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1.07 Bugs: Report them here please.

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I too am getting prompted that "patch 1.07 now available for download".

I had ArmA2 and I added OA via sproket download.

I also got the dedi server hang up on "reading mission".

I am trying the fixes listed here now on this one but I have not found any suggestions on how to get it to stop prompting me to download patch 1.07. I have downloaded and installed it. In the menu screen it lists v 1.07.xxx in the lower right portion of the screen. Thanks...DOA


Add -noPatchCheck into your startup parameter to remove the "patch 1.07 available" message.

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Thank you very much.

I swear on my original copy of Operation Flashpoint:CWC I did not see the previous posts just before mine.

I have to see an eye doctor or something. :-)

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Thank you very much.

I swear on my original copy of Operation Flashpoint:CWC I did not see the previous posts just before mine.

I have to see an eye doctor or something. :-)

lmao :) No problem :p

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After I installed patch 1.07 everything was still fine, but a few days later the problems started. As soon as I want to enter a mission in MP I get the message "You cannot play/edit this mission; [...blah...] that has been deleted. warfare2vehicles.pbo".

After reading some forums and tips I found out that this issue is 1.07-specific since the patch moved the vehicle config of the warfare vehicles to that new pbo, for whatever reason.

Any way to fix that or do I have to wait for 1.08 and hope it fixes that, playing ArmA 1.18 again? (finally working, AI still as stupid as shit, waiting for 1.19 ;))

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Is it just my game or is setdir broken in OA and 1.07, they start facing the right direction but then quickly turn to zero degrees.

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