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Taliban failing to detonate mine

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It's the journalist with them that doesn't value his life. Shit, it's nothing like embedding with the nice, safe, marines. Nothing is going to instantaneously eradicate you like the hand of god from miles away if you're with the U.S.

Tell that to Bob Woodruff, etc.


Those guys in the video kind of, er, gave up on destroying an American tank because some women and children could have gotten caught in the crossfire.

And when the bomb finally goes off they were certain no civilians were near?

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Funny, if this was an American or British operation gone wrong the whole forum would've gone "ah man, that's just the way things work in wars". But noooo, they're dirty little Taliban-apes that have no sense of logic. They probably sleep in their own poo as well.

These are desperate men who use desperate measures. They lack training, education, equipment and a decent life. All they have is their fundamentalism. I don't defend them, but I can respect them for what they are just as I respect American soldiers. Maybe once you see past the imperialistic screen of shit you might be able to actually, you know, defeat them? Because if they're just poo crawling apes that don't know one thing about anything, how come they're beating the shit out of you?

This is neo-colonial imperialism at its finest. You guys are no fucking better than the Europeans of the colonial hay-days of the 1800s.

(How to make yourself immensely impopular in less than 200 words. Huzzah!)

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Tell that to Bob Woodruff, etc.

And when the bomb finally goes off they were certain no civilians were near?

You sure you're not trying hard to find fault because you didn't like part you didn't quote?

Yes, obviously U.S. forces risk sudden, unexpected death as well and obviously the safety of the general population isn't the priority of the most softhearted Taliban.

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The Taliban in this video are as stupid as they are shown in the movie Postal :D ... It's good they failed this time.

The movie "An American Carol" comes to mind all so :)

Mohammed: It is getting harder to recruit suicide bombers, and all the really good ones are gone.

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Interesting to see it from the Taliban's point of view.

Sorry, but I do not see anything funny in that video. Those guys are arguing because they failed to kill.

Edited by gulag

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I remember seeing a video on youtube a while ago where some Iraqi insurgents are firing a mortar while someone across the street films it, and one of the rounds goes off in the tube, ouch!

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That video is a comedy of errors, if they were coordinated theyd be deadly.

The men of Islamic faith must be gay to make their women cover up. Nothing better than watching all the poottie tang walking around in skimpy clothes!

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Most religions are horribly misogynistic - medieval Christianity was no better than Islam is in places like Saudi Arabia... The main thing is that most traditionally Christian countries have calmed the rhetoric down a bit... During Franco's Catholic dictatorship, women were subjected to some similar measures such as having to cover up when outside, and having to do just about everything through their husbands or fathers.

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The pilgrims that decorate Walmart store windows on Thanksgiving made their women wear headscarves.

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anyone ever see that video of an iraqi/afghanistan insurgant who ran up to an american tank and started firing a pistol at it, like it actually meant something. The turrent slowly turned round and BANG! Red mist and no more insurgant, not even smoking boots on the ground. It was soo funny to watch like it was some sort of tv sketch. I can just imagine the chat from inside the tank

John: Hey, Pete, you wouldn't guess what... Theres only some Retard shooting 9mm rounds at us.

Pete: What a plonker........ Destroy him.

Edited by Archamedes

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During the Gulf War, a hapless Iraqi soldier unaware of the concept of backblast fired an RPG from inside a tiny bunker at an American tank...

I think at least the tank was ok afterwards...

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anyone ever see that video of an iraqi/afghanistan insurgant who ran up to an american tank and started firing a pistol at it, like it actually meant something. The turrent slowly turned round and BANG! Red mist and no more insurgant, not even smoking boots on the ground. It was soo funny to watch like it was some sort of tv sketch. I can just imagine the chat from inside the tank

John: Hey, Pete, you wouldn't guess what... Theres only some Retard shooting 9mm rounds at us.

Pete: What a plonker........ Destroy him.

Right. so when a wester soldier dies, it's a tragedy. but when an insurgent boy dies it's "funny"

A common attitude in this this thread seems to be a desire degrade and dehumanise the enemy... To demonstrate that the life of a western soldier is worth more than the life of an arab insurgent... Lots of you guys actually seem to believe this.

And thats just fine. But by expressing attitudes like that it's seriously no wonder these people hate us and want to kill us. You offend people. You kill them. You tell them their lives are worthless. You laugh when they die. And you are suprised when they fight back? - get real

Attitudes like yours only feed the resistance and make it grow larger. And more restitance will only further endanger the lives of your beloved "hero" soldiers.

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Funny, if this was an American or British operation gone wrong the whole forum would've gone "ah man, that's just the way things work in wars". But noooo, they're dirty little Taliban-apes that have no sense of logic. They probably sleep in their own poo as well.

These are desperate men who use desperate measures. They lack training, education, equipment and a decent life. All they have is their fundamentalism. I don't defend them, but I can respect them for what they are just as I respect American soldiers. Maybe once you see past the imperialistic screen of shit you might be able to actually, you know, defeat them? Because if they're just poo crawling apes that don't know one thing about anything, how come they're beating the shit out of you?

This is neo-colonial imperialism at its finest. You guys are no fucking better than the Europeans of the colonial hay-days of the 1800s.

(How to make yourself immensely impopular in less than 200 words. Huzzah!)

Generally speaking, strong countries take advantage of weaker countries for whatever reason. This is the way things have worked since the dawn of time. It's not nice but it's not downright evil (unless something genuinely nasty is involved) it is just the way things are and are likely to be for some time. I find it very rich that you are so critical of "empire" seeing as how other smaller/less involved western countries directly benefit from it. You do enjoy your lifestyle don't you?

If it hadn't been European countries that sailed off to secure lucrative foreign markets and exploit other kingdoms/states it would have been the other way round.

Oh and do keep up, supporting the opposing force and being naively idealistic hasn't been fashionable since the 1960s.

Edited by Snafu

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Right. so when a wester soldier dies, it's a tragedy. but when an insurgent boy dies it's "funny"

A common attitude in this this thread seems to be a desire degrade and dehumanise the enemy... To demonstrate that the life of a western soldier is worth more than the life of an arab insurgent... Lots of you guys actually seem to believe this.

And thats just fine. But by expressing attitudes like that it's seriously no wonder these people hate us and want to kill us. You offend people. You kill them. You tell them their lives are worthless. You laugh when they die. And you are suprised when they fight back? - get real

Attitudes like yours only feed the resistance and make it grow larger. And more restitance will only further endanger the lives of your beloved "hero" soldiers.

i didnt say it was funny because it was an insurgant, i said it was funny because of the way it happened. it would still have been funny if it was the other way round, don't try to twist what i was saying.

And for your information just changing the subject slightly here, i do get sick of all the pro american war films where they swoop in and save the day. I think it would be very interesting to see a film from the insurgant perspective. Show why they are so angry and why they fight the way the do. But i can imagine a film being released about americans being killed and portrayed as the bad people. Can you see how well that would go down?

Edited by Archamedes

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EDIT: Wrong thread... such are the joys of tabbed browsing.

Edited by echo1

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Right. so when a wester soldier dies, it's a tragedy. but when an insurgent boy dies it's "funny"

A common attitude in this this thread seems to be a desire degrade and dehumanise the enemy... To demonstrate that the life of a western soldier is worth more than the life of an arab insurgent... Lots of you guys actually seem to believe this.

And thats just fine. But by expressing attitudes like that it's seriously no wonder these people hate us and want to kill us. You offend people. You kill them. You tell them their lives are worthless. You laugh when they die. And you are suprised when they fight back? - get real

Attitudes like yours only feed the resistance and make it grow larger. And more restitance will only further endanger the lives of your beloved "hero" soldiers.

They dehumanize themselves pretty well. Shall I post the vid I have of them shooting a tied up 12 yr old boy in the head?

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sounds like a plan, i haven't seen a good horror film in a while, nothing beats watching the real thing

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I think that was a rhetorical question. You're not allowed to post pictures of gore around here anyway, or even link to them.

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Sure, then someone can post videos of US soldiers torturing and raping prisoners and innocent civilians in the country they're supposed to be helping, or even raping their own soldiers.

You're talking about people who are held criminally responsible for their actions, I was talking about those who choose them as tactics.

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Sure, then someone can post videos of US soldiers torturing and raping prisoners and innocent civilians in the country they're supposed to be helping, or even raping their own soldiers.

Could have least posted an actual video...

The Taliban had a twisted regime in Afghanistan and often hung and murdered people for petty issues, plus kill females who go to school.

Dehumaised yes, it's a total different level to the US soliders you posted. They're isolated incidents, Taliban did things all over the country.

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What evidence is there that the insurgents being referred to in this thread (the people in the video in the first post, the guy attacking a tank with a pistol) are in any way associated with those who perform the beheadings?

Do you not think that those who take up arms against our troops take the same moral shortcuts when thinking about our soldiers: each individual incident is used to show that all of us are evil. If you had the chance to discuss with them their views on the barbaric behaviour of our soldiers, would you expect them to understand that they're "isolated incidents" and not representative of how you yourself behave, or how we in general behave?

Is it not highly likely then, that most of those fighting us have never participated in such acts and do not condone them? Why not give them the same benefit of doubt that you'd urge them to afford our troops. Or is it easier to just say they're all the same? After all, it worked in WWII when we assumed all German soldiers were Nazis.

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Oh, of course they'd lecture you forever and ever about the evils of America, but then they'd go and do the same and worse when the Americans leave.

Again, I hate to sound like I'm spewing American propaganda, but these people are not fighting for freedom and love for one and all...

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