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Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2.0 Released!

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DUXFORD, UK, March 26, 2009 – The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics have released Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2. This is an upgrade to the unofficial Lock On: Flaming Cliffs add-on. Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 features all the flyable aircraft of Lock On: Flaming Cliffs and includes several fan-requested updates to aircraft, sensor, and weapon systems. Lock On: Flaming Cliffs combines a large stable of modern U.S. and Russian aircraft to fly over Russia and Georgia with game play for both casual and hardcore flight simulation enthusiasts.

Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 features the same world environment and game functionality as the Digital Combat Simulation (DCS) series and is online compatible an updated copy of the Ka-50 attack helicopter simulation DCS: Black Shark www.digitalcombatsimulator.com. Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 allows Lock On pilots and Black Shark pilots to now fly online together in both cooperative and head-to-head online play.

The Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 upgrade for owners of Lock On and Lock On: Flaming Cliffs is available for sale as a download from the Eagle Dynamics Lock On web site for $29.99 USD.


A DVD boxed version of Flaming Cliffs 2 will be available in May from http://www.kengray.co.uk/lockonbuy.htm

By using the DCS environment, Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 users will have improved terrain, mission editor, AI flight models, 3D objects, artificial intelligence (AI), and multiplayer. The aircraft of Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 include:

• Su-25 (new 3D model)

• Su-25T

• A-10A

• Su-27

• Su-33

• MiG-29A

• MiG-29C

• F-15C

Several new missions and campaigns are included in Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2.

Launch trailer:

FAQ: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?...70&postcount=2

About The Fighter Collection

The Fighter Collection, as well as developing software for the entertainment and serious game markets, also operates, rebuilds and maintains Europe's largest collection of airworthy WWII fighters and is based at Duxford Airfield, in the UK. For more information visit our websites: http://www.fighter-collection.com/

Contact: [email protected]

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I will probably buy this one. Although I can not save my campaign with FC version 1.12. As soon as one aircraft on my side is killed it won't save.

If the visual distance for aircraft in arma2 could be made higher without much impact on performance (at least 15 km) - instead visual quality would be lowered and similar precisely modeled systems introduced, the game would truly become the ultimate combat simulator. There could also be an arcade/sim switch. Just dreaming...

I hope they fixed the save games in FC 2...

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To save the mission in 1.12 (which you will be able to play even with 2.0 installed):

Wait until you complete the mission (press ' and look to see that the golas are 100%)

Then press the floppy disk icon in the upper left AFTER you exit the mission

Pressing the save button during the mission will not save it. That's for saving tracks ;)

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What do you mean by saving tracks? I guess you meant the in-mission progress (Esc during mission -> save button ... which does not work after you lost an AI on your side).

I remember I tried pressing the floppy disk button but it rarely worked (the missions were lost on the next restart of the game). Thanks for the tip. I will do exactly as you described: Complete mission -> Esc -> exit button -> check for 100% -> floppy disk button (if I understood corectly).

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Wow, a patch and upgrade for 29.99...nice.

Is it the 1.13 patch that was promised back in 2007?

How will this work...head on Multiplayer F-15 vs. Ka-50...sounds a bit lame.

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What do you mean by saving tracks? I guess you meant the in-mission progress (Esc during mission -> save button ... which does not work after you lost an AI on your side).

I remember I tried pressing the floppy disk button but it rarely worked (the missions were lost on the next restart of the game). Thanks for the tip. I will do exactly as you described: Complete mission -> Esc -> exit button -> check for 100% -> floppy disk button (if I understood corectly).

In LOFC 1.12, you cannot save in-progress. You have to compelte the mission. If you save before you have successfully completed that mission, it's the same as not flying it.

Wow, a patch and upgrade for 29.99...nice.

Is it the 1.13 patch that was promised back in 2007?

How will this work...head on Multiplayer F-15 vs. Ka-50...sounds a bit lame.

Head to head? That would be the result of a really horrible mission designer.

It puts LOFC onto the DCS engine for one. It will also make DCS and LOFC online compatible. Meaning, you can fly a KA-50 and work with the fixed wing aircraft. If you've flown any of the campaigns in DCS Blackshark you'd see how the KA-50's can operate with the SU-25's for ground attack while MiG's or SU's are flying CAP for the ground pounders :)

---------- Post added at 04:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 AM ----------

Took it a while to download due to the demand on the mirrors. Finally got it downlaoded and installed.

One word:


BIS and ED should get together and release ArmA2's ground physics with DCS/LOFC's flight models. THAT would be a sim!!!!!!!

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In LOFC 1.12, you cannot save in-progress. You have to compelte the mission. If you save before you have successfully completed that mission, it's the same as not flying it.

Head to head? That would be the result of a really horrible mission designer.

It puts LOFC onto the DCS engine for one. It will also make DCS and LOFC online compatible. Meaning, you can fly a KA-50 and work with the fixed wing aircraft. If you've flown any of the campaigns in DCS Blackshark you'd see how the KA-50's can operate with the SU-25's for ground attack while MiG's or SU's are flying CAP for the ground pounders :)

---------- Post added at 04:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 AM ----------

Took it a while to download due to the demand on the mirrors. Finally got it downlaoded and installed.

One word:


BIS and ED should get together and release ArmA2's ground physics with DCS/LOFC's flight models. THAT would be a sim!!!!!!!

Just got it myself :)

Now I have to program the trusty X-52 Pro again as I haven't since this particular build :(

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Will buy it exactly! That's what I wanted for a long time.

BIS and ED should get together and release ArmA2's ground physics with DCS/LOFC's flight models. THAT would be a sim!!!!!!!

With DCS ground scales and A2 1st person view that would be death to every PC for nearest 15 years :)

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I love LockOn's A-10, but am impatiently awaiting the DCS A-10 they are working on.

Everytime I fly the A-10 in ArmA2, I always wish it was at least the one from LockOn lol!

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Yeah, the A-10 in that game feels like a Cadillac, next to the Su-25s.

I've been hooked on the vanilla Su-25. There's something about flying with no HUD, all analogue, and haveing to lase for yourself. It really feels like a workout in your mission.

I just downloaded 2.0. It's nice being able to map the controls on my Saitek (52?), where the game had problems doing it before.


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I'm loving it.

SU-33 carrier ops 4tw :)

Fully agree. :)

I have loads of fun, just taking off and landing over and over again. The HUD cues really are helpful for this.

Didn't this have an AI-only naval version of the -25? That would have been nice to fly.


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Naval version has no attack capabilities (it's just for training only) so AI would have nothing to do with it. This plane should be human-playable only.

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OOOH Baby. I have been a big fan of the lock on game. I think it was really made in favor of the russians more than anyone else because all the upgrades, planes and extra are mig orientated. I think other than flaming cliffs, lock on itself could come out with a newer sequel. Try to keep up with open falcon and free falcon.

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Flying in the Caucasus? Nice.

Only wish I had a joystick.

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Only one thing disappointed me - they removed all Crimean cities and airports.

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At first that bugged me until I started flying in 2.0 It's nowhere near as small as I originally gave it credit for. Smaller, but not tiny like I had expected. Guess it feels smaller in DCS even though I love flying DCS as well.

The main adjustment was learning the new airports and getting my bearings in a new map. I was used to Crimea, but having to change is not always a bad thing :)

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must decide my self to buy it,is just a sort of survival instinct to prevent me

to do it,i can't restart to spend 5 years every day on a new game.

im out from that tunnel for the moment :rolleyes:

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Most of the IFVs now have some AA capability. I definitely felt it...


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I am waiting for the patches......the one for FC2 and the one for DCS:BS before I buy.

I dont know for how long I will wait it looks like fun :rolleyes:

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but it's a new game version or only a version with lock on and blacksharck combined?

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Patch 1.2.1 for FC2 is released, the patch for Black shark that will allow mp compatibility will be released soon. :cool:

My first impression with FC2 is great, it is a real treat especially since I jumped from original lock on to FC 2 skipping the first flaming cliffs. Simply flying in FC2 feels different and fresh....and the mouse head control like in black shark is a blessing for me. I love it. :bounce3:

but it's a new game version or only a version with lock on and blacksharck combined?

FC2 is the new version of the lock on series, it is not directly related to black shark except that the two programs can function in multilayer together (after the patch for black shark is released).

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FC2 is the new version of the lock on series, it is not directly related to black shark except that the two programs can function in multilayer together (after the patch for black shark is released).

tnx all clear now ;)

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