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Everything posted by easyeb

  1. Hi guys! I just thought I'd introduce myself. Back in 2001 I started playing Operation Flashpoint and it actually blew my mind. I was 18 years old at the time and I spent the better part of the following two years making missions in OFP. I played a bit with a couple of friends, but they didn't really like the whole run-for-an-hour-only-to-get-perma-killed-by-one-shot-by-a-guy-you-didn't-even-see. I however, loved it. One of the biggest sputnik moments of my OFP career was when Ballistic Addon Studios launched their Army Rangers/Delta Force packs and later addons. It again revolutionised the game, for me. What ever happened to those guys? Are they still active in any way? Speaking of any way, anyway... hardware limitations peaked and Rest Of Life came crashing through the door so I kind of just had to stop playing computer games. I never really got around to buying a gaming computer again. All the hardware I got after that was Apple-stuff (don't hate me please, I love my Mac) so gaming was never to be done since then. I did however start playing World of Tanks on the Mac, they got this launcher thing that made that somewhat possible. So I was playing a bit of that, enjoying it a bit but still missing the part where a three man crew make a tank work and not run in to red lines after a couple of hundred meters that say this is the farthest you go on this map. After a while an update to World of tanks came along and it just made the game unplayable on Mac. I was griping a bit about it to a friend who said that I can install windows on a Apple machine and play it there. And I thought, what the hell. I'll give it a try. And it worked! But playing world of tanks made me think of what other games might be able to play on this machine. Mind you, all this time I have had my eyes on ArmA and following Dsldksdxxexyi and some other people on YouTube and I figured I'd give it a shot. And my god it worked beautifully! So here I am, been living under a rock for the past eleven or twelve years and my god things have happened! I absolutely love the fact that the idea behind and what made Operation Flashpoint so amazing and unique is still alive and well in ArmA 3. I can honestly say that the years have been kinder to Bohemia Interactives games than they have on me, but here we are! I don't know what I want to have said here other than I feel like a child again with the entire world at my finger tips and everything my 18-year old mind could wish for for Operation Flashpoint is duly implemented and expanded in ArmA 3. This is just... amazing. And the modmakers! Thank you! All of you! Stay safe!
  2. easyeb

    Zero Dark Zero

    Hi Goblin! Just started messing with this and I'm liking it alot! I've only started with the SOCOM part as the random mission generation is the biggest part for me in this addon. Really fun stuff! I was off to hack a laptop and didn't know what to do when I got there, pressed enter and all hell broke loose :D I'm running this with an ALiVE campaign I have going for myself and I'm wondering if there is any way to make SOCOM only give me missions inside a specified area of operations? I got a "destroy this bridge" far behind friendly lines, felt a bit off :) Also, the bridge took a total of 20 satchel charges, four GBUs from two Wipeouts, a full barage of rockets from an MLRS and it just kind of stood there. I was out of destructive power and ended up throwing grenades at it :) Seems the bridge was invulnerable. Did I do something wrong? Again, fantastic thing you got here.
  3. I'm gettingsome weird intense camera shake when lokking through the gunner turret in the Greyhawk. Anyone else seeing this?
  4. So we have the fantastic UAVs that can loiter around in a circle around a specified point on the map. Also ALiVE gives us helicopters that can circle above and fire on enemies. But what I really miss in Arma is to have a AC130 circling above doing exactly that. Does such a thing exist?
  5. Sounds great Teeha! Yes, I'm enjoying this to an amount that it's silly. Just reinstalled windows aswell and addons were reinstalled in the order of CBA -> ALiVE -> GPNVG18 :) Really great work.
  6. Mr. Champ-1, sir, you are an angel.
  7. Yessir, here are the screenshots. The command view looks fine, but the squad view is a little all over the place. http://www.dropbox.com/s/k91cyrxnu6ws4jb/107410_2015-01-26_00002.png http://www.dropbox.com/s/n5u8q2fjer2ijsi/107410_2015-01-26_00003.png
  8. easyeb

    A-164 Wipeout HUD MOD

    So this might not even be related to this mod at all, but is there any way to get the white boxes for selected target/target locked icons to be anything other than white boxes? Your mods are just pure eye candy and the vanilla boxes ruin the experience :)
  9. Is it possible to make UAV-turret view count as in air?
  10. easyeb

    Farooq's Revive

    I'm using this script quite alot and like you guys said earlier, it is the most stable and easiest to use revive script. I have a few wishes though. I only play SP and I use this script to revive fallen AI group members. What I'd like though is for them to not be responsive when they are unconscious. As it is now they still respond to commands in a healthy voice and I have no idea that they have fallen. And also perhaps be wounded and not fully healed when revived. Anyone of you fabolous scripters have any advice on how I'd go about doing that?
  11. So I have a little issue. The background for the icons/text does not stretch to cover all icons/texts. Am I doing something wrong?
  12. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    Thanks St. Jimmy. Yeah, I agree, but for the moment I will happily sacrifice camera shake for UAV cam stability :D
  13. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    Good, so it's gone? I can't check because I started the whole process of reinstalling everything so I have about 3 hours left of backup and then maybe one or two hours of installing everything again :) I really have to separate the work computer from the play computer :) https://s3.amazonaws.com/f.cl.ly/items/2H2u0s1m2x3Y2Z0f3P0q/computer-suicide-cannot-unsee-what-has-been-seen-eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3-337.gif (756 kB)
  14. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    I wonder if this is related to the newly introduced G-Force camera shake? Is there any way to disable it?
  15. easyeb

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    It would be cool if the units wearing hearing protectors with cut off and talk through actually got that function. AGM, make it happen plz!
  16. Yeah, I agree. The game is called ARMa after all, amirite? I'll show myself out.
  17. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    St. Jimmy, thanks for your input. Sorry to hear you have the same problem. So now we have one person who does not experience the problem and two who does (me + St. Jimmy). I run on 3,5 GHz Intel Core i7 GTX 780M 4GB Win 7, 64-bit. Feedback tracker here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=22394
  18. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    Bullet Purveyor, roger that. Thanks.
  19. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    The video shows single player. Could you possibly fire up your game and set the Greyhawk to 500 or 2000 meters and when it's reached it's altitude, just wach its feed for a few minutes to see if yours is also shaking like mine? I'm hoping the problem is on my end but I feel like I'm wandering in the dark here.
  20. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    Here's a video of how it looks now: http://youtu.be/YIVhftp1v4I Sorry for quality and audio, but this is nowhere near how the camera performed in 1.36. Is it like this for you all? This is the Greyhawk at 2000m following the Speedboat with the camera locked on the ship.
  21. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    You mean you can't tell any difference between 1.36 and 1.38? Earlier the camera could be a little frustrating at times when the UAV was turning hard, but nothing like this.
  22. easyeb

    UAV camera shake after update?

    I did not have this insane shaking (more like vibrating actually) in the previous version.
  23. easyeb

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    Is anybody else experiencing insane camera vibration in the Greyhawk turret view since the update to 1.38? 1. Set the Greyhawk to loiter at 500m or 2000m altitude. 2. When the Greyhawk has reached said altitude, look through gunner turret, zoom in on ground. Could someone please check to see if they are also experiencing this or if there's something wrong on my end? I'm a UAV operator so my life is ruined atm :) I would really appreciate input from the rest of you. Cheers!
  24. Hi Teeha! Sorry for beeing unclear. By mount I mean the piece that both the head strap and the NVG-arm attaches to. Here's a screenshot: https://s3.amazonaws.com/f.cl.ly/items/0p2a1E0r2S3X372Y1m2F/Screen%20Shot%202015-01-22%20at%2008.27.57%20copy.png (664 kB) What I would want is a version without the mount and the headstrap, just the arm so that it fits in with the vanilla helmets :) Cheers and thanks again for a great addon!
  25. easyeb

    UAV camera shake after update?

    Really? I have no unstable camera on foot, through gunner sights (Hunter, Slammer). It's just the Greyhawk insanely shaking (think 500 rpm). Not over a huge spann, but as if the camera was bolted to the engine :)