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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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hey i'm back again. and still playing the mod

i was wondering if you could add a light tank class or is it possible to create a random squad generator that spawns in mod units/ squads with vanillas like how it generates opponents the armory.

i like my WIC spawn list the way it is but like a chance of unpredictability with 'irregular forces' shakes it up a bit without having to go into the mission and tweaking the files more (theirs like about 30 project 85 vehicles i want to randomly spawn lol)

Edited by dhellfox

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I have to say I am not sure I understood you dhellfox correctly. You can send me PM with more specific description of those "irregular" forces, and I will try to come up with some solution that later can be posted here.

Implementing new stuff to WICT is always a challenge.


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what i mean by 'irregulars' is a squad that selects a number units/ vehicles outside the wict spawn list at random.

i have countless vehicles (i'm not particularly interested in the thousands of soldiers) just collecting dust. when you play the armory it randomly generates the npcs for the scenarios which mixes vanilla with mods.

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The zombie mission has been going great!

It's basically a free roam mission much like quarantine from arma 1, however you will be given every weapon and tons of support right from the beginning!

A couple of features:

Main US base

Coin module

Vehicle drop reinforcements. (like original wic ;) )

Secop features such as: artillery, transport, and ammo/vehicle drop, tactical airstrike.

Large array of vehicles available at base. Much like domination.

Friendly reinforcements. (already intigrated into wict)

Possibly a cluster bomb?

Tomahawk and nuclear strikes, for when you get killed and you need some revenge against that one zombie. :o

The only required mods will be Arma 2: CO, Wict, and the undead mod.

However I am considering adding versions for chernarus, isla duala, panthera, jade groove, etc etc

Zombies: When you enter a town they will start spawning and attack you. And then when you leave they stop spawning and they go away (much like quarantine). I am going to try and make it so you can clear a town, but I haven't thought of a good idea of how to do that yet.

It should be coop playable, but I haven't tested that yet.

If you have any requests/suggestions/questions feel free to say!

Thanks for this great module A2H!

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@bobtom: Have you already opened a thread for your intended mission? There I and other players could provide you with some more suggestions in regard to your scenario.

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@dhellfox you still didn't explain what vehicles, are they a mode, do they have a class name....? you can do it with one line of code with select random if they have classname.... please send me PM with more details -- which mode is that, which vehicles, more info is better so I can help you.

@bobtom definitely you should start new thread, it is awesome --- Vehicle drop reinforcements?? nice how did you do that ?

And then when you leave they stop spawning and they go away (much like quarantine). I am going to try and make it so you can clear a town, but I haven't thought of a good idea of how to do that yet.

You can do that with combination of Hot zone and ghost base -- hot zone to give you activity in the city, ghost base to make clearing town possible.

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ok For anyone interested this is a Wict on Chernarus http://www.mediafire.com/?2uhds0n7eedt9qj Its by all means not perfect, but its working. Ive also got it set with ACM working CAS air units on both sides, with WICT working ground and helo's. ECHO's artillery system is on there but not working as of yet. I have 2 unarmed soldier one for each side so you can watch the battle rage and look at each sides battle lines evolve. ;)

Edited by Mikey74

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  ArmAIIholic said:
@dhellfox you still didn't explain what vehicles, are they a mode, do they have a class name....? you can do it with one line of code with select random if they have classname.... please send me PM with more details -- which mode is that, which vehicles, more info is better so I can help you.

vehicles from Operation Arrowhead, Project 85 addon (around 50 vehicles), BMDs addon (8 vehicles), ka 50s addon (3) there too many vehicles to fit in WICT spawn list thats why i was wondering if it was possible to implement the armory's spawn code for an irregular squad.

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Would it be possible to create unique strategic points which - when captured - boost the amount of units spawned for the owning side? I'm thinking about certain buildings which can be captured on the battlefield and provide a specific bonus for the owner. For example you could think of a barrack which can be captured and which boosts the amount of infantry spawned per round.

In general this would support a dynamic strategic interaction with (and within) the battlefield in addition to further possibilites and variety troughout the game. Also this feature would corroborate the intention to give the player a tool (modification) to create dynamic open worlds with constantly changing odds for each side.

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too many vehicles to fit in WICT spawn list

@dhellfox as I understand if you want random spawning of anything you will have to make some list (somewhere) so that script that utilizes that list would randomly choose item -- whether it is an array or pool. So spawning such vehicles is possible through WICT and outside WICT.

@Mikey74 I will check your work and I am glad you got it working together with other modules.

@Velocity it is already possible with ghost bases. One base will spawn until you activate a trigger and then that base will be deleted and the other will appear. Zapat already used that strategy for his mission The Road to the Altar and unfortunately it seams that people missed the download, both here and on Armaholic.

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  ArmAIIholic said:

@bobtom definitely you should start new thread, it is awesome --- Vehicle drop reinforcements?? nice how did you do that ?

You can do that with combination of Hot zone and ghost base -- hot zone to give you activity in the city, ghost base to make clearing town possible.

Ok, I will start a thread then.

The vehicle drop is included in lucik's script pack. ;)

That's a good idea! Why didn't I think of that?

I should start finishing up the takistan version after I get the ghost bases set up.

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Well, i think i just had one of my best FPS gaming experiences using this in Zargabad! it was an eerily believable battle :D ive finally spent some quality time with it and got the basics, all i did was lay down 2 opposing bases and configured them relatively close with mostly infantry threw it on LAN and presto! awesome!

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  Katipo66 said:
Well, i think i just had one of my best FPS gaming experiences using this in Zargabad!

Well that is wonderful comment. I hope you will like Hornet's nest too :D It will come out soon, co36/sp free-roam sandbox Chernarus, I hope you people have powerful machines to run "Battle for Grishino" :yay:

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New releases:

WICT v3.5

all missions will be updated

new mission / campaign "Hornet's nest"

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Cool, sounds great!!

added “WICT visual guide for rookies†on Youtube
= :D Edited by Katipo66

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Is there any other way to set up the WICT without all those steps shown in the video? Also, for the missions, is there anyway I can just play as a reporter rather then being on BLUFOR? Do I just need WICT Lite for the missions?

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after searching for a class list for vilas p85 vehicles and coming up short (im not really in the mood do search for a class identifier mission that works outside of ace and manual copy down 50 vehicles) but still a irregular list full of the units from A2 and OA {that aren't currently used in the wict list} would still be good.


just DLed the new version and it sort of broke my my mission. (v2->v3.5) oh well ill rebuild it better. once i get it working again do you want me to send it you you (somehow) so you can have a play?

Edited by dhellfox

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@TacKLed currently there is no other way and it is simple as shown in the video. What is the problem? I made easy guide since lot of people requested it. I personally don't know any mode that is making dynamic environment that doesn't need setup, do you?

Yes you need WICT lite for playing missions (I believe it is written on the first post here and on every download), and you need WICT full for making your own missions (also written on the 1st post).

What is reporter? You are playing on the BLUFOR side and if you think about "can I play as SP?" -- yes you can. "Do I need AI?" -- no you don't. Start as MP and disable all AI.

Please address your problem(s) more specifically I will be glad to give you instructions and discuss further development of WICT.

@dhellfox I will see what I can do but still it is not my area of work. I hope you are aware that you are asking me to make random spawn for mods that other people created? If they didn't provide a list or there is no such mode here to download, your request is equal to making brand new separate addon.

(im not really in the mood do search for a class identifier mission that works outside of ace and manual copy down 50 vehicles)

How do you think spawning can happen? Except two ways:

  • making script that will crawl inside ACE
  • some other module making list of vehicles.

By the way, do you think I would make WICT if I had such attitude? :D

You understand that upon spawning, any script you make must call an identifier aka. some ID so for example it won't spawn chopper instead of Humvee? == it could be classname of Config entry.... But the principle is that. Every vehicle that you want to spawn outside editor must be recognized by ID.

There were changes in v3.2 that you missed. There was a bug in UserSettings templates that I had to fix, regearding finding safe pos (in templates), so if you prefer v2 you can use it, I don't mind, but just know that it can stop spawning out of nowhere.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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  ArmAIIholic said:

@dhellfox I will see what I can do but still it is not my area of work. I hope you are aware that you are asking me to make random spawn for mods that other people created? If they didn't provide a list or there is no such mode here to download, your request is equal to making brand new separate addon.

i was jut wondering in it was possible inside wict lol

  ArmAIIholic said:

By the way, do you think I would make WICT if I had such attitude? :D

its kind of hard when you spare time outside of my IT assignments consists of designing mods, maps, and tweaking for other game as well along with doing some final editing on my novels

  ArmAIIholic said:

There were changes in v3.2 that you missed. There was a bug in UserSettings templates that I had to fix, regearding finding safe pos (in templates), so if you prefer v2 you can use it, I don't mind, but just know that it can stop spawning out of nowhere.

too late i scraped everything from the previous version and started again though base spawning keeps breaking on me

edit: any reason why the bot ignore me in this version?

and what do use to edit text values

Edited by dhellfox

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No hard feelings dhellfox, ok :D I didn't mean anything rude, and I am sorry if I was rude, wasn't on purpose, but I also have other tasks to complete in "real life".

About new version -- I didn't experience that, only once I had situation that they ignored me (except when I am in debug mode), but you can send me a mission and I will test it. In my testings with new WICT.utes template and WICT_demo.utes I didn't have any problems. However, I could do more testings, maybe there is some small error.


I didn't have any problems with AI nailing me down in WICT.utes mission when debug mode is off.

What text values?

Send me your mission again to take a look?

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Be patient my fist post ever in this forum :rolleyes:


Great addon just WOW really really good


Here is the question as i can see in the history there was a question about costum units / vehicles.

Guess what i have the same question...

I don´t mind to figure out the classnames of the addons that I use.

Even if it would take weeks but in which file the classes are stored that WICT will spawn.

I try to figured it out was playing around with your Panthera Mission but I´m stuck.

Yes I can add the custum units and all that but I was not able figure it out.

Maybe i should retire and stop playing games with 36 :o

One last comment BIS good game I love it and of course the community I was so surprised how creative this community is... Thumps Up!!!

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@ *SemperFI* I am not quite sure yet, but I will check my hypothesis soon, since I am trying to find a solution for custom units aka. units that come with different addon.

I think it is possible to put all vehicles on the *blank* map and then open sqm. I think I saw all classnames there, so in that particular case it is not weeks, but 1-2 hours to implement them.

Let me make it clear --- let us speak hypothetically that vanilla A2 has 5 versions of Humvee and you have addon that has 25 more versions of Humvee. You can make in one line random choice between 30 different versions of Humvees as I did for West light vehicles:

_vehtype = ["HMMWV_M2","HMMWV_Armored","HMMWV_MK19","HMMWV_TOW"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

	_vehicle = createVehicle [_vehtype, _groundloc, [],0,"FORM"];

Generally it is easy, but as I said there must be a pool somewhere so that script (mine or anyone's else) can pick them.

Thanx for replying

P.S. I am a patient man, I just don't like when people ask me something that I wrote in manual, there are 50 pages, I spent some long time writing them :D

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Thanks a lot for the fast reply!!!

The Devil is always in the details, so there is atm no quick solution YET...

Hmm to bad however, if you are able to figure out how if this can be established would be nice.

This is one of the problems from ARMA2 the engine/community it is so flexible/creative to combine addons/mods can be problem....

Is there nothing I can try out..?

As i wrote in my previous post i don´t mind if it would take me weeks...

Or did you not consider this in your tool/addon at all, and it only use the general vanilla Arma2 units?


*Semper FI*

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