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Fix soldiers clipping thru sandbags/objects

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I was playing some online co-op the other night and we were attacking an enemy bunker which had soldiers standing behind some sandbag emplacements. We opened fire and got 1 or 2; but the others went prone (we could still see their rifles moving as they stuck thru the sandbags). As we moved in for grenades while they were "suppressed", one guy opened fire from the prone position clipping thru the sandbags and killed 2 or 3 guys right off the bat with near 100% accuracy. Two 4-man fire teams returned with a volley of fire but didn't give him a scratch as only his barrel was showing but not any body parts. We finally got some guys in close enough to use nades and "fixed the glitch"; but still...will we ever see a fix for AI clipping thru objects (besides the fact that they can still track targets with 100% accuracy even tho there's a sandbag wall between us)?

It's not just sandbags; as I've also seen it with prone soldiers clipping thru the floors/walls in buildings. I'll try to take some pics or make a quick vid of it in case people don't know what I'm talking about

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Yeah, been talked about a lot how badly this game detects collisions... And even worse, see how in this video at the start the weapon is clipping through the wall but the soldier strafes fine, while at the end his weapon is clearly not touching the wall yet he gets stuck on the corner:


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Yeah, been talked about a lot how badly this game detects collisions... And even worse, see how in this video at the start the weapon is clipping through the wall but the soldier strafes fine, while at the end his weapon is clearly not touching the wall yet he gets stuck on the corner:

easily fixed if we had access to the MLODs... but this would also make weapons be able to stuck in other soldier models, kind of impaling them...

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The video is not even AI, it's a player... AI are much worse in that aspect as they are actually allowed to clip more than players are to make their pathing easier (this goes as far as letting them walk straight through walls/buildings).

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It would be really nice to see enhanced cover AI as well.

I don't want to see enchanced A.I cover put in if the player doesn't have it too. It may seem small but if your idea of 'enchanced' means in the style of Bioshock 2 or AVP3 where you give the A.I the ability to duck in and out of cover like human beings while leaving the player as a motionless camera with a gun attached to the side I'd rather see nothing done.

If of course you are purely talking about collision however and making the A.I just do everything as a player would then I'm completely with you.

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What I meant was that the last time I checked, it was common knowledge that editor placed objects and vehicles counted as cover.

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AI can walk through almost anything in my experience, the hangars

huge complex buildings,walls.

yeah I do agree

Arma 2 Collision detection is abysmal +1

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i think this is another one of those situations where we give up an important thing to make a few other important things in the game work better

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