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W.I.C.T -- World In Conflict Tool for ArmAII and OA

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WICT is very fun ! thx for that experience

did search in this thread for "ace", no result, so:

is WICT compatible to ACE, also ?

EDIT: it seems, it is compatible :)

EDIT2: after having played about half an hour: CO@latestbeta + WICT + ACE => CTD

...\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -noSplash -world=empty -noFilePatching -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;@WICT and playing default WICT.utes-mission, no errors @startup or during gameplay, just these ctd's after reloading savegame and after having captured enemy base at airfield

EDIT3: playing CO@latestbeta + WICT seems to be stable, so might be WICT + ACE = :eek: ?

Edited by langgis08

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langgis08 I didn't quite understand what you have written... :( I reeaally don't know half of these things / abbreviations / code lines in the first spoiler except ACE and CBA. CO = Combined Operations?

after reloading savegame and after having captured enemy base at airfield

I didn't have any problems when reloading, spawning continues. Script for capturing bases will be different, so maybe next version will be better.

I cannot think any reason why WICT could not be compatible with any other mod. It is basically infinite spawning script, so if "plain" spawning works, i dunno why WICT shouldn't... Yet it could be AI giving some opposite orders or.... :( Maybe because of FSM....

Maybe you can give it a try with new release that will come out soon. I am not using ACE so I cannot tell. Maybe you can provide some -showScriptErrors.

Anyone else having a clue?

:( :confused:

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Has anyone made a WICT mission taking place over a whole map that doesn't require OA?

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JB1528 I am too busy working on new release


after release I might do it

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langgis08 I didn't quite understand what you have written... :( I reeaally don't know half of these things / abbreviations / code lines in the first spoiler except ACE and CBA

you mean this:

...\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -noSplash -world=empty -noFilePatching -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;@WICT

this is the main part of my desktop-shortcut / desktop-link with OA-beta-exe, startup-parameters and -mod-line (beta,ACE,WICT)

Edited by langgis08

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I reeaally don't know half of these things / abbreviations / code lines in the first spoiler except ACE and CBA. CO = Combined Operations?

;) what I wanted to say was, that running the default demo mission with this setup: Combined Operations (CO) + actual beta-mod (v72418) + ACE-mod + WICT-mod is leading to crashing to desktop (CTD) after a while. It happended after having captured a base, and this I could reproduce by reloading the savegame (savepoint was before capturing base).

I hadn't any crash to desktop so far while playing/testing WICT without using ACE-mod so I wonder if combination of WICT + ACE could be fragile.

:) That's all. Of course it can be coincidence, too, or be caused in the special constellation of these startup-parameters + this OA-beta + this ACE-Version + this WICT-version ...

don't worry about it, too much, ok ? ;)

Edited by langgis08

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Maybe there is something fragile there, I will pay attention to that, maybe I'll run into that bug to squeeze it if it's in WICT.

Es ist ok, kein Problem. Ich möchte es ok arbeiten. Vielen dank fur deine Hilfe.

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Unless you can repeat the crash every time langgis08 then it's not worth mentioning. There are too many variables in what you were using anyway.

@ArmaIIholic - Don't worry about ACE when coding.

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Unless you can repeat the crash every time langgis08 then it's not worth mentioning. There are too many variables in what you were using anyway.

@ArmaIIholic - Don't worry about ACE when coding.

Ok thanx Kremator. I believe langgis08 said it happens before capturing airport base and that it could be reproduced by loading save game.

By the way I shortened array that keeps "trash" and the new module version won't use Garbage Collector anymore -- I wrote my own script. We will see how it works. It is never useless to mention that there might be some problems in compatibility.

Thanx you both.

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ANNOUNCEMENT --- the new version is out. It was quicker than I thought...

I hope you will enjoy it.

Best regards,


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Unless you can repeat the crash every time langgis08 then it's not worth mentioning. There are too many variables in what you were using anyway.

@ArmaIIholic - Don't worry about ACE when coding.

Kremator, have you read my post carefully enough ;) ?

I've written:

"Combined Operations (CO) + actual beta-mod (v72418) + ACE-mod + WICT-mod is leading to crashing to desktop (CTD) after a while. It happended after having captured a base, and this I could reproduce by reloading the savegame (savepoint was before capturing base)."

It's me who decides what's worth mentioning for the posts I write...

There are too many variables in what you were using anyway.

what does "too many variables" mean ? Guess there are lots of players around that use even more parameters/;mods - me I never had CTD's just because of using "too many variables" ... sorry, but that diagnostic is "nice try", mate, not very founded and too sweeping ... :rolleyes:

@ArmaIIholic - Don't worry about ACE when coding.

as I said, maybe the total combination of latest OA-beta + WICT + ACE is the problem for my issue - but I don't know what's against testing under "heavy conditions" like using tons of parameters, tons of -mods ... ? the more you learn out of this the more you know about the total game engine ...

keep on rockin', ArmAIIholic, and most of all feel free in what you're testing and coding as I feel free to test as much as I can and give feedback here, as detailed as I get infos from playing ...

Edited by langgis08

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Ok, you two, but don't "fight" here, people will miss my announcement that there is a new version of the module :)

And I made such a nice announcement :D

I also made some additional testings.

It is definitely good base placement since OPFOR re-captured neutral sector after I tried to capture airport. And it was a mess down there since majority of my units where heading there. Lots of explosions. I had to turn around to capture fuel sector again, because it is huge advantage, both for me and them -- it gives a lots of heavy tanks and choppers. But they got me.... AT got me.

I have to say even I am surprised... The beach sector is kind a weak, the base b3, which is good. There are only infantry and they are slow and vulnerable. And they are cut off. For example, if you manage to get to that sector without capturing airport that would be disaster. West HQ is more than 1km away so there will be no reinforcements for the player. Fantastic.

I also had situation that I've took down their transportation chopper and suddenly there were parachutes, I tried taking one after another, but again AT survived... The end. Hilarious....

Edited by ArmAIIholic
some impressions

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Awww gimme a chance to come back :)

Unfortunately betas cannot be totally crash proof. All I was trying to say was that it MIGHT not be WICT that was causing the crash and hence putting more pressure onto ArmaIIholic.

Anyhoo tiff over with :) About to try out new WICT ... thanks !

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yes, peace now :) and no pressure onto anyone, of course !

me enjoying playing now, too :bounce3:

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Good Job, AIIH.

Debug mode is a really good idea, it's much more immersive to not have the hint flashing on and off all the time, and the hints you give in the StartSettings.sqf are really handy for quick-start trouble shooting. Can't comment on tweaked group-type behaviours yet.

Have to read up on different types of bases and the range of ways to control spawn rate when I'm not so tired.

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found one after-save problem (maybe what langgis08 found):

although the state of the scripts stays the same = all scripts continue to work after load, the arrays, like the array that stores, all groups are gone... there is no CTD though.

therefore script that suppose to clear memory doesn't work.

it seams also that editor units are not adding to that list as I wanted to, so now I have dilemma:

1) trying to fix that

2) simply use allGroups - player group - but than all editor placed units will react = they will leave the base (and I want to made that behavior optional...)

there are some more issues, they are in spoiler in the #1 post



Definitely something wrong with passing /this/ from the soldier's initial line and finding his group in the script.... I didn't even manage to create decent waypoint for such group. I will stick to spawning units. They are responding ok.

So I will switch to finding all groups. Who ever wants to make scripted mission will have to turn off WICT or to increase number of AI, because from now on the clearing script will set all units (except those mounting weapons) on the move -- massive global assault --- which is not bad at all (soldiers coming out of bases etc.) but just to be announced.

>>> This will also solve the problem with script, lags and potential crashes. And I don't have strength and time to store these data in files. It is not necessary. Script will be smooth and after turning on all units will be considered, which again is good.

Also done some additional testings, some long run --- units are responding fantastic --- I captured airfield and fuel depot. But somewhere around (it wasn't debug mode, so I don't know when) spawning stopped for a while, my tank got wrecked and I continued on foot toward Russian HQ.

:) In the mean time Russians captured airfield, cost base and fuel depot and left me in the middle of nowhere. Brilliant!!!

Anyone else having such experience?

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Safe, hot, tampon and directional zones for true free roam experience in ArmA.

reading this i expected bloody battles.

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reading this i expected bloody battles.

very bloody with lots of explosions!


New version coming today!

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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Excellent A2H! Looking forward to it.

Now here is a thing.......is it possible to have a script version of @WICT instead of the addon?

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one question on testing it out i dig it lots - but are enemy ai spawned out of thing at intervals air or do they get transported to spots to attack.? is there an infinite amount of enemy or limited?

this is hard, but fun. thanks.

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@twisted the number of spawns is not infinite since there is limitation on the number of groups, as you know. there is also limit in the script itself.

the script will try to remove "dead groups" and all other (alive) groups will begin global assault at the base that was attacked last -- the question is will they kill each other "enough" to make room for more units :D in this way the script is not removing units that are "far away" but economically manipulates with spawned units.

the script will run until you stop it so in some way it is infinite. units are spawned in such way they form a battlefront.

if you read the manual you will find that there are several ways of changing number of units that are spawned.

the advanced method is to make a global variable Tag_varname, and to count units. so if you want only 10 tanks on the battlefield you can get 10 tanks on the battlefield.

@Kremator why all people ask for a scripts? :) (I mean for any module) I am just curious, not rude (for the record)... The addon is "standalone", I don't get it. If you want to participate in development we can make an arrangement.

@Richey79 thanx man, you rock!


@twisted I wrote in the manual: The WICT: World in Conflict Tool is ArmAII module for infinitely creating dynamic battlefronts and ultimate free roaming experience.

Edited by ArmAIIholic

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