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AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

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Hey Lurchi .... still using this in script form and loving it. Tell me is there ANY way in script form to get the bigger shells ?

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Sorry about that. I have the Ac130 model in work. Just swamped with real life work and my other side projects. I will post wip shots soon. The model is a convert from GTA (with full permissions of course).

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Ref IR Strobes,

In RL they Can be seen on NVG, but should not be seen on FLIR, different wave length.

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PROTOTYPE 001: thats great :D do you post some previews today?

Kremator: Jap, we use it in script form on our Public server. And i searching for an solution for that shell "problem" too :D

I had some pm contact with LDL, and he tells me, that he needs to use the Arma shell for the script version. I think thats the reason why the 105mm is so weak cause there is no bigger one or other where to big.

keep it coming, like that script/mod a lot :D:D

Edited by B1n4ry

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Hey Lurchi .... still using this in script form and loving it. Tell me is there ANY way in script form to get the bigger shells ?

You could try other shell types. Just change this array AFTER the LDL_init.sqf executed:

waitUntil {!isNil "LDL_initDone"};
waitUntil {LDL_initDone};

LDL_ammo = ["G_30mm_HE","Sh_120_SABOT","Sh_120_HE"];

class names for 25mm, 40mm and 105mm


Sorry about that. I have the Ac130 model in work. Just swamped with real life work and my other side projects. I will post wip shots soon. The model is a convert from GTA (with full permissions of course).

Nice :)

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I use the script version and

With the latest beta patch: ARMA2_OA_Build_83657

the sh_120_SABOT shell is very weak it takes 10 to 20 shots to kill armor with this beta.

The G_30mm_HE","Sh_120_HE" are still ok with it .

I tested with 83569 and 83553 and they are ok only takes 1 or 2 hit to destroy armor.

so it started with 83657

Can some one confirm ?


Edited by mousetrap

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edit: double post, sorry

Edited by B1n4ry

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hi all

okay, we use these settings:

LDL_ammo = ["B_25mm_HE","Sh_40_HE","ARTY_Sh_105_HE"];

The 25mm is now weaker, but more realistic (because of the caliber). I added more ammo, to balance it.

The 40mm is from BAF. I used the HE round, because its looks more realistic, but if you want an AP round, just change HE into SABOT.

The 105mm round is from OA. This one needs 1 shot on an Armor to bring the Crew out of it. What i like on this round is the nice Smoke effect after impact, just try it ;D


it would be cool, if you can make the 40mm to use HE AND SABOT rounds, or the ability to switch between two typs of rounds?

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Thank you I will check this out!

Interesting to use shells from BAF and OA... there should be no problem if someone doesn't own these addons since there are lite versions?

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i think so, we use this settings on our public server and had no disconnect or other problems with it .

sorry for that spam posts before, i didn't know that they need to be confirmed by a moderator.

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Beta for v.0.8 is available. If anybody is interested in testing it (especially multiplayer) contact me or post a message here ;)

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i am interested of course :D

but our root is courently down, so we cant test it multiplayer :/

what changes did you made ?

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Beta for v.0.8 is available. If anybody is interested in testing it (especially multiplayer) contact me or post a message here ;)

I will test it....Thanks

---------- Post added at 08:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 AM ----------

hi all

okay, we use these settings:

LDL_ammo = ["B_25mm_HE","Sh_40_HE","ARTY_Sh_105_HE"];

The 25mm is now weaker, but more realistic (because of the caliber). I added more ammo, to balance it.

The 40mm is from BAF. I used the HE round, because its looks more realistic, but if you want an AP round, just change HE into SABOT.

The 105mm round is from OA. This one needs 1 shot on an Armor to bring the Crew out of it. What i like on this round is the nice Smoke effect after impact, just try it ;D


it would be cool, if you can make the 40mm to use HE AND SABOT rounds, or the ability to switch between two typs of rounds?


Thanks for this.

Man ....1 round of that 105mm is Devastating for a large area to any Inf ..they look like leaves blowing in the wind ..

the 25mm is great for Precision hits....

I like it better then the G_30mm_HE

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I hate to use your new version LurchiDerLurch, I wanted to know if you had planned to make a skin for AC-130 like that?


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Sorry about that. I have the Ac130 model in work. Just swamped with real life work and my other side projects. I will post wip shots soon. The model is a convert from GTA (with full permissions of course).

I think that should answer your question ;D

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I use the script version and

With the latest beta patch: ARMA2_OA_Build_83657

the sh_120_SABOT shell is very weak it takes 10 to 20 shots to kill armor with this beta.

The G_30mm_HE","Sh_120_HE" are still ok with it .

I tested with 83569 and 83553 and they are ok only takes 1 or 2 hit to destroy armor.

so it started with 83657

Can some one confirm ?




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LurchiDerLurch sir, could you explain to me how to add your AC-130 gunship to my own co30_Domination_2_28A2_West_OA.Takistan game? I have no idea on how to add something so amazing as your addon to my game! Help please

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Is it possible to autoinit on ANY C130 that is spawned after the game starts (ie NOT mentioned in mission.sqm) ? What do I need to add to have the player about to control the gunship from pilot or copilot position ?

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Is it possible to autoinit on ANY C130 that is spawned after the game starts (ie NOT mentioned in mission.sqm) ? What do I need to add to have the player about to control the gunship from pilot or copilot position ?

that could be tricky because you'll have to check in a while loop continuisly if a new new vehicle of type C130 is here and add to a list (array) if it's not already in there... and then execute the init

what do you mean with your second question?

@Krurnosai: It's explained in the readme. Do you have little experience in scripting? Please try it first and if you need further help you can ask again ;)

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