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ACRE v1.0 - Advanced Combat Radio Environment - Official Thread (ArmA2 to TS3 Plugin)

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missing ; in line 75 ERROR still exist. :(

"getWeaponCargo" ?? is it VBS2 only ? as I see that using this function (getWeaponCargo) cause error missing ";" in Arma2?

Edited by Rafalski

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I'll check it out, Rafalski.

Either way - its not game breaking FYI, so it shouldn't affect anything else ACRE-related (its a separate module). Just gives the script error.

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Is it required that ALL on the server uses acre?

I ask because we had some incidents where some on our server did not, and some of those that did not have it active got serious fps drops. They claimed it was down to about 1-2 fps. I have experienced this too when one person joined on a casual evening while me and another one was already on the server. I got this fps drop while my buddy (the one not running ACRE also) claims he did not.

I'm pretty sure this problem is related to the classnames. My rpt file, (which I posted earlier) errors due to references to the acre radios which it obviously could not find due to not being activated.

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Results with people not running ACRE are unknown. And they piss off everyone running ACRE.

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Hey guys, I put this in the init line of a unit and it didn't change any of the default channels. What am I doing wrong? Tried it on a local server, haven't tried a dedi.

Can't get any of these ways to work

_ret = ["ACRE_PRC117f", [36.625, 412.000, 412.100] ] call acre_api_fnc_setDefaultChannels;

this = ["ACRE_PRC117f", [36.625, 412.000, 412.100] ] call acre_api_fnc_setDefaultChannels;

nul = ["ACRE_PRC117f", [36.625, 412.000, 412.100] ] call acre_api_fnc_setDefaultChannels;

Edited by _S2_

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Radio not working with our dedicated server...

We run no ACE

OA Server only, it is not COA, but you can still use COA locally

Running: @CBA & @ACRE

What happens is the 3D sounds work via in game and Team Speak... BUT...... the in game radio menu pops up and no radio...

The in game radio says "Radio" and not the new name either.

Any suggestions?


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don't you have to run @CBA_OA if you are just using OA?

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don't you have to run @CBA_OA if you are just using OA?

Already tried that, still not working bud

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we had to have the userconfig folder on our server for it to run

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we had to have the userconfig folder on our server for it to run

Hmmm... anything else??

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I don't think userconfig is required server side.

At least it is not mentioned in the Readme:

--- Dedicated Server Installation ---

A server side addon is also needed to run ACRE. This is due to the need to synchronize dropped radio's appropriately. However, the server ONLY required the @ACRE mod folder. It does *NOT* require JayArma2Lib. It is server compatible, but it is not required.

1. Make sure the server is not running

2. Copy the @ACRE folder into your ArmA2 folder

3. Change your server shortcut so the mod line contains at least: @cba;@ACRE

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so heres my issue, i have the exact same files that my buddies are using ( 5+ people ) and its not working for me. we went over it several times and re installed everything multiple times, ts and acre. sometimes i dont get the message "warning acre is not connected to teamspeak" but it still doesnt work.

i checked my acre log in the TS folder and it never gets longer, stays 8 lines, as follows

ACRE [0:0:7.397] Plugin Version: 1.0.9

ACRE [0:0:7.397] Client API Version: 7, Plugin API Version: 7

ACRE [0:0:7.397] App path: C:/Program Files/TeamSpeak 3 Client/

Resources path: C:/Program Files/TeamSpeak 3 Client/

Config path: C:\Users\M1XT4PE\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client\

Plugin path: C:/Program Files/TeamSpeak 3 Client/plugins/

ACRE [0:0:7.897] FMOD Version: 00043102

ACRE [0:0:11.5] Client connected

ACRE [0:0:16.356] got plugin version request

ACRE [0:0:16.356] sending 1.0.9

ACRE [0:0:17.884] Setting metadata to: [ACRE Version: 1.0.9]

no luck and a whole lot of frustration, especially because it works for everybody else.

need help ASAP!

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I don't think userconfig is required server side.

At least it is not mentioned in the Readme:

Tried the userconfig, not working,

Tried jlib, not working,

Tried just the CBA, Jlib and ACRE but still will not work...

The radio name does not change, just says Radio which indicates the mod has not loaded.

3D directional sound via TS3 works, but not the radio...

:mad: :mad: :mad:

lol, any other ideas?

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I don't think userconfig is required server side.

At least it is not mentioned in the Readme:

CBA requires that the userconfig folder go in as well.

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CBA requires that the userconfig folder go in as well.

What would be a step by step guid to installing ACRE on a dedicated server?

@ACRE folder?

Command lines?

User config?

what goes where etc...

Cheers dude if you could help...

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I'd suggest your problem is more likely clientside than serverside, if your radio is appearing with the name "radio".

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It can be both. If the server is not running the right code then it will not replace the default ItemRadio with one of our radios. If the client isnt running the code, it wont request the replacement from the server (the server tracks the unique radio ID numbers).

Solar, just make sure you have the acre userconfig folder in the same folder as your addons and stuff. Then just make sure to have @ACRE in your servers mod line or addons config. Thats all you need to do, nothing special. If you have ACE on your server then its the same exact setup, just with a different name. :p

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for some reason i still can hear someone talking in the vehicle when i am outside. does that not work:

"Vehicle attenuation is now complete. You now hear people differently inside of tanks, vehicles, and turned in/out"

or i am the onlyone ?

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for some reason i still can hear someone talking in the vehicle when i am outside. does that not work:

"Vehicle attenuation is now complete. You now hear people differently inside of tanks, vehicles, and turned in/out"

or i am the onlyone ?

It appears to be broken (not functional) in this build.

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It appears to be broken (not functional) in this build.

ah ok, thx. hope it will work in next build. love that addon, thx for your work on this.

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Ok I put this in my init.sqf

nul = ["ACRE_PRC148", [400.000, 440.000, 450.000, 460.000, 410.000, 411.000, 411.100, 411.200, 411.300, 412.000, 412.100, 412.200, 413.000, 420.000, 421.000, 422.000, 422.100, 422.200, 423.000, 424.000, 430.000, 431.000, 431.100, 431.200, 431.300, 431.400, 432.000, 432.100, 432.200, 432.300, 432.400, 433.000, 433.100, 433.200] ] call acre_api_fnc_setDefaultChannels;

Still doesn't set the channels to the proper frequency...do I need to do anything else than have that in the init.sqf?

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I downloaded the hotfix , and now i am getting "warning,ACER is not Connected to TS3"

i missed someting ?


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look if your acre pluggin was overwrite in ts3 pluggin sometimes the installer don't move the pluggin

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I downloaded the hotfix , and now i am getting "warning,ACER is not Connected to TS3"

i missed someting ?


Do you play with beta patch, because i tried this morning and this is not compatible. :(

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so heres my issue, i have the exact same files that my buddies are using ( 5+ people ) and its not working for me. we went over it several times and re installed everything multiple times, ts and acre. sometimes i dont get the message "warning acre is not connected to teamspeak" but it still doesnt work.

i checked my acre log in the TS folder and it never gets longer, stays 8 lines, as follows

no luck and a whole lot of frustration, especially because it works for everybody else.

need help ASAP!

well let me post this again, seem to be getting ignored ;)

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