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Dynamic-AI-Creator (DAC) V3.0 released

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I share your desire for both DAC PBO version and DAC script-only version, each with the most minimal of requirements.

Btw though, who are these "some people simply don't get the idea why the situation is how it is" people? I hope you realize everyone involved is working toward the best solution possible, but I'm not completely sure I understand your whole meaning... and why the "thread baillout"? :eek:


After thinking on it a bit longer, I may have come up with a way to eliminate the "DAC Locations" config portion requirement all-together.

No promises at this point, but if we can get rid of that "DAC Locations" part:

If we can make this happen then Silola, we then have completely free-and-clear addon free version for script-only DAC? :)

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Thanks Silola for your enlighting explanation on the radio values! :)

Well but here comes the next little thing... *sorry* :(

I´ve used your "waituntil{DAC_Basic_Value == 1};" command in the "init.sqf" to avoid conflicts with other scripts but ArmA tells me at the beginning that this variable isn´t defined.

I did write "DAC_Basic_Value = 0;" at the top of the "init.sqf" and then it worked properly but I still wanted to ask if the init is the right place to define that variable and if it does interfere with the initialization process (as the step with DAC_Basic_Value = 0; isnt mentioned anywhere in the manual)?

Thanks in advance for your effort :bounce3:

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Hi :)

I did write "DAC_Basic_Value = 0;" at the top of the "init.sqf"

That's ok, cause at this time the var is not defined.

And it does not interfere with the initialization process of DAC :)


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thanks for the mod! But I had to unpack the DAC source PBO, because the beam script when you cliock on the map doesnt work, if you use extern DAC! I added the WW2 Normandy units! Added playable units out of the battlearea, and added a Camp-Zone for every side with 1500 reinforcements!, and a Unit Zone! In the end there are 400 Soldiers on the Battlezone! Play on Hürtgen, Tschernaurussia, Sbrjod, and Other Maps! When I die, I take over the next playable soldier and beam myself into battle! Played at last 3 hours! Added an own base, with german Flag, 88flak as defence and a commandbunker as main Base!

There is one Idea I have: Why dont you add a variable, that makes all Units, DAC spawns Playable! So you can make an easy multiplayer mode mission! Units respawn in the base, attack next Position, if you die, you take next soldier and so on! So you can build up a frontline, and have a lot of fun with friends or alone even! :yay:

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Hi :)

But I had to unpack the DAC source PBO, because the beam script when you cliock on the map doesnt work, if you use extern DAC!

Sorry, but I don't understand what u mean :confused:

You must not unpack the DAC in order to make units playable.

In order to trigger an action for certain units of a zone, you can use the DAC_Config_Event (to make a unit playable for example).

Please read the readme page 49 + 50.

If u need help let me know :)



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We have tried both .pbos on the server. I have no idea why i doesn´t work...

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After thinking on it a bit longer, I may have come up with a way to eliminate the "DAC Locations" config portion requirement all-together.

OK, after some more thought, now I am totally confident I can make my functions work with just the default ArmA2 location types. Thus we should be able to remove the config all-together in the DAC Script-Only version and avoid any crazy CBA dependencies, or any other dependencies for that matter.


If this sounds good to you, it's all a very mild change on you end. Just changing the location type from "DAC_Zone" to "Name" and doing a setVariable on the newly created location to identify it as a DAC zone.

I'll need to make small updates to a couple of my functions as well, but it should be totally do-able. Kind of silly on my end that I didn't think of this method sooner. :D

In the end, I think complete standalone DAC Script-Only version free of any addon dependencies will benefit everyone, including those running MP servers, those that need to tweak something in the code for a certain mission, etc, etc, etc. Everyone should be happy. (Well I guess there are always some people who are never happy. :p )

Please do let me know what you think. :)

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Hi :)

If this sounds good to you, it's all a very mild change on you end. Just changing the location type from "DAC_Zone" to "Name" and doing a setVariable on the newly created location to identify it as a DAC zone.

Roger that ... nice find m8 :)

So the script variant has no limit against the pbo variant (in case of your functions)... right?




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Indeed, the Script Variant and PBO Variant will work identically, at least so far as my functions are concerned. :)

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Hi :)

If someone want to test the first version of the DAC script variant ... let me know >>> PM.

Thanks and bye


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I am very interested in testing the script version. And thx by the way for releasing a second (non pbo) version - so we finally can run our server with this fine addon without increasing the amount of needed mods. Really great! Thumbs up!!!

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Wow!!!! I can't wait to try this in 7 days! Thx Silola and all!

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Is it possible to have one side inherit the other sides zone? the idea being AI attack a zone and say after that zones units drop below a certain percent the attacking AI take over that zone... and then move on to the next zone?

I know its not currently possible (well afaict) but could it be a possible feature in future?

Im thinking a type of warfare where AI fight over zones?

or Probably its another dumb request from me :p

anyway imho this mod is the best thing that has ever happened to arma besides all the patches BIS are currently churning out, thanks again guys

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Thanks Silola and everyone else involved in getting this released

having fun messing around and testing in the editor.

It's great having real truly dynamic missions again!

small request if possible silola?

please can you add an example mission of that classic dac sectorfight mp mission?

was a fav with me and my mates and we would love to get a working version into A2,im sure others will enjoy sectorfight too!

I tried rebuilding/converting the map3de version a few days ago but mission just sits stuck at a black screen with "please wait...." message after using the computer gui and hitting the start mission button.


this sectorfight is almost what you are looking for by the sounds of it

i'd post some more info on the mission but unfortunatly it was on the now closed down mapfact site

Anyway once again nice to have DAC3 in A2

looking forward to seeing a script version sometime too.

Edited by BiGGiBs

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Cheers i had a look and found it on armaholic, i was thinking more of an option to be able to add some type of array of zone names to the DAC script call, similar to the camp one which links/supplies zones except it would be to attack zones? maybe there could be a priority given which zones to attack like [z1_1,z2_2,z2_3]? again i probably dont know what the hell im talking about but just throwing it out there...

Edited by Katipo66

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Hi and many thx :-)

please can you add an example mission of that classic dac sectorfight mp mission?

was a fav with me and my mates and we would love to get a working version into A2,im sure others will enjoy sectorfight too!

LOL ... I did not think that this kind of mission might be interested,

but all scripts regards to sectorfight missions are still included in the DAC ;-)

I will design a small sample mission, and release them with the script version of DAC.

Cheers i had a look and found it on armaholic, i was thinking more of an option to be able to add some type of array of zone names to the DAC script call, similar to the camp one which links/supplies zones except it would be to attack zones? maybe there could be a priority given which zones to attack like [z1_1,z2_2,z2_3]? again i probably dont know what the hell im talking about but just throwing it out there...

I think it's an interesting option and I have already thought about a similar mission.

But so far I've only written a small script that divided a given area into equal sectors.

The principle is to create for each sector one marker and one trigger, which can then be checked for their condition and so on.

For the sectors, there are 3 different sizes ... 200, 100, 50 m, as shown in the following pictures:







Ok, now when I start the DAC, it looks in the sectors as follows:



In the blue sectors are friendly units. In the red sectors are enemy units. The remaining sectors are still neutral.

After some time the sectors looks as follows:


In the dark blue sectors are friendly units. In the dark red sectors enemy units.

The bright sectors there are no units. They show which units have recently been in the sector.

In the yellow sectors are friendly and enemy units.

More details later ... maybe.



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Hi and many thx :-)

LOL ... I did not think that this kind of mission might be interested,

but all scripts regards to sectorfight missions are still included in the DAC ;-)

I will design a small sample mission, and release them with the script version of DAC.

Nice! will it have that start up dialog or am i being greedy!!

I think it's an interesting option and I have already thought about a similar mission.

But so far I've only written a small script that divided a given area into equal sectors.

Im really glad you're thinking that way, this thing is crazy, love it! :D

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Bug: NAPA camps generated with CDF flag, instead of thier own.

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Hi, Has anybody made any more camp configs that I can add to the camp config sqf


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Bug: NAPA camps generated with CDF flag, instead of thier own.

You can change what flag to be appeared easily in the configuration files.

Same belongs to create new camps.The readme is imho very detailed and easy to understand, even for "non-scripters".

Done within 2mins.

Each time i start a map with DAC i am satisfied and suprised again, as i already was in OFP and ArmA1 by DAC.

Just a great tool, with what Arma2-Dynamic is lifted to another level.

Thx again for that masterpiece Andy!

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Yeah im really impressed with the very detailed readme that has come with this, this could have potentially been overly complex etc but has been delivered and presented very professionally!

and im finally putting all them units/vehicles ive ever downloaded to good use.

Maybe a place to exchange custom configs would be cool?

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I'm having a problem with AI behavior. I'm using my own DAC_Config_Behaviour.sqf via DAC_Single_Config = ["Creator","Behaviour"]; and I configure for infantry zone #0:

_setCombat = ["green"];

_setBehav = ["careless"];

_setSpeed = ["limited"];

I've deleted all other cases and double checked, that I use #0 in triggers, but spawned infantry is still running fast. I want them to move slowly and careless like on patrol. Why is it not working? Is it a bug?

Here is example of DAC_Zone call, which I use:

nul = ["z1",[1,0,0],["2",2,50,8],[],[],[],[0,6,0,0,0]] spawn DAC_Zone

P.S. Thank you, Silola, for such a great system!

Edited by MessiahUA

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I don't wish to imply that you're not understanding DAC, but some basics:

Are you running the DAC_Ext logic unit?

Do you have the DAC folder (and its DAC_Config_Behaviour.sqf) in your mission folder?


BTW I don't think you need the speech quotes around the 2 in your zone call.

Edited by DMarkwick

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'nul = ["z1",[1,0,0],["2",2,50,8],[],[],[],[0,6,0,0,0]] spawn DAC_Zone'

I never saw this "2" in the config.Maybe you should write it without " ;-)

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