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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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ha ha ha thanx :D langgis08 you made me laugh. I am 26, don't have kids yet ;)

I will put this in manual under "what is WICT". fantastic.


can't wait confirmation whether MP works....

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OK here is what I have found so far.

The LAN/locally hosted MP seems to work fine.

The dedi hosted doesn't seem to work at all. Could it be a problem with markers ?

Edited by Kremator

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Ok that's a good news. At least something is working. Or....?

What does it mean "seems to work fine"? :o

Now, I don't get it what would be wrong with markers?

What do you mean?

And can you inform me what is the difference: dedicated server vs. some other server?

I googled it, but I cannot find the specific answer.

I will search more in order to find solution.

Thanx Kremator


I think I might found the solution :yay:

My FSMs were only using isServer, but I will put isServer or isDedicated.

That's all I can think off for now...

It's getting late and I will do it tomorrow.

I hope Kremator you will have time to test it.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Of course I can mate .... I don't mind you PMing me a version to test on my dedi. You could even join me :)

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dhellfox: don't merge it -- open .sqm and replace all "utes" with "chernarus". rename folder suffix to .chernarus.

then just edit the template :)

just woke up and did what you told me. that was a lot simpler than what was written in the manual. thanks very much you you should see me there are tears running down my face due to how epic the test was.

well time to go back to the manual and see what else i can do.

side note: reinstalled the RTS wic on my comp. there's nothing that can describe how beautifully a nuke is when you and you friends drop 18 of them in one match hehehehe

Edited by dhellfox

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new problem i've added some more flags/spawn locations around chernarus what would be the decent spawn distance to keep it chaotic like utes

Edited by dhellfox

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Thanx dax01. I would like to make it work in multiplayer, though...

Find WICT_scandist in the startSettings and increase it to 10000 (10km).

It will always find some base. Leave other settings as they were (you don't have to increase trigger area or spawn distance).


Thank you so much! This works great! The more I use this, the more impressed I am with how powerful this module really is. Once again, great work!

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I am glad you like it dax01 and dhellfox, I told you it is easy.

I will write that way of creating new mission too, although it already says what to do with other maps, but it is always possible that I didn't make it clear enough.

dhellfox, as I told dax01 (see above), you don't have to change the spawn distance to keep it chaotic. Just change scan distance.


I've got some very interesting moments with warfare raging all around and me trying to heal AI teammates. With Norrin's Revive Respawn this could be huge for COOP.

Here are some images.



Edited by Placebo

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Norrin's revive is just great! Any luck with the dedimserver version mate? Also in the demo mission is it possible (once the Semper Fi trigger is passed) that the war continues and doesn't stop if you go out of the zone (you die for instance).

Will be able to test further later on. Cheers mate!

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thanks for helping (i realized i broke a line that was stopping them from units spawning) and yeah you right how easy it is to play and modify once you understand what things do


i still cant get the spawning right, and on that subject how do you implement the excel way of the spawn list the manual doesn't exactly cover that

Edited by dhellfox

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Kremator: Norrin's script is part of F2, so it is no part of WICT. I am adding Multiplayer Framework, and after I finish the v2.2 beta I will send you to test it before release.

It is possible -- there is auto start option. Or you can just delete the line that calls quit.sqs from the trigger.

Thanx Foxhound. I will contact you about v.2.2.

dhellfox: Excel will give you the numbers you have to write in each base, so you don't have to manually calculate cumulative spawning probabilities.

You will get the list of numbers, they you just write it in that order in setupW or setupE.

E.g. you want (for east e.g. b256 ;)):

Regular infantry 20% = 20

Snipers 5% = 25

Medium tanks 15% = 40

Probability sum 40

How much more to "spend"? 60

Then you will write:

case "b256": 
	[color="Red"][b]E_reginf = 20[/b][/color]; 
	E_at = 0; 
	E_sup = 0;	
	[color="red"][b]E_snip = 25[/b][/color]; 
	E_spec = 0; 
	E_trans = 0; 
	E_lightveh = 0; 
	E_ifv = 0; 
	[color="red"][b]E_mtank = 40[/b][/color]; 
	E_htank = 0; 
	E_mchop = 0; 
	E_hchop = 0; 
	E_wing = 0;

I will clarify that in the manual.

What else is the problem?

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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i got that bit but when i set every base and spawn 7.6 (for every unit) nothing seems to spawn in so i use the default Utes values.

though on the fun side (as usual) I've got my Bradly m2 era as a mobile comm station for an AI controlled uav/AC130 module, in some of the areas it will run out of ammo before its timer expires hehehehe

Edited by dhellfox

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Is there any way you guys can create a Demo Mission on one of the OA Maps?


Nvm, I actually read through the Thread/Manual, Guess I'll get to work on it then.

Edited by Sbua16

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I have to finish the fix for dedi server. I will then work on making templates and UserSettings for OA.

After that if I have time I will make some mission.

However, I am counting on you guys to make something with this tool.


Did you wrote 7.6 for every unit (as you wrote that you did, and from your description that nothing spawns) e.g.

E_reginf = 7.6; 
E_at = 7.6; 
E_sup = 7.6;

or you wrote:

E_reginf = 7.6; 
E_at = 15.2; 
E_sup = 22.8;

The second example is what you should wrote (cumulative probability). The first example will rarely and only spawn E_reginf (7.6)... others have probability zero.

Here is the original post.



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The second example is what you should wrote (cumulative probability). The first example will rarely and only spawn E_reginf (7.6)... others have probability


thanks altering the files now


its works fully and i expanded the search distance by an extra 10 km (now 25kms). now immediately depending on the rolls it escalates realy fast. now i just got to configure units (t35s have the biggest case of FF from me since both sides have it and they're identical).

im editing them now

Edited by dhellfox

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This looks awesome and I cant wait to try it out.

I have changed all the settings for AO correctly I think just waiting on a demo mission on Takistan as cant understand how to Place the markers etc to get it to work

I must be thick cant get it to work and don't have Arma2 so cant use the Utes template.

Does anyone have a Mission.sqm that works on Takistan that I can use?

Pretty Please.....

Edited by Telson_VBAU

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(t35s have the biggest case of FF from me since both sides have it and they're identical)

1) why not :) both sides can have access to one type of vehicles.

2) A2 doesn't have many armor, but I wanted to separate medium from heavy tanks because OA has some, and this module is completely open for implementing custom models and I saw some on armaholic.com. you can think about implementing some

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Just to get this dedi server working, there will be, I'll try it with fraps. There are some pics in this thread...

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It says you need a RU_soldier set with a probability of presence of 0

As I only have Arrowhead there are no RU soldiers

Can it be a insurgent or something else???

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Can it be a insurgent or something else???
Yes, just any opposite side, to serve as HQ center. Any enemy / red one bad guy :D

Just try it, experiment.

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OK it says it is initiated but nothing spawns?

Guess I will have to wait for a Arrowhead template.

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