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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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Thanx pikkon for contribution.

You should make a new thread so people can discuss with you what can you improve / add / remove / change.

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I have a quick question.

Is it possible for the neutral base to spawn units just like a west or east base? I couldn't find an answer in the manual so I assume it isn't.

Edited by bobtom

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A2H: is it possible to show custom text instead of "base captured"?

If I put a hintSilent just right after calling base.sqf, my hintSilent overwrites the wict one instantly, so my text will appear.

Not the nicest solution, but works...

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nice work zapat :)

no bobtom that's why it is neutral sector --- but you can use one big trigger and Murklor's script to spawn some neutral units :)

the idea is that those units are guerrillas so they are not participating in war with such man power.

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nice work zapat :)

no bobtom that's why it is neutral sector --- but you can use one big trigger and Murklor's script to spawn some neutral units :)

the idea is that those units are guerrillas so they are not participating in war with such man power.

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification.

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Is there any technique recommended in setting up base distances, currently i see that both sides in my missions are spawning and engaging but im not sure if they are actively looking to take bases, or if they are just patrolling their zone... im still experimenting but maybe someone has a better idea.

Also is it important to have flags in bases or have the base markers as flags? the flags dont change when a base is over run, at least not with me, are they supposed to?

I tried it with GL4 mission based Initialization and it seems to work ok with no conflicts that i can see, not sure if any of the GL4 features are required as WICT seems to do a pretty good job on its own.

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Is there any technique recommended in setting up base distances, currently i see that both sides in my missions are spawning and engaging but im not sure if they are actively looking to take bases, or if they are just patrolling their zone... im still experimenting but maybe someone has a better idea.

Just make 100% m1a2 tusks and 100% t55s on the other side, then you will find out if they are actively taking bases. :cool:

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Good idea, ill try that cheers

EDIT: Well i tried that and it was friggn awesome :D 6 base tank battle all across Zargabad... west were definitely taking bases

Edited by Katipo66
Tried that

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Is there any technique recommended in setting up base distances, currently i see that both sides in my missions are spawning and engaging but im not sure if they are actively looking to take bases, or if they are just patrolling their zone... im still experimenting but maybe someone has a better idea.

Also is it important to have flags in bases or have the base markers as flags? the flags dont change when a base is over run, at least not with me, are they supposed to?

I tried it with GL4 mission based Initialization and it seems to work ok with no conflicts that i can see, not sure if any of the GL4 features are required as WICT seems to do a pretty good job on its own.

I used UPSMON with WICT just fine in my Mission on page before this one. Have also tested it with SLX and GL4 without to many problems.

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Ok now my response, I am back from today's symposium session.

You have to experiment with Spawning Distance, and I think I got some PM regarding Spawning Distance and Spawning Distance Random, I don't remember who send it (maybe Velocity).

Spawning Distance (sd) is distance from battlefront to the spawning point but in the same time it is criterion for determine whether you are too close to the particular base!!!!!

If you are too close to the base the base will be inactive and maybe some other base (even further one) will become active.

Spawning Distance Random (sdRand) is addition on Spawning Distance, but it doesn't affect above calculations regarding proximity of the base!!!!!


Let me give you an example (bullets indicate the cascade of thoughts):

- let's assume: sd = 200 and sdRand = 400

- let's assume that there are two bases, of the same side, one at 100m and the other at 250m

- the first base will not spawn anything, because you / average group position is too close

- second base will spawn something according to base setup, because sd = 200 and distance from base is 250

- but the actual spawning distance can be from 200 to 600 m === 200 + random(0-400)

In that way you can WIDEN the spawning area but actual size of the battlefront will stay the same ---- 200m!!!!!! That means:


You can easily observer that behavior on choppers because they will all tend to fly over the battlefield before attacking the base, therefore making flanging maneuvers and sometimes sharp turns.


And yes --- if there is no enemy base known --- for west side it is know east base and vice versa ---- spawned units will patrol along battlefront --- it is logical = if they don't "know" about any enemy base they will just patrol.

Flag = marker flag color IS changing when you capture or loose the base. However, there might be a problem with Dedi, since I had some wrong assumption about triggers, and that assumption reflected on radio calls on Dedi too. I will fix that after these 2 symposiums.

GL4 = Group Link 4 = special effects mod ? There were no reports about incompatibility so far, and WICT is not messing with any config files or ArmA "native" files. The units are spawned and they have their orders. That's all.


Edited by ArmAIIholic

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I just discovered your tool and tried out zapat's Timebender mission. Awesome!

To me, the most intriguing part of WICT is this concept of "turns". But after checking out the demo, and browsing through the manual, I'm really lost on how exactly the "turns" are suppose to play out in practice.

Specifically, I'm wondering:

1. What exactly constitutes a "turn"?

2. What triggers the start of a new turn?

3. Is it based on a timer?

4. Can I advance the turn with a script command?

5. If so will I see any evidence of any turn advancing?

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what a turn actually is in WICT. I guess maybe I was envisioning something like in the Total War games. In any event, very cool and immersive mod! Lots of potential here for mission designers!

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@ MadRussian, no, you actually did excellent deduction :)

1) Each turn brings two spawning - one for BLUFOR and one for OPFOR, but only if there is an active base. Why it is a turn --- for each turn a "die" is tossed do determine what will be spawned based on configuration of active bases.

2 & 3) The "triggering" is automatic - it is based on time that you have specified in StartSettings

/* Here you can set how long one turn lasts. 
I suggest you to read the manual first and then decide will you change these values. 
There are other ways for changing spawning frequency. */
WICT_time = 3.5;
WICT_timeRand = 5;

Why I wrote there are other ways ---- if there are "points" left in the process of configuring bases you might have "empty turns".

So this turn above will be from 5-10 seconds --- 1.5 that WICT needs for spawning + 3.5 fixed + 0-5 seconds random.

4 & 5) ...therefore you can change any value during the game and you can get more or less frequent spawning = big battles or small encounters.

Put WICT_time = 0.5 and WICT_timeRand = 0 and if you are working for MP be sure you publicVariable them.

In a few days there will be new WICT homepage and several moderators will help me maintain it (I hope so :)). They already found some holes in my explanations and I hope that with collaboration we will make a better online manual.

Thanx for asking these stuff. It will definitely be part of the manual,

Best regards,


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I am happy to announce that WICT has new homepage.

It is still WIP.

This page will serve as online manual and snippet database. I intend to make a large Wiki with your questions and my answers, and to make it available for edit.

As I stated on the first page: please make sure that you write only confirmed and working codes, examples and snippets.

For discussions and suggestions use this thread or Discussion pages on Wikia (you have it on every page).

I hope you will help me make a community.

Best regards,


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@ MadRussian, no, you actually did excellent deduction :)


Thanx for asking these stuff. It will definitely be part of the manual,

Best regards,


Hey ArmAIIholic, no problem man. And thanks for all that info... Very handy indeed! :)

Looks like it's pretty easy to whip up all kinds of actual turn based missions!

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@ TacKLed :D I was thinking about that --- I like the "jungle" parts. I have to finish making homepage and then I will work on new WICT and making Hornet's nest better, then Isla Duala :D

@ MadRussian no problem, thanx for asking, this stuff will be part of the manual soon.

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The homepage is now almost exact copy of the manual.

I didn't bother putting all images since new WICT version will bring some corrections.



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Ok, cool, I have a suggestion though. Is there anyway to have a faction leader at the HQs and you can go to the HQ and talk to the leader to join their faction? You are essentially a PMC. It would fit in with the African map.

Unrelated question; Is there battles always going on in the missions because it seems that the battles only start when I get to the towns and is there a dynamic way to show the flow of the battles? Do dead bodies stay on the map through the whole battle?

Edited by TacKLed

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@ TacKLed I didn't have time to work on conversation in this module since it is a part of other threads. Of course you can do that, but it is not part of the WICT. The idea is great and it would be something like Far Cry 2.

Again it is a matter of probability. Since most of the bases are at towns and connected to the roads units will tend to go towards these bases. However the answer is no -- battles are not limited to towns and they are everywhere. There is a dynamic way to show a flow -- you can enable debug mode and see where are spawn centers for each turn.

Bodies will disappear after 3 min, that is setting in F2.



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What do you mean setting in F2? Is there a way to enable bodies so they dont disappear? It would be pretty cool to happen upon a few bodies in a random town to create the atmosphere of a moving battle.

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That means you need to read this:


You can setup: "a script is run that will pause for a certain amount of time, then delete the body". To many bodies will cause game lag, so if you want atmosphere you can pre-place some bodies by yourself.

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Hey ArmAIIholic,

What about respawn options for missions with large numbers of bases on large islands, lets say over 40 bases, is it possible to move the respawn marker to the last captured base... i mean i know its possible, but could it be possible in WICT as a default as the bases already have marker and triggers.

Also, if single player then what about options to join and/or leave groups, could that be possible... i realize mission makers can add this feature but is it possible for WICT to integrate it.

Lastly when there are a large number of bases its hard to know what side have captured what etc... is it possible maybe to have dynamic markers that indicate what side has what - red for opfor blue for blufor.

And something like when a side discovers a base then an orange colour to indicate that the base is under attack, that might be stupid idea but i was thinking that bases can be scattered and not in a line so you dont know what base the AI may discover first and so would be good to have some indication on where the battle is heading.

I was going to ask at the Wiki but thought best to keep these questions here

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What about respawn options for missions with large numbers of bases on large islands, lets say over 40 bases, is it possible to move the respawn marker to the last captured base...

What about renaming bases?

In Timebender I have 53 bases, and the closest being the spawner works okay: but it is dependant on the mission. (there is always two bases fighting no matter where you go)

On my following (even grander scale) mission I want dynamic bases though: and I thougth about renaming the markers. That is I have like a few bases only, but I create new markers, and rename them as I progress... This means there can be inactive markers and I can controll when they are getting listed by WICT.

And marker colors ARE color coded: blue for captured West, red for captured East.

null = ["west","b0"] execVM "WICT\flag.sqf"; makes the marker color to turn into blue,

null = ["east","b0"] execVM "WICT\flag.sqf"; makes the marker color to turn into red

You can even specify location if you write this line after the above into trigger activation field:

HintSilent format["Base at %1 was captured by West",mapGridPosition getMarkerPos "b0"];

And this hint will overwrite Wict's hint.

Edited by zapat

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