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Dac custom config resource

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Hi, I've got a couple of requests:

1. Could someone please do a config for the Isla-Duala armies (Afrenian army, Molatian army and African Rebels)?

2. This one is really a question: Is the first config in this thread (relating to the Iranian Army) for YorT's mod? (Or is there some other mod that I don't know about?)


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the first one is the M16APmine this is for the unsung mod


case 9:


_campBasic = ["uns_m16apmine",["uns_m16apmine", 8,25,0],["uns_m16apmine",8,25,0],["uns_m16apmine",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [[]];

_campStatic = [];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [];

_campRandomObj = [[["uns_m16apmine",0,20]],250,1,50,10];

_campWall = ["map_barbedwire",[-10,30],[10,10,0],[2,0,0,0],[1,0.2],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];



for this to work you also need this it add a new group of unit which are just 4 of the mines so you can spawn the field with out guys runing around blowing them selfs up lol


// apm16_field

case 22:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["uns_m16apmine","uns_m16apmine","uns_m16apmine","uns_m16apmine","uns_m16apmine"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



this second one is a foot size punji pit field

case 12:


_campBasic = ["uns_punji1",["uns_punji1",8,25,0],["uns_punji1",8,25,0],["uns_punji1",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [[]];

_campStatic = [];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [];

_campRandomObj = [[["uns_punji1",0,20]],250,1,50,10];

_campWall = ["map_barbedwire",[-10,30],[10,10,0],[2,0,0,0],[1,0.2],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];



and this is the unit file for it

// punji_field

case 21:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["uns_punji1","uns_punji1","uns_punji1","uns_punji1","uns_punji1"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



third one is the large punji pit how ever for some reason when i spawn this any tanks near by will start shooting at them so yeah wierd

case 13:


_campBasic = ["uns_punji2",["uns_punji2",8,25,0],["uns_punji2",8,25,0],["uns_punji2",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [[]];

_campStatic = [];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [];

_campRandomObj = [[["uns_punji2",0,20]],250,1,50,10];

_campWall = ["map_barbedwire",[-10,30],[10,10,0],[2,0,0,0],[1,0.2],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];



same thing here is the unit file for the large punji pit

// largepunji_field

case 23:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["uns_punji2","uns_punji2","uns_punji2","uns_punji2","uns_punji2"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



forth and last one is a anti-tankmine field which is the arma2 mine so you dont need unsung to use this

case 14:


_campBasic = ["mine",["mine",8,25,0],["mine",8,25,0],["mine",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [[]];

_campStatic = [];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [];

_campRandomObj = [[["mine",0,20]],250,1,50,10];

_campWall = ["map_barbedwire",[-10,30],[10,10,0],[2,0,0,0],[1,0.2],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];




// anit_tankmine_field

case 24:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["mine","mine","mine","mine","mine"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



---------- Post added at 12:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

KYFOHATL ill whip a config up for ya now mate:yay:

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

here is the configs for Afrenian army, Molatian army and African Rebels so enjoy though they dont have much in the way of car/tanks/air and afrenian army is two case's one the army other the police

// afrenian_army

case 1:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["AFR_Soldier_Crew","AFR_Soldier_Pilot","AFR_OFFICER","AFR_RIFLEMAN","AFR_Soldier_GL","AFR_Soldier_MG","AFR_RIFLEMAN","AFR_Soldier_AT","AFR_Soldier_Medic","AFR_RIFLEMAN","AFR_Soldier_ENGINEER","AFR_Soldier_LAT","AFR_Soldier_RIFLEMAN","AFR_Soldier_SNIPER","AFR_Soldier_HAT","AFR_Soldier_RIFLEMAN","AFR_Soldier_IGAL"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["AFR_PINZ"];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["IBR_AS350"];



// afrenian_COPS_army

case 2:



_Unit_Pool_V = ["AFR_PINZ_POLICE"];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["IBR_AS350"];



// MOLATIAN_army

case 3:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["MOL_Soldier_Crew","MOL_Soldier_Pilot","MOL_Soldier_OFFICER","MOL_Soldier_RIFLEMAN","MOL_Soldier_GL","MOL_Soldier_MG","MOL_Soldier_RIFLEMAN","MOL_Soldier_AT","MOL_Soldier_Medic","MOL_Soldier_RIFLEMAN","MOL_Soldier_ENGINEER","MOL_Soldier_LAT","MOL_Soldier_RIFLEMAN","MOL_Soldier_SNIPER","MOL_Soldier_HAT","MOL_Soldier_RIFLEMAN","MOL_Soldier_IGAL"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["IBR_T55"];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];




case 4:



_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



Edited by cronic2000
unti mix afr_pinz_police was in army

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ive tryed to get the _campObjInit to run scripts but ive had no luck as well as useing the getpos to make objects higher so i can EG put searchlights/mgs in watch towers and run the simple GuardPost script all ive been able to get to work is the lock which is in the example pdf file for DAC if any one can help me with this it would be great:confused:

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Hey cronic, i forget where i got this from, i think from FOB templates:

this setPosATL [ getPosATL this select 0, getPosATL this select 1, (getPosATL this select 2)+2.5]

this places objects higher

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hey yeah ive got a code that does the same thing

eg: this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1), 4.5]

this is the same as the code you posted the code part is all good its getting it to work in the in the camp file the _campObjInit ive used this code and nothing happens and ive tryed putting the guard post script in and the DAC doesnt spawn the zone so yeah thats what i need help with

---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------

This camp has two entrys which have two camo desert bunkers at ether end plus a smaller bunker in the middle of the two entrys in to the base building wise there are two barracks which are coverd with camo netting the camps walls are h barriers this does not need any addons to run


case 6:


_campBasic = ["FlagCarrierUSA",["Land_Fire_burning",9,7,0],["barrack2",15,0,180],["Logic",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [["USLaunchersBox",15,7,0],["USSpecialWeaponsBox",14,7,0],["USBasicAmmunitionBox",17,7,0],["USBasicWeaponsBox",12,7,0]];

_campStatic = [];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [["satelit",10,9,150],["Land_Antenna",10,-5,45],["MAP_FORTRESS_02",-7,25,90],["MAP_FORTRESS_02",27,25,90],["MAP_FORTRESS_02",25,-24,270],["MAP_FORTRESS_02",-7,-24,270],["MAP_CAMO_BOX",5,1,270],["MAP_PRISTRESEK",6,-8,270],["MAP_CAMO_BOX",17,-3,270],["MAP_PRISTRESEK",12,6,90],["WARFAREBCAMP",10,32,180],["WARFAREBCAMP",10,-32,0],["barrack2",3,0,0]];

_campRandomObj = [[["map_b_prunus",1,20],["map_r2_boulder1",0.5,10],["map_r2_boulder2",0.5,10]],50,1,80,20];

_campWall = ["land_hbarrier3",[-10,30],[43,58,1],[11,0,11,0],[1,0.2],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];



---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

this camp has three entrys with camo watchtower at each corner of the base the camp wall is small cargo containers building are are tent barracks and a mash tent with camo cover also it has trees spawn around the camp for added effect this does not need any addons to run


case 8:


_campBasic = ["FlagCarrierUSA",["Land_Fire_burning",8,15,0],["MAP_TENT2_WEST",5,0,0],["Logic",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [["USLaunchersBox",10,2,0],["USSpecialWeaponsBox",10,0,0],["USBasicAmmunitionBox",10,-2,0],["USBasicWeaponsBox",10,-4,0]];

_campStatic = [];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [["Land_Antenna",0,-6,45],["land_fort_watchtower",-7,25,140],["land_fort_watchtower",25,25,230],["land_fort_watchtower",25,-20,320],["land_fort_watchtower",-7,-20,40],["MASH",4,-8,90],["LAND_CAMONETVAR_NATO",4,-8,90],["MAP_CAMONET_NATO",10,0,90]];

_campRandomObj = [[["map_t_carpinus2s",0,20],["map_t_salix2s",0,10],["map_t_alnus2s",0,10],["map_t_quercus3s",0,10]],25,1,80,20];

_campWall = ["misc_cargo_cont_small",[-10,30],[40,56,0],[5,5,0,5],[1,0.2],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];



also the desert and forest camp are pretty simple and as such have no satic denfece's intill i can work out how to use the _campobjinit so i can place mgs in towers

Edited by cronic2000
forgot to add camp names

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@Cronic2000: Thanks alot mate.

though they dont have much in the way of car/tanks/air

Yeah, its just that they fit the whole Isla-Duala mood very well, that I usually prefere to use them for Isla-Duala than say the Russians.


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yeah no worrys if you need any other configs let me know i have neally over 20 mods and i can do i few camps up too also there's a few spaces in the unti config make sure you fix em or it wont work theres 2 in the AKF army one in the cops two in the MOL army and two in the REBELS i dont know why it must be from when you copy and paste it on to here yet my large camp has none wierd but any how enjoy mate:bounce3:

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Anyone managed to get the Artillery Config working in a mission and if so could they please include a sample mission for me to have a look at.


Also ive added the Winter Camo Mod Russian and USMC units and vehicles to my latest DAC mission which looks very nice indeed, as soon as ive completed building the mission i'll upload the unit configs for the Snow Camo.

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Sorry to be the idiot in the thread, but how do I use these? I stumbled upon this thread after typing 'custom armies DAC' and im sure im in the right place... Thanks guys.


Through trial and error i think ive gotten somewhere and now know how to use this!!! For sombody whos never touched a .sqf before thats quite a feat and im proud :)

How do i figure out other 'pool' names for custom armies, ie, the Australians at War mod, id like to have a few of them roaming about my missions.

Edited by RAINF

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Could someone put together a config for VC/NVA UNSUNG Mod please?

Just a simple spawn for small units.

Edited by Dr@gon

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If you cant find the classnames in a readme or something you can just put the units you want to use in the editor and save,

then open the mission.sqm with notepad and you will see the names.

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Australians At War- COmbined Operations please. They rock:D

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ok... here we go

i will attempt to teach each of you how to fish.. and no feed your lazy arses.. as the saying goes..

page 39 of the full length DAC readme english



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ok... here we go

i will attempt to teach each of you how to fish.. and no feed your lazy arses.. as the saying goes..

This thread was started as a resource to share DAC configs.

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This thread was started as a resource to share DAC configs.

but you didn't share.. you asked how to:

Could someone put together a config for VC/NVA UNSUNG Mod please?

so i showed how for you to share and not ask


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I am having problems with the Config_Arti.sqf

		_set8  = [];
	_set9  = ["(({alive _x} count [art1, art2, art3]) > 0)"];
	_set10 = 6000;

Im trying to put my art1, art2 and art3 in the _set8 but I keep getting script errors. There is no example in the readme file or his test missions.

I have tired

_set8 = [art1, art2, art3];

_set8 = ["art1","art2","art3"];

_set8 = [["art1","art2","art3"]];

above = fail :-(

Anyone help this novice

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I am having problems with the Config_Arti.sqf

Hey bro, please direct the question over here official thread this is a thread just for working configs and dont want to clutter it with support questions. cheers :)

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This post was resolved in main DAC thread. :)

Hi! I totally love DAC! It's brilliant! Works perfect, altough...

I'm having some trouble getting BAF and UN configs to work with my DAC 3.0c. I copy pasted all of your configs to DAC_Config_Units.sqf and made them look like the original cases, took away the spaces and so on.


//-------------------------------------------------------------(BRITISH FORCES DESERT CAMO)---------------------------------------------------

case 18:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["BAF_Soldier_AA_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_AAA_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_AAT_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_AHAT_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_AAR_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_AMG_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_AT_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_HAT_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_AR_DDPM","BAF_crewman_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_EN_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_FAC_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_MG_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_scout_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_Marksman_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_Medic_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_Officer_DDPM","BAF_Pilot_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_DDPM","BAF_ASoldier_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_N_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_SL_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_TL_DDPM","CIV_Contractor1_BAF","CIV_Contractor2_BAF"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["BAF_ATV_D","BAF_Jackal2_GMG_D","BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_ D","BAF_Offroad_D"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["BAF_FV510_D"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["BAF_Apache_AH1_D","CH_47F_BAF","BAF_Merlin_HC3_D" ,"AW159_Lynx_BAF"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];


//-------------------------------------------------------------(BRITISH FORCES WOODLAND CAMO)---------------------------------------------------

Altough whenever DAC starts initiation it says ""Error: DAC_Config_Units > No valid config number".

My DAC zone looks like this: fun=["z3",[3,1,0],[6,3,10,15],[],[5,1,2,10],[],[1,18,1,1]] spawn DAC_Zone;

I have DAC folder with DAC_Config_Units.sqf in it at D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\Missions\DAC

Can any of you guys see why there is a error?

Edited by pepmoo

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Today I decided I would write in some of my favourite mods units in DAC_Config_Units.sqf to use with your DAC_Extern !

Here they are. I put "rifleman" in a few more times so they spawn more often than other units.

If something doesn't work. Look for unnecessary spaces in the unit type-names that I might have missed and backspace them together!


Swedish Forces Pack Woodland:


case 20:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["sfp_m90w_crew_ak5d", "sfp_m90w_pilot", "sfp_m90w_squadleader_ak5_m203", "sfp_m90w_rifleman_ak5", "sfp_m90w_rifleman_ak5", "sfp_m90w_rifleman_ak5", "sfp_m90w_teamleader_ak5_m203", "sfp_m90w_automaticrifleman_ksp90", "sfp_m90w_rifleman_pskott", "sfp_m90w_medic_ak5", "sfp_m90w_marksman_ak5c", "sfp_m90w_mg_ksp58", "sfp_m90w_mg_loader", "sfp_m90w_at_grg", "sfp_m90w_assist_grg", "sfp_m90w_engineer"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["sfp_ptgb6_rws", "sfp_ptgb6_tksp", "sfp_ptgb6_ksp58", "sfp_patgb203"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["sfp_grkpbv120", "sfp_strv122", "sfp_strf90d", "sfp_strf90c", "sfp_lvkv90c"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["sfp_hkp14b", "sfp_hkp15", "sfp_hkp15_rbs55"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];



Swedish Forces Pack Desert


case 21:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["sfp_m90d_crew_ak5d", "sfp_m90w_pilot", "sfp_m90d_squadleader_ak5_m203", "sfp_m90d_rifleman_ak5", "sfp_m90d_rifleman_ak5", "sfp_m90d_rifleman_ak5", "sfp_m90d_teamleader_ak5_m203", "sfp_m90d_automaticrifleman_ksp90", "sfp_m90d_rifleman_pskott", "sfp_m90d_medic_ak5", "sfp_m90d_marksman_ak5c", "sfp_m90d_mg_ksp58", "sfp_m90d_mg_loader", "sfp_m90d_at_grg", "sfp_m90d_assist_grg", "sfp_m90d_engineer"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["sfp_patgb203_desert"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["sfp_strf9040c_desert", "sfp_lvkv90c_desert"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["sfp_hkp14b", "sfp_hkp15", "sfp_hkp15_rbs55"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];



Bundeswehr Mod BDU:


case 22:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["BWMod_CrewG", "BWMod_CrewG_Beret", "BWMod_SquadLeaderG", "BWMod_RiflemanG", "BWMod_RiflemanG", "BWMod_RiflemanG", "BWMod_MedicG", "BWMod_MGunnerG_MG4", "BWMod_MGunnerG_MG3", "BWMod_ATSoldierG", "BWMod_AASoldierG", "BWMod_EngineerG"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["BWMod_Fuchs_ArmoredTurret"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["BWMod_Leopard_2A6", "BWMod_Marder_1A5", "BWMod_Wiesel2_Ozelot"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["BWMod_UH1D"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];



Bundeswehr Mod Desert



case 23:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["BWMod_CrewG_Desert", "BWMod_CrewG_Beret_Desert", "BWMod_SquadLeaderG_Desert", "BWMod_RiflemanG_Desert", "BWMod_RiflemanG_Desert", "BWMod_RiflemanG_Desert", "BWMod_MGunnerG_MG4_Desert", "BWMod_MGunnerG_MG3_Desert", "BWMod_MedicG_Desert", "BWMod_ATSoldierG_Desert", "BWMod_AASoldierG_Desert", "BWMod_EngineerG_Desert"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["BWMod_Fuchs_ArmoredTurret_Desert"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["BWMod_Leopard_2A6_Desert", "BWMod_Marder_1A5_Desert", "BWMod_Wiesel2_Ozelot_Desert"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["BWMod_UH1D"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];



Bundeswehr Mod ISAF



case 24:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["BWMod_CrewG_Beret_Desert", "BWMod_CrewG_Beret_Desert", "BWMod_SquadLeaderG_ISAF", "BWMod_RiflemanG_ISAF", "BWMod_RiflemanG_ISAF", "BWMod_RiflemanG_ISAF", "BWMod_MedicG_ISAF", "BWMod_MGunnerG_MG3_ISAF", "BWMod_MGunnerG_MG4_ISAF", "BWMod_AASoldierG_ISAF","BWMod_ATSoldierG_ISAF", "BWMod_EngineerG_ISAF"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["BWMod_Fuchs_ArmoredTurret_ISAF"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["BWMod_Wiesel2_Ozelot_ISAF", "BWMod_Marder_1A5_ISAF"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["BWMod_UH1D_SAR"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];



BAF Woodland



case 25:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["BAF_crewman_W", "BAF_Pilot_W", "BAF_Soldier_SL_W", "BAF_Soldier_W", "BAF_Soldier_W", "BAF_Soldier_W", "BAF_Soldier_W", "BAF_ASoldier_W", "BAF_ASoldier_W", "BAF_Soldier_GL_W", "BAF_Soldier_TL_W", "BAF_Soldier_AR_W", "BAF_Soldier_AAR_W", "BAF_Soldier_AT_W", "BAF_Soldier_AAT_W", "BAF_Soldier_Medic_W", "BAF_Soldier_EN_W", "BAF_Soldier_MG_W", "BAF_Soldier_AMG_W", "BAF_Soldier_Marksman_W", "BAF_Soldier_HAT_W", "BAF_Soldier_AHAT_W", "BAF_Soldier_AA_W", "BAF_Soldier_AAA_W", "BAF_Soldier_L_W"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["BAF_Jackal2_GMG_W", "BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_W", "BAF_Offroad_W"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["BAF_FV510_W"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["BAF_Apache_AH1_D", "CH_47F_BAF", "BAF_Merlin_HC3_D" , "AW159_Lynx_BAF"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];



BAF Desert



case 26:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["BAF_crewman_DDPM", "BAF_Pilot_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_SL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_TL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_AA_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_AAA_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_AAT_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_AHAT_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_AAR_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_AMG_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_AT_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_HAT_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_AR_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_EN_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_MG_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_Marksman_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_Medic_DDP M","BAF_Soldier_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_DDPM", "BAF_ASoldier_DDPM", "BAF_ASoldier_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_L_DDPM"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["BAF_Jackal2_GMG_D", "BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_ D", "BAF_Offroad_D"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["BAF_FV510_D"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["BAF_Apache_AH1_D", "CH_47F_BAF", "BAF_Merlin_HC3_D" , "AW159_Lynx_BAF"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];



BAF Multicam [Why use desert camo anyway? ;)]



case 27:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["BAF_crewman_MTP", "BAF_Pilot_MTP","BAF_Soldier_SL_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_MTP", "BAF_ASoldier_MTP", "BAF_ASoldier_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_TL_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_GL_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_AR_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_AAR_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_AT_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_AAT_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_EN_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_Marksman_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_MG_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_AMG_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_HAT_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_AHAT_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_AA_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_AAA_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_L_MTP"];

_Unit_Pool_V = ["BAF_Jackal2_GMG_MTP", "BAF_Jackal2_L2A1_MTP", "BAF_Offroad_MTP"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["BAF_FV510_W"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["BAF_Apache_AH1_D", "CH_47F_BAF", "BAF_Merlin_HC3_D" , "AW159_Lynx_BAF"];

_Unit_Pool_U = [];



And also: Three configs for DAC_Config_Camps.sqf that fits the bill for the above. I haven't tried them yet but here they are:

Swedish Camp:


case 8:


_campBasic = ["sfp_FlagcarrierSWE", ["Land_Campfire",8,5,0],["Land_tent_east",5,0,0], ["Logic",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [["LocalBasicWeaponsBox",10,2,0],["LocalBasicAmmunitionBox",10,-4,0]];

_campStatic = [["SearchLight_INS",-7,25,0, "sfp_m90w_rifleman_ak5"],["M2StaticMG",25,25,0, "sfp_m90w_rifleman_ak5"],["SearchLight_INS",25,-20,180, "sfp_m90w_rifleman_ak5"],["M2StaticMG",-7,-20,180, "sfp_m90w_rifleman_ak5"]];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [["Land_Antenna",5,-5,45], ["Logic",17,35,0],["Logic",17,20,0],["Logic",47,0,0],["Logic",27,0,0],["Logic",17,-35,0],["Logic",17,-20,0]];

_campRandomObj = [];

_campWall = ["Land_fort_bagfence_long",[-10,30],[40,56,0],[4,4,4,4],[1,0.1],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];



German Camp:


case 7:


_campBasic = ["BWMod_Flag_Germany", ["Land_Campfire",8,5,0],["Land_tent_east",5,0,0],["Logic",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [["LocalBasicWeaponsBox",10,2,0],["LocalBasicAmmunitionBox",10,-4,0]];

_campStatic = [["SearchLight_INS",-7,25,0, "BWMod_RiflemanG"],["M2StaticMG",25,25,0, "BWMod_RiflemanG"],["SearchLight_INS",25,-20,180, "BWMod_RiflemanG"],["M2StaticMG",-7,-20,180, "BWMod_RiflemanG"]];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [["Land_Antenna",5,-5,45],["Logic",17,35,0],["Logic",17,20,0],["Logic",47,0,0],["Logic",27,0,0],["Logic",17,-35,0],["Logic",17,-20,0]];

_campRandomObj = [];

_campWall = ["Land_fort_bagfence_long",[-10,30],[40,56,0],[4,4,4,4],[1,0.1],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];



and BAF camp. Got this from another user in this thread and used it as a template for both other camps, but used MTP instead of desert camo. Anyway, thank you! Here it is:


case 6:


_campBasic = ["FlagCarrierBAF",["Land_Campfire",8,5,0],["Land_tent_east",5,0,0],["Logic",10,15,0],0];

_campAmmo = [["LocalBasicWeaponsBox",10,2,0],["LocalBasicAmmunitionBox",10,-4,0]];

_campStatic = [["SearchLight_INS",-7,25,0, "BAF_ASoldier_MTP"],["M2StaticMG",25,25,0, "BAF_ASoldier_DDPM"],["SearchLight_INS",25,-20,180, "BAF_ASoldier_MTP"],["M2StaticMG",-7,-20,180, "BAF_ASoldier_MTP"]];

_campAddUnit = [];

_campUserObj = [["Land_Antenna",5,-5,45],["Logic",17,35,0],["Logic",17,20,0],["Logic",47,0,0],["Logic",27,0,0],["Logic",17,-35,0],["Logic",17,-20,0]];

_campRandomObj = [];

_campWall = ["Land_fort_bagfence_long",[-10,30],[40,56,0],[4,4,4,4],[1,0.1],[0,0]];

_campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]];




Edited by pepmoo

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I decided to make some Unsung unit configs, if anyone needs them here they are


// Dynamic-AI-Creator //

// Version 2.1 - 2009 //


// DAC_Config_Units //


// Script by Silola //

// silola@freenet.de //


private ["_TypNumber","_TempArray","_Unit_Pool_S","_Unit_Pool_V","_Unit_Pool_T","_Unit_Pool_A"];

_TypNumber = _this select 0;_TempArray = [];

switch (_TypNumber) do



// Unsung NVA

case 0:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["UNS_nv8h","UNS_nva8b","UNS_nva1","UNS_nva1b","UNS_nva2med","UNS_nva3mg","UNS_nva3amg","UNS_nva4rpg","UNS_nva4arpg","UNS_nva5sni","UNS_nva6sap",



_Unit_Pool_V = ["uns_nvatruck_base","uns_nvatruck_reammo","uns_nvatruck_refuel"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["uns_pt76","uns_t55"];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



// Unsung all VC

case 1:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["UNS_local_vc1a","UNS_local_vc1b","UNS_mf_vc1a","UNS_local_vc1c","UNS_local_vc1d","UNS_local_vc1e","UNS_local_vc1f","UNS_local_vc2a","UNS_local_vc2b","UNS_local_vc2c","UNS_local_vc2d","UNS_local_vc2e",



_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



// Unsung Local VC

case 2:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["UNS_local_vc1a","UNS_local_vc1b","UNS_local_vc1c","UNS_local_vc1d","UNS_local_vc1e","UNS_local_vc1f","UNS_local_vc2a","UNS_local_vc2b","UNS_local_vc2c","UNS_local_vc2d","UNS_local_vc2e"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



// Unsung Regional VC

case 3:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["UNS_rf_vc8a","UNS_rf_vc8a","UNS_rf_vc1a","UNS_rf_vc2a","UNS_rf_vc3a","UNS_rf_vc3b","UNS_rf_vc4a","UNS_rf_vc4b","UNS_rf_vc5asni","UNS_rf_vc5bsni","UNS_rf_vc6asap","UNS_rf_vc6bsap","UNS_rf_vc7arto","UNS_rf_vc8a","UNS_rf_vc8b","UNS_rf_vc8c","UNS_rf_vc8d","UNS_rf_vc8e","UNS_rf_vc8f","UNS_rf_vc9a","UNS_rf_vc10a","UNS_rf_vc11a","UNS_rf_vc12a","UNS_rf_vc12b","UNS_rf_vc12c"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



// Unsung Main Force VC

case 4:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["UNS_mf_vc8a","UNS_mf_vc8a","UNS_mf_vc1a","UNS_mf_vc1b","UNS_mf_vc2a","UNS_mf_vc3a","UNS_mf_vc3b","UNS_mf_vc4a","UNS_mf_vc4b","UNS_mf_vc4asni","UNS_mf_vc6asap","UNS_mf_vc6bsap","UNS_mf_vc7arto","UNS_mf_vc8a","UNS_mf_vc8b","UNS_mf_vc8c","UNS_mf_vc8d","UNS_mf_vc8e","UNS_mf_vc9a","UNS_mf_vc10a","UNS_mf_vc10b","UNS_mf_vc11a","UNS_mf_vc12a","UNS_mf_vc12b","UNS_mf_vc12c"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



// Unsung Civilains

case 5:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["UNS_Civilian1","UNS_Civilian2","UNS_Civilian3","UNS_Civilian4"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



// Unsung Guerrilla

case 6:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["UNS_Guerrilla1","UNS_Guerrilla2","UNS_Guerrilla3","UNS_Guerrilla4","UNS_Guerrilla5"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = [];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



// Unsung US Army

case 7:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["uns_tanker1","uns_pilot1","UNS_army_1a","UNS_army_1aa","UNS_army_2a","UNS_army_2aa","UNS_army_3a","UNS_army_3aa","UNS_army_2amed","UNS_army_2bmed","UNS_army_3amg","UNS_army_3bmg",



_Unit_Pool_V = ["uns_M43","uns_m37b1","uns_guntruck","uns_guntruckM55","uns_truck_closed","uns_truck_open"];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["uns_m113","uns_m113a","uns_m163","uns_m48a3_1","uns_m48a3_2","uns_m60a1"];

_Unit_Pool_A = ["CSJ_UH1Slick","CSJ_AH1g","CSJ_GHornet","CSJ_oh6","CSJ_OH6a","CSJ_UH1Gun","CSJ_UH1med","CSJ_UH1supply","CSJ_UH1transport","CSJ_C123","CSJ_C123B","CSJ_O1"];





if(DAC_Basic_Value != 5) then


DAC_Basic_Value = 5;publicvariable "DAC_Basic_Value";

hintc "Error: DAC_Config_Units > No valid config number";


if(true) exitwith {};



if(count _this == 2) then


_TempArray = _TempArray + [_Unit_Pool_S,_Unit_Pool_V,_Unit_Pool_T,_Unit_Pool_A];




_TempArray = _Unit_Pool_V + _Unit_Pool_T + _Unit_Pool_A;




EDIT: fixed one typo and added Army and vehicles. For some reason copy and pasting randomly adds spaces in some of the entries. If you use this just remove the spaces

Edited by Nomadd

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I want to show you my static weapon Unit config

fun = ["stat",[15,0,0],[ ],[ ],[1,1,10,1],[ ],[0,25,0,6,1]] spawn DAC_Zone

It only works if used within the tank array - tested with the others before

Unit Config add:

// Taki Milita Static Weapons

case 25:


_Unit_Pool_S = ["TK_INS_Soldier_EP1","TK_INS_Soldier_EP1","TK_INS_ Soldier_TL_EP1"];

_Unit_Pool_V = [];

_Unit_Pool_T = ["DSHKM_INS"];

_Unit_Pool_A = [];



You need at least 3 Infantry class names withing the Unit_Pool_S btw.

Well I'm using a single new zone to apply static weapons here - you surely can just add stat weapon classnames within the tank array - or replace them completly with static weps.

I prefer not to

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//-----------------------------Chechen Troops--------------------------------------------------------------------

case 3:


_Unit_Pool_S = [






_Unit_Pool_V = [ "Pickup_PK_chechen","Offroad_SPG9_chechen","Offroad_DSHKM_chechen","UAZ_MG_INS","Ural_Chechen","UralOpen_Chechen","Ural_ZU23_INS"];

_Unit_Pool_T = [ "BMP2_Chechen","T55_Chechen","BMP2_Chechen","BRDM2_Chechen","BRDM2_ATGM_Chechen","T72_INS","T55_Chechen"];

_Unit_Pool_A = [ "Mi17_Ins"];


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