigned jets, using your dialogue functionality to add names on the side of the aircraft. Is there a way to do this in the init line on the Editor?
  18. Any chance to get the Teens working with the @USAF mod by Sgt Fuller? By that i mean working with the KC-135.
  19. jaidendude

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    That's what the 15 does best :P On the topic of ECM, what /exactly/ does it do? Because I've been running it and still getting locked/shot down by missiles despite running ECM.
  20. Hello Burnes, loving the vehicles, I oh-so missed the driver interior LODs from ArmA2's IFV, luckily RHS somewhat brought that back, but I'm a big fan of the FV4034, being a Brit and all :P Serious question now, will you either make the CH2 either totally redundant from all mod usage? Or will you incorporate it with ACE2? As far as I can tell, AGM is redundant, replaced by ACE. And I'm pretty sure, as of the moment the tank behaves strange when using ACE and the vehicle. I know it would be nice to have ACE + the CH2, though you could just make it standalone from all mods? That would be an easy solution for the time being. Oh, and why can't we change the flag on the side of the tank from Scots to UK? Did you break the script for that?
  21. jaidendude

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    No probs, I've been playing MilSim for way too long :P
  22. jaidendude

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    If using the @ACE mod, ensure you're wearing a G-suit, it helps fight blackouts. You should also play DCS F-15 to learn how to properly dogfight, as tipping your wings 90* left or right and pulling back on the stick is not the right way, IRL you'd stall/blackout/break your wings depending on the aircraft. TL:DR blackouts working as intended. Edit: Also A3 doesn't have a working flight-model like DCS does. There's a lot of shit you can do in A3 that you shouldn't be able to. I remember I was able to get a C-130 to practically levitate by tilting it's wings at a ~100* angle and pointing the nose upwards. I was able to fly at 170 KM/h using this method without stalling, somehow. tl;dr A3 fixed-wing is broken as fuck
  23. jaidendude

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Sorry to bring this up again, but is this fixed? I didn't see any sign of it in changelogs. EDIT: Also, Not in certain gamemodes/difficulties :)
  24. jaidendude

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Can someone clarify what the ECM actually does? It doesn't appear to have any effect on missiles.
  25. jaidendude

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Can confirm that the issue is only present with the F-35. The issue persists ONLY when the F-35 is spawned VIA Zeus in an active game. The problem does NOT persist when spawned in the editor and loaded up normally. EDIT: Incorrect. I spawned myself in the editor as a CIV, picked up a weapon and unloaded on three OPFOR squads (Whilst they were watching me do it) and they did not return fire.